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Reading                  Astronomy
Writing                  Rock Climbing
Biking                   Deep Sea Fishing
Swimming                 Skin Diving
Movies                   Bird Watching
Camping                  Horseback Riding
Fishing                  Downhill Skiing
Computers                Cross Country Skiing
Hocky                    Canoeing
Baseball                 Boating
Hiking                   Netting
Chating Online           White Water Rafting

About Snuggles
Hello and welcome to my page, I hope that you enjoy it. I guess your wondering about who Snuggles is, so have a seat on the couch, relax, have a coffee and I'll tell you.

Well first my name is Joseph, I was born Feb. 29, 1972 at 7:22AM in the small town of Orillia, about an hour north of Toronto. I came in to this world kicking and screaming two and a half weeks premature. That's about all I can tell you about my baby days. Except that I was a little angel (just not in my mothers eye LOL.) I am now 25 and a single parent raising a little girl. Her name is Alexis Brittanei Boucher, and she is the sweetest kid around. Alexis was born on March 18 1991 at 4:40PM in Toronto. Alexis weighed 7'11" and was so tiny I was afraid I might break her when they put her in my arm's. She was a miracle and as I held her I found that I could do it with out fear of breaking her. Alexis looked at me with big blue eyes and burst into tears. From that moment I fell in love with my miracle. People had informed me of the late night wakeups for feeding or just because she wanted commpany, but Alexis was a good girl and slept through the night. As Alexis grew I watched with amazement as her personality began to form. She is now six years old and full of life. I some times wonder if she was ever that little baby I told you about. I am 5'7" blond hair and blue eyes, 150 pounds. My hobbies are listed above, I have a great sense of humour and am easy going, Too easy going as my friends tell me. I enjoy writing stories and poetry. One day I hope to publish my work. I owe a special thanks to my good friend Sunshine(Kelly) who taught me that if I really wanted to write poems then I could. :o)"Thanks Kelly for being my inspiration and for being the special person you are. My favorite poet happens to be you, I hope we can do a book together one day. Love ya":o) I also love kids and am thinking of going back to school to get my ECE(Early Childhood Education). I love to travel and would like to one day take a trip around the world. I love to listen to country music. Butterfly Kisses is my favorite song. I love to watch the X-Files and Star Trek. I also happen to believe that there is intelligent life on other planets, In what form I can not tell you, maybe one day we will be lucky enough to find out. My favorite food is pizza and I love my coffee.

My Favorite Movies

Men In Black                Kindergarden Cop
All The Alien's Movies      It Takes Two
Matilda                     101 Dalmations
Raiders Of The Lost Ark     The Temple Of Doom
The Last Crusade            Problem Child 1&2
All The Star Trek Movies    Fear
Twister                     Virus
And Much More
Best Books I Ever Read
Treasure Island               Moby Dick
A Christmas Carol             Romeo and Juliet
Around the World in 80 Days   Robin Hood
and King Arthor

Well thats all about me if there are any questions about me or my page please feel free to E-Mail me or leave a note in my guest book and I will try to answer them A.S.A.P. Thank you for visiting and please sign my guest book on your way out.

Have Fun and Keep Safe!!!!!!
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