Katie sat in front of the TV screen on a cold, rainy Saturday in Jenks, flipping channels. She was bored to death. Gwen, her best friend, was visiting her grandmother in the nursing home, and it was raining, so she couldn’t go outside. Sighing, she flipped to MTV. But right now commercials were on. She sat through a home insurance and a watercraft adjustable bed commercial, until MTV news, with a Hanson special came on the screen. ‘Yes!’ she thought. Then, Ike started talking.
“Hey guys...we’re Hanson. We’ve decided, and I know this will be a big shock. But, we’ve decided that we need a female voice among us. Our siblings, whom most of you know as Jessie, Mackie, Avie and Zoe don’t want to join our band, and we need a bass player, so if you would like to audition to join Hanson, auditions start at the MTV music hall on Sunday at noon. First to come, first to audition.”
“For the application form, which you must fill out in order to even audition, go to our website, ww.hansonline.com or write to
Bass Player Form Request
P.O. Box 703136
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74170” Taylor said.
“See ya there!” Zac finished off.
The commercial ended.
Katie laughed when she realised that Ike had once again, said ww.hansonline.com.
“He always forgets that extra w…anyways, about this band thing…Hanson was getting a girl to join their band? Just any girl who auditioned? But what if Hanson started liking that girl once she joined?” Katie grinned as she thought on and on. ‘What if I were the girl to join the band. Everybody says I sing good. Why not?’ She quickly jumped up and ran to her computer. While it was booting up she ran over and plugged in the modem cord. She was soon logged on to MTV’s website, and was printing the form.
“Good God, this thing is 3 pages long!” she whistled softly. She logged off and sat down at the kitchen table, a pencil poised in her left hand.

Katie waved good-bye to her mother and stepped out of the car. Sighing, she trudged to the end of the line, which wound around the block already, even though she was an hour early. While she waited, she chatted to another girl behind her, who was called Jennifer. They talked about everything from music to movies, nail polish to the internet. Finally, four hours later, it was Katie’s turn. Katie smiled at the guy in the door. He smiled back and said
“Katie Elizabeth Dawes” she said.
“Well Katie Elizabeth Dawes, follow me.” He said, as he led her through some twisted corridors, then left her in a room with another man.
“Hey Katie. I’m Chris Sabec. You can call me Chris. Let’s start with a few simple questions. What octave do you sing at, and have you ever sung for an audience?” he asked.
“I’m an alto, but I can sing at soprano range. I’ve sung in the school choir, but I’ve done solos for it before. I also sometimes sing at church.”
She watched him write something down for a minute.
“Now, honestly, are you obsessed with Hanson?”
She thought for a minute. “Well, I have about 30 posters all over my room, but in all honesty, not really. I just really like what I know about their personalities, and their music.”
He wrote that down too.
“What type of music do you mostly listen too, what is your GPA, what’s your fav. Band besides Hanson and what would your reaction be if Hanson walked in the room this very minute?”
“Mostly rock/pop, 3.2, lots of stuff especially Nirvana and LFO, and I’d say hi, your music rocks and shake their hands.”
“Very good. Follow me, please, we’re heading to stage area, where you will be videofilmed, OK?” he asked, looking down at me. She followed him down towards a large metal door and onto the stage. There, he left her with the command to “Choose a song off of the piece of paper on the floor besides you.” She looked at the list.
1-Runaway Run
2-I Will Come To You
3-Where’s The Love
4-A Song To Sing
5-Sure About It
“Number 1” she said into the mic. The technician put in a tape and soon music flooded the auditorium. As she sung she noticed in the front were 2 other people besides Chris, she recognized Steven Lironi, and the other was someone unrecognizable, but from mercury records, she guessed. Then, after taking her address and phone number, with the promise that they’d call the second they knew if she made it or not, Katie left.

