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~*Message to Humankind*~

We are engaged in a massive task all over your world where so many areas are engulfed in almost unique darkness.

We have to labour so as to ensure that the light of the spirit will break through that murk and enable people to have access to the source of all life, the supreme power that can enrich them physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the sublime task that activates all we are trying to do.

Our progress is slow. The difficulties that have to be overcome are massive, but gradually we are breaking through. We are establishing bridgeheads in new areas. The power of the spirit is here to stay in your world. It will bring its benign influence to bear on millions.

I and others in my world and yours are privileged to serve in this field of noble labour. Therefore we have the responsibility always of ensuring that we do nothing that in any way would mar the trust that is reposed in us. You have access to the power of the spirit that can reach you. So have I, and when necessary I can call upon it for added strength to help you to serve others just as we try to serve you.

Because of our knowledge, we are imbued with optimism and hope, knowing that at all times the power that is behind us is greater than any that can be mustered in your world. There is no need for defeatism, or for depression. All goes according to the divine plan and will continue to do so. Man can hinder, man can delay; but man cannot destroy the plan that the supreme power has originated to help your world.

We are privileged because our knowledge has enabled us to see beyond the confines of matter and to have glimpses of the larger, beauteous life in a world which is superior to anything that earth can offer. We are aware of higher, evolved beings in this world whose one desire is to help, inspire and utilize earthly instruments as channels for a divine power that can bring a rich beneficence in its train.

It can heal the sick, comfort the mourner, guide those who have lost the way, replace ignorance with knowledge, darkness with light, give strength to the weary, drink to the thirsty and provide guidelines for those who wish to fulfil themselves according to the divine plan.

No prayer for help is unheard; no desire to serve does not get a response. The whole emphasis from our world is to uplift all who are ready to utilize their gifts in the service of those less fortunate than themselves.

Always there is accessible to us not only inspiration and revelation, but the power of the spirit which brings in its train magnificent benefits to be freely bestowed on all who are ready to receive them.

It is our bounden duty so to evolve, develop and unfold that we manifest a greater divinity as time goes on.

Life is deathless; the grave has no power to end life. Love is deathless, because love is stronger than death. Life and love are the twin integral powers of the Great Spirit which we all possess and which we can use as we develop and unfold them, together with any gifts with which we have been endowed, to serve those who are less fortunate then ourselves.

There are more worshippers of mammon than there are of the Great Spirit.

Those who should be the spiritual masters, with knowledge of all that the spirit has to enrich human life, are ignorant because they are bound and restricted by believing in creeds, doctrines and dogmas that did not originate with the Great Spirit but with human beings in your world. Those who should have vision are, alas, among the blind ones.

For that reason there is much work to be done for the power of the spirit to make itself felt, to give the evidence that life and love are eternal, to allow that power of the spirit to show its beneficence by healing the sick, even when some of the best doctors in your world had said no more can be done.

Moreover this tremendous power of the spirit, because it is divine, can sustain, direct, give guidance when seemingly all else has failed. It can point the way so that individuals can live to the fullest extent of their nature physically, mentally and spiritually, realizing the purpose earthly life has in the universal scheme, and thus fulfil themselves as the natural law intends they should so that their temporary sojourn on earth should enable them to be prepared for the greater life that is inevitable for everyone in your world.

There is no need for fear or anxiety as to what the future will hold for you. Spirit is stronger than matter. The Great Spirit is stronger than any human individual. The plan of the Great Spirit will ultimately prevail.

You all have your parts to play. You could all do something to make the place where you live brighter, richer because you are dwelling there. The way will be shown when you are spiritually ready to receive direction.

Be full of cheer, have faith and hope, because you know that once you have made your contact with the greatest power in the universe you will not be failed. Always there will come to your aid those who love you, not only because they are related to you, but others who desire to use you to serve, so that the frontiers of knowledge may be extended wider and further throughout the whole of the world.

My message always is, lift up your hearts and do not despair. Every day is the dawn of opportunities, not only for self-fulfilment, but providing the means where you can help others who will be brought to you so that your purpose and theirs in your world will be fulfilled.

* * *

We pray that we shall play our part in helping the eternal processes of creation, to drive out the darkness, the ignorance, the superstition, the selfishness, the violence and all that are hideous cancers in your world.

Our task is to replace them with a sublime knowledge that will enable the children of the Great Spirit to fill themselves with the radiance that could be theirs.

In expressing our gratitude for all that we have received, we pray that we may be worthy to continue to be channels for this divine wisdom and power, thus being able to serve others less fortunate than ourselves and so help to strengthen and widen the spheres of influence that can teach an increasing number of people how to fulfil themselves.

This is the prayer of thy servant who seeks always to serve.


"The Teaching's of Zareth"


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