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They are the absolutes,the goodly gods and the evil friends, forever locked in the struggle for the souls of the mortals. The concept that is Lloth is purely evil; that of Mielikki, is purely good. As opposite as black and white, with no gray in between. Thus are the concepts, good and evil. Absolute, rigid. There can be no justification for a truly evil act; there is no shade of gray. While an act of good often brings personal gain, the act itself is absolute as its measure is based on intent. This is epitomized by our beliefs in the pantheon, but what of the mortal races, the rational beigns-the human and the races of elvenkind and dwarvenkind, the gnomes and the halflings the gobliniods and the giantkin? Here the question muddles, the absolutes blend. To many, the equation of simple: I am drow, drow and evil, thus i am evil. They are wrong. For what is a rational beign if not a choice? And there can be no evil, nor any good, without intent. It is true that in the Realms there are races and cultures, particularly the goblinoids, which show a general weal of evil, and those, such as the surface elves, which lean toward the concept of good. But even in these, which many consider personifications of an absolute, it is the end individual's intents and actions that ultimately decide.I have know a goblin who was not evil; I am a drow who has not succumbed to they ways of his culture. Still, few drow any fewer goblins can make such claims, and so the generalities hold. Most curious and most diverse among the races are the humans. Here the equation and the expectations muddle most of all. Here perception reins supreme. Here intent is often hidden, secret. No race is more adept than humans at weaving a mask of justification. No race is more adept of weaving a mask of excuses, at ultimately claiming good intent. And no race is more adept at believing its own claims. How many wars have been fought, man against man, with both armies espousing that god, a goodly god, was on their side and in there hearts? But good is not a thing of perception. What is "good" in one culture can not be "evil" in another. This might be true of mores and minor practices, but not of virtue. Virtue is absolute. It must be. Virtue is the celebration of life and of love, the acceptance of others and the desire to grow toward goodness, toward a better place. It is the absence of pride and envy, the willingness to share our joys and to bask in the accomplishments of others. It is above justification because it is what truly lies in each and every heart. If a person dose an evil act, then let him weave his mask, but it will not hide the truth, the absolute, from what is naked within his own heart. There is a place within each of us where we cannot hide from the truth, where virtue sits as a judge. To admit the truth of our actions is to go before that court, where process is irrelevant. Good and evil are intents, and intent is without excuse. Cadderly Bonaduce went to that place as willingly and completely as any man I have known. I recognize that growth within him, and see the result, the Spirit Soaring, most majestic and yet most humble of human accomplishments. Artemis Entreri will go to that place. Perhaps not until the moment of his death, but he will go, as we all must eventually go, and what agony he will realize when the truth of his evil existence is laid bare before him. I pray that he goes soon, and my hope is not born of vengeance, for vengeance is an empty prayer. May Entreri go of his own volition to that most private place within his heart to see the truth and, true harmony that he can never know along his present course. I go to that place within my heart as often as I am able in order to escape the trap of easy justification. It is a painful place, a naked place, but only there might we grow toward goodness; only there, where no mask can justify, might we recognize the truth of our intents, and thus, the truth of our actions. Only there, where virtue sits as judge, are heros born.
                      -Drizzt Do'Urden