“I really hope I made it, but I don’t think I really have a chance.” Katie said into the phone to her best friend Gwen.
“I think you have as much a chance as making it as the other girls, maybe even a better chance cause you have a good singing voice.” Gwen said.
“Yeah, but they’re also judging on your personality.” Katie replied.
“Stop worrying girl! Geez!” You did great, I know, and if you didn’t make it-which I will be very suprised if you didn’t-then you obviously have something better ahead in store for you.” Gwen reassured.
Katie smiled wryly.
“You’re right. Sorry, I guess I’m kinda worked up over nothing. Well, I better go before I drive you insane.”
“It’s OK. Bye!”
Katie hung up the phone, and slowly got ready for bed.

The next month was like living hell for Katie. Every time the mailman stopped by Katie harassed him to death about whether that was ‘All the mail’ everytime no letter from Mercury came. Then, May 6th, Katie came home from school and sitting on the table was a letter from mercury. She ripped open the envelope and then, slowly unfolded it.

“No grandma, I don’t have a boyfriend yet” Gwen laughed.
Right in the middle of her sentence, an MTV commercial came on with Hanson on the screen.
watched as Isaac Hanson spoke.
“Hey guys...we’re Hanson. We’ve decided, and I know this will be a big shock. But, we’ve decided that we need a female voice among us. Our siblings, whom most of you know as Jessie, Mackie, Avie and Zoe don’t want to join our band, and we need a bass player, so if you would like to audition to join Hanson, auditions start at the MTV music hall on Sunday at noon. First to come, first to audition.”
“For the application form, which you must fill out in order to even audition, go to our website, ww.hansonline.com or write to
Bass Player Form Request
P.O. Box 703136
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74170” Taylor said.
“See ya there!” Zac finished off.
She decided to audition, even though she would probably never get in.
She quickly borrowed a pen from the receptionist and wrote the words “Hanson bass player, go to hansonline” on her hand.
“So anyways grandma…”

After a while of bugging her parents, Gwen finally got to go to the
audition. It was only a short walk, so she set out, form and back-up
tape in hand. Gwen waited patiently with her walkman until it was her turn. The bouncer at the door reached out his hand, and she gave him the form.
"Gwen Rennee Soulsman." She replied. he wrote it down on another form,
and gave it to her. She noticed that it was like a score sheet. Then, he
waved her through. In a few seconds, she found herself on a stage,
looking at 3 men. One asked her for the score sheet that the bouncer had
given her. She walked down the stairs, and gave the sheet to him. Then
she returned to the stage.
"Name." Another shouted.
"Gwen Renee Soulsman." She said into the microphone.
"Range." He continued.
"A little tenor, alto, and a little soprano." The man nodded.
"Experience with entertainment."
"Uh.....I was in a youth theater group, I had my own band, and I've
been in 2 Talent Shows." She said, hoping that she was not obvious in
her nervousness. As she was talking, the man was writing things down on
the score sheet.
"Are you confident with singing in front of an audience?"
"3.6 I think."
"We are going to ask you to sing something. Please choose from the list
on the floor in front of you." He said. She looked down, and there was a
piece of paper taped to the floor. It said:
1-Runaway Run
2-I Will Come To You
3-Where’s The Love
4-A Song To Sing
5-Sure About It

"Number 2." She said. The technician popped in a back-up tape, and the
music started. Her heart pounded in her chest. But she sang anyway. Not
as well as she would have liked, but it was good.
"Do you have anything else?" The man asked when she was done.
"I-I brought a tape of my own, but I don't think it would be fair because everyone else only did one song." She said, and immediately wished she hadn't. She sounded so stupid! But, to her complete surprise, the man seemed to like what she said.
"Keep the tape, because you will be asked to sing that song for Hanson if you get chosen." He said. With that, she left.

1 Month Later
Katie was so excited, she could hardly read the writing.
Dear Katie,
We are pleased to say that you did well at the auditions. To enter yourself in the final contest, simply check the 'continue' box below, and mail this letter back to us. To withdraw completely, check the 'withdraw' box, and again, mail this in. Thank you for your patronage. Good luck.
Chris Sabec and Steven Lironi
Mercury Records
[] continue []withdraw
She quickly put a check in the 'continue' box and put the letter in a new envelope, copied the address, and put her address on the corner. She never thought she could want something so
badly, Then she heard the familiar voice of Isaac on the TV. She looked over, and
saw a few clips of random auditioners. She watched a clip of her
performance, and then she watched, amazed, as a clip of Gwen appeared.
'Gwen?' she thought. 'I just talked to her! I wonder why she didn't
mention entering.' Katie decided to call Gwen. She dialed the number,
and it rang. After an eternity, Gwen picked up.

“Gwen?!?!” she said, as soon as she picked up.
“Um yeah?”
“You auditioned too?”
“I guess you just watched MTV, huh.”
“Yeah! I mean, you could’ve at least told me about it! I mean, how do you think I’d feel if I didn’t get it, and then saw you all over TV cuz you won?” Katie said, accusingly.
“God! I didn’t know I needed your permission to enter a stupid contest?” Gwen said. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes. “Listen, let’s not let some contest get in the way of our friendship OK? And whoever makes it was obviously better qualified.”
Katie sighed. “You’re right. Sorry. You just have NO CLUE how much this means to me. Let’s still be friends, okay? And whoever wins has to promise to introduce the other to Hanson, and let her hang out with them alot.”
Gwen laughed. “Okay. I’m sorry too. I mean, I kinda know how much this means to you, cuz hanson’s not really my favorite band but I know you love them. This time: no secrets ever. Otay?”
“Otay” This time Katie laughed.
“Well, I gotta go, I was in the middle of dinner. Talk to you tomorrow, ok?” Gwen asked.
“Yeah. Bye.” Katie replied and hung up the phone.

A few weeks had passed, and both Katie and Gwen had been through interview after interview (along with the other people who were making the cuts) with Mercury Reps. Today was finally the last cut day, and a big meeting was scheduled with Hanson’s dad. Katie had just been dropped off when she heard
“Katie! Katie!” Katie turned around to see Gwen running towards her.
“Hey Gwen!” she said as Gwen caught up with her. Katie and Gwen were waiting outside with 8 other girls.
“Is this the only people who made it? ’Cause I heard Chris say something about, like 1,000,000 people auditioning or something.” Katie asked.
“Wow! I guess so! Luckily it was only open to Oklahoma residents, or else who knows if we’d be here.” She said, and laughed. Just then a luxurious car with blacked out windows pulled up. Three more figures were inside also, but no matter how hard Katie craned her neck, she couldn’t see who the figures were. Probably Hanson. Katie contained her squeal and walked over towards the man. He unlocked the doors and motioned for the girls to follow him. Everyone walked into the building, and into a room with a long, narrow table. There were 14 seats, and 10 girls, and 1 man. The 3 extra were a dead giveaway that they were for Hanson. Everyone sat down. Gwen sat next to Katie and Katie had an empty chair next to her.
“Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, which is everyone, my name is Walker Hanson.” He said, and then gave a quick briefing of what would be expected of us if we made it, how to deal with the press, and he also passed out a copy of they boys schedule, which was packed to the brim.
“Now, if anyone wants to leave, this is a good time to do so.” He said. Nobody moved.
“Now, if I may direct your attention to our 3 main speakers.” He said, and nodded to the door. It was Hanson! Gwen noticed Katie bit her lip to keep from squealing. Ike came over and sat down next to her, cause there was an empty seat. Next to him was Zac. She turned to face them.
“Hey Ike and Zac” she said.
“Hey. What’s your name?” Ike turned and focused on Katie.
“Katie” Katie and Ike shook hands.
“We’re about to start now, so good luck Katie.” Ike said.
“Yeah. Good Luck!” Zac repeated, from where he was listening.
Katie turned back around to face Gwen.
“Cool!” she whispered. Gwen smiled and nodded, then turned her attention to Taylor who had stood up and started to speak.
* * *
“I can’t believe it!” Katie said to Gwen after coming out from her audition. Gwen had gone first and she had went second to last. “We have a good chance! 2 Girls lost their voice, 1 puked everywhere from nervousness, 2 burst out crying, 1 fainted, and one forgot the words completely to the song If Only! I know it sounds cruel to say this, but Yesss!! We both have a one in three chance of getting it!” she excitedly. Gwen laughed at her enthusiasm. Just then, Ike walked out, on his way to the vending machine.
“Hey Ike, just wondering, how is this voting thing going?” she asked.
“We each vote for the one we liked best and think will work.” Ike replied. “You were really good!” he smiled at her before walking back towards the stage area. Out floated the sound of someone crying. Gwen turned around in time to see Katie running towards her. She put her arms on her shoulders and started jumping up and down, her blonde hair flying everywhere.
“One of us made it! Did you hear that girl crying? Yeah!”
Walker walked out at that moment.
“Gwen, Katie” he said. “As you both know, you two are the only contestants. The boys have already voted, and have decided who the winner is. One of you got 2 votes, and the other got one. We want you both to know that you both are excellent singers. OK, the person who will be joining the band ‘Hanson’ is....”

.......Before he announced the name, Gwen was sure she would go crazy.
Being naturally selfish and egotistical, she hoped that it would be her.
But, she also hoped that it would be her friend. Either way, she would
be happy.
"Isaac, Taylor, and Zac have chosen for their new band member......Miss Katie.
Gwen, you were lovely, but the winner has been chosen. You may go." he
said. Gwen turned to leave, but she heard Katie yell “Wait! Since Gwen did so good, couldn’t she be the opening act for Hanson?” she begged.
“Well, we were plannin on asking her that anyways” Walker smiled at Katie.
“Gwen would you like to be our opening act?” Walker continued.
“Sure, thanks” Gwen grinned.
* * * * *
"What songs do you want me to sing in my set?" Gwen asked.
"Whatever you want “ Ike said.
"Uh....okay..." She answered. With that, the back-up tape was put in, and put on pause. Taylor walked out onto the stage. "Do you mind if I stand here and watch?" he asked. Gwen shook her head no.
"I gotta warm up-is there a piano around here I can use?" She
asked, looking around.
"Yeah-hold on." Taylor said. Gwen walked
backstage. She eyed the room, and found her guitar and saxaphone
sitting where she left them. She had forgotten to mention that she could
play. She picked them up, and and carried them on-stage, where Tay and
Ike were pushing a piano to the middle. Ike looked up. "What are those?"
He asked. Gwen set them down. "This is a guitar and this is a saxaphone." She said, pointing.
"Do you play?" Taylor asked. "Of course."
She answered, then wishing that she hadn't quite said it that way. But,
Taylor didn't seem to mind. "How long have you been playing them?" Tay
"The guitar, I have been playing since I was 7. The saxaphone: since I was 10." She said. Obviously impressed, Ike nodded, and so did Tay.
"I'm gonna warm up now." Gwen said, walking over to the piano. She
practised arpeggios and scaled until Walker announced that the rehearsal should start. After all, the short tour was in 2 weeks. Gwen did a few popular songs and some songs she wrote. Then she got out her guitar, and played some original compositions. She was saving saxaphone for a surprise appearance during Hanson's set. 35 minutes later, she announced
Hanson, and left the stage.
Gwen stared after Taylor as he rushed on-stage, him throwing her a quick smile. Katie wasn’t immediately going to go on yet. The boys were going to go on first, and then introduce her as the new band member. They had already taught her to play ‘This Time Around’ on the bass. Gwen wasn’t to suprised she had learned it in a span of 20 minutes, Katie was naturally a fast learner, and caught on quickly. By the time the tour rolled around, in 14 days, she would have to know every single song by heart. Not to mention she would have to know what lines to sing in each song and be on key all the time. All that responsibility made Gwen kinda glad that she wasn’t the one who joined. I mean, all she was was the opening singer, but she still got to hang out with THE Hanson brothers, and Katie all at the same time. Gwen strained her ears to hear what Ike was saying.
“And as you know, we’ve held audition to have a girl join our band. We’ve got our winner. Her name is Katie and she’s 16. Come on out Katie!” Tay said in an announcers voice. Katie ran out, looking sorta nervous. The opening chords to ‘This Time Around’ started. Katie grabbed the bass guitar and played and sung really well. Walker insisted that was all they were going to do for now, cause he wanted everyone else to meet the girl, and he wanted to boys to better know her. He found himself intrigued in her also. I mean, it wasn’t everyday that his sons actually met a nice girl who didn’t blow their ears out and actually dressed like there actually was a thing as clothes. (Most girls at the concert were wearing croptops and Daisy Dukes, while Katie was now wearing Jeans and a World Cup ‘98 tee-shirt) After their performance, Ike, Tay and Zac sat on the edge of the stage and motioned for the girls to join them.

“So, your name is Katie. That’s all I know about you.” Zac said.
“Yeah, so tell us some more!” Ike added.
“Well, my Dad disappeared when I was 2, so it’s just me and my mom. My full name is Katie Elizabeth Dawes. My nickname is Kates. My birthday is November 15, 1983, so I’m only 16. My interests are music, reading, soccer, and hanging out with my friends. I also really like singing, obviously. My favorite actors are Geoffrey Wigdor and Brad Renfro, they were especially good in ‘Sleepers’. And my best friend is Gwen.” She said all in one breath.
“Wow, that was fast.” Ike said.
“Your best friend is Gwen? Wow, that would cause real complications if one of you had made it, and the other was forced to sit at home.”
“Yeah. Hey, Gwen, what about you?” Zac asked.
“My name is Gwen Renee Soulsman, I’m 16 also. I have both parents and no siblings, just like Katie. I don’t have a nickname. I also like soccer, and dancing.” Gwen said.
“Hey guys, they’re about ready to lock up now, get your stuff together” Walker announced.
Everybody ran around trying to find their belongings, and 10 minutes later, they were on their way.
* * *
(later that night)
Katie was going to spend the night at the Hanson house, since they had moved, and now had a guest room. Gwen had to go home. Mrs. Hanson ordered pizza and when it came, she planned on sending the four teenagers into the basement to talk. Right now though, Katie was meeting the younger sibs. They seemed to be getting along really well, she noted. Katie immediately was hung up over how cute Mackie was. She couldn’t keep saying how adorable he was. Well, the pizza man had come, so Diana gave the teens a box, and ushered them down into the basement.

“And we talked almost all night about everything! I mean, it was as if I’d known them all my life! I wish you could have been there, but then again, I don’t. No, I’m just kidding. Well my Mom’ll be home soon, so I better get off the phone. Well, I’ll be over at your house in a bit, okay?” Katie asked. Gwen was too depressed to pay attention. “Huh?” she asked, realizing that Katie had been talking to her the whole time.
“Did you even hear a word I said?” Katie asked, obviously upset.
“No, I’m sorry. I’ve been kinda down all day. I have no idea why, PMS maybe? Well, what did you say again?” she asked.
“I SAID that I would be over at your house soon. See ya” Katie said, and hung up.
Gwen cradled the phone and wandered into her room and closed the door. Whenever she felt depressed, there were only a few things to make her feel better. 1 was singing, and another was to write fantasies, and another was to read. But she didn’t want to do any of those-she was too bored! So, she opened her window, and climbed up onto the roof. Her bedroom was near the back of the house, so she didn’t have to worry about someone driving by her house and seeing her sitting on the roof. She looked at the sky, and let her thoughts wander. Suddenly her mind was jarred by the sudden noise of the phone ringing. She sighed, and crawled back into her room, and picked up her phone.
“Hello?” she asked.
“Hi Gwen. Can I talk to you?” she recognized Taylor’s voice.
“Yeah. what’s up?” she asked.
“Can I come over?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, sure” she said, reciting her address for Taylor.
“Alright, see you in twenty?”
“Okay. See you.” She said.
* * * * *
Gwen stared at Taylor. He kept fidgeting with his rat tail, while he was talking.
“So, what I wanted to ask you was’”
“Hey Gwen-Tay! What are you doing here?” Katie asked. Taylor looked somewhat mad cause Katie had interrupted him.
“Just talking” He said, gritting his teeth and glaring at Katie. Unaware of what he just said, Katie continued to talk to Gwen.
“Katie-stop a minute.” Gwen said, pulling Taylor out into the hallway.
“Okay shoot” she said.
“I was just wondering…would you like to maybe catch a movie tonight, about 7?” he blurted. Gwen’s eyes lit up and she nodded.
“Sure, that’d be great!”
Taylor smiled and said “Alright, see you then” before turning and leaving.
Gwen grinned and ran back in her room to tell Katie.
* * * * * *
Gwen could have not been happier as the days went by. Soon the one-off concert arrived. Gwen was excited, and she put on her best outfit. She walked over to the Hanson household, and went into the garage, where everyone was getting loaded into the van. Isaac sat up in the drivers seat, and Katie was right there next to him. Gwen, Taylor, Zac and Mr. Hanson sat in the back seat. Mrs. Hanson took the rest of the children in the other van, and they were off.

The cheering crowd got unbelievably louder when Hanson walked out on stage. Amajority of the signs were along the lines of ‘I love(enter favorite Hanson here)’,or ‘Hanson Rocks’,but there were 3 signs that said ‘Congrats Katie’,and ‘We wish we were you’ and ‘Go Katie!’ Hanson brought Katie out and introduced her, Katie shyly said Hi, and then they proceeded to play. Katie had been frightened enough to puke before the concert, especially when she heard the roaring crowd, but seemed just fine towards the end. After the concert, Taylor and Gwen walked off, and Ike, Katie and Zac climbed into the van for awhile to talk before going out to sign autographs (their scheduled autograph-signing-session was to start in 30 minutes, so they had plenty of time.
“Hey guys, I kind of have a problem” Katie said to Ike and Zac.
“Yeah, what is it?” Zac asked.
“You can tell us anything” Ike added.
“Well, I don’t think Tay likes me very well. Everytime I talk to him, he either tunes me out or looks at me weirdly. And when I come to visit, when I don’t bring Gwen, he runs off in a huff. I feel bad because I don’t think this arrangement is going to work very well if he’s against me.” Katie said softly, looking down at her toes. Ike put an arm around her.
“It’s OK Katie, I don’t think he hates you. I’ll talk to him tonight and see what’s up, okay?” she looked up at him and smiled. ‘God, that’s so sweet. I wish I could go out with him, but he’d never like me.; Not like that anyways...’ she thought.
“Thanks Ike, that’s really sweet of you.” She said. The three of them chatted until it was time to go. They ran out of the fan and up towardsthe throng of screaming fans, which were seperated from them by a 12 foot metal fence. Tay was already there.
“Hey Ike, Zac” he said, ignoring Katie. Ike noticed Katie’s crestfallen look and patted her back.
“It’s ok. Just act happy and talk with the fans for awhile” he said. Ike and Zac started to sign autographs. Ike glanced over at Katie and saw her laughing along with some girls.
‘Cool.’ He thought. ‘Man, I wish I could go out with her, but she’d never like me. Not like that anyways...’
* * *
(back at the hotel)
Ike wasin search of Katie. He wanted to go see what she was doing, and maybe if she wanted to take a walk with him. He walked into the hotel’s gardens, 1/2 an acre of trees and winding paths. He was in such a hurry to find her that he almost walked past her. She was sitting on one of the benches, her knees drawn up to her chest, and her arms crossed over her knees,with her head down.
“Hey Kates!” Ike said, walking over to her. She looked up at him, and it was obvious, even in the fading light, that she was crying. She hurridley wiped away her tears.
“Hey Ike” she said, forcing a weak grin. Ike ran the rest of the way over to her.
“What’s wrong Katie?!?!” he asked, putting both arms around her and pulling him into a hug.
“I-I don’t really want to discuss it, but I guess I better before things get any worse.” She said.
Ike stood up, pulling Katie with him. He turned her around to face him. “You can tell me anything. I won’t tell if you don’t want me to” he said.
“Well, it’s something I overheard Tay saying to Gwen about me this afternoon...” she said.

Ike took a deep breath.
“What is it? Tell me everything.” He said.
Katie looked at him. “Tell, Taylor was saying that he......that he......hates me being in the band, and he thinks I take you guys away from him. I feel so awful!” Katie said, and a fresh wave of sobs erupted. Ike hugged her tight.
“Oh Katie. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. It’s just something new for him-he’s not used to having a girl in the band. Is that all he said?” Isaac asked, hoping that his brother’s words didn’t get any worse.
“No. He also said that I always interrupt him when he’s alone with Gwen. But she’s my best friend! How can he say that? You gotta talk to him, Ike. I can’t take much more of this.” Katie said, sounding a little better. Ike looked at her.
“Katie-let’s go take a walk. I wanna talk to you.” Isaac said, and took Katie’s hand and led her down the winding path.
* * * * *
Gwen looked at Taylor. After what he had just said, she wasn’t sure she liked him anymore.
“Tay-are you sure you don’t like Katie?” Gwen asked.
“Well, no. But I’m kinda mad at her.” He said.
“Mad? Why?” Gwen persisted.
“I’m not so sure I like having a girl member in the band. At first I was all for it, but now I’m not so sure, I mean, it was uspposed to be just us. That’s why we’re called Hanson-it’s our name! It’s not HER last name. And it seems that I see less of Ike and Zac because she’s always with them! What am I supposed to do?” he asked, his tone softening.
“Well, you could try talking to her! I’m not Dear Abby, but I think all you two need is alittle communication. What do you think?” Gwen asked.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Taylor said. With that, the two went back to watching TV. But Tay had alot on his mind.....

Dear Journal, September 15, 1998
It’s me, Ike. I finally got up the courage to ask Katie out,but it wasn’t at the most appropriate time. I mean, she was upset because of something she heard. But I asked her, and she said yes. I almost thought she said no, but she said yes. I’m so happy!
Now, about what she heard:Katie overheard Gwen and Taylor talking about her, but not very nicely. She heard Taylor say some not-nice things, and she wants me to talk to him. I hope that Tay and Katie can be friends. I really do.
On another subject, the 1st concert was a blast. Gwen did her set, and a few record companies have her on their wish list. Her fan base is growing, but not as rapidly as she’d like. I told her to give it some time. Heck-it took us 5 years! Poor Katie threw up from stage fright before the show, but she was okay during that actual show. We did pretty good, and the autograph signing was a sucess. I just hope that we all can get along. Until next time, Au revoir!
Isaac Hanson
Isaac put down his pen and massaged his aching hands. He looked over at the window. It was time to confront Tay-and sort this mess out. But just as he was about to get up, Taylor walked in the room.
“I gotta talk to you.” Taylor said, plopping down on the bottom bunk of the bed.
“Yeah-me too” Isaac said. Taylor looked puzzled but started to talk.
“You gotta help me. It’s about Katie. I kind of have mixed feelings about her being in the band. I men-I liked it the way it was!” Taylor said.
Isaac sighed.
“Yeah-I know. Katie over-heard you and Gwen. I know how you feel-it is alittle weird tohave a girl in the band. But we all agreed-it’s the best bet. And she’s not taking me and Zac away from you-she’s gotta have friends too ya know. Is there any way you two can get along?” He pleaded.
Taylor looked down at the floor.
“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I overreacted. I hope Katie will still want to be friends.” Taylor said.
“I’m sure she will. Come on-let’s go and tell her you’re sorry.” Ike suggested. Taylor followed Ike down the hall. Outside they found Gwen and Katie talking. Taylor approached them, and Katie looked up, but frowned.
“Listen-Katie. I’m sorry that I was mean to you. I apologize for what you heard. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Yeah. So you don’t hate me?”
“Of course not! I just wasn’t used to having a girl in the band. I’m sorry. I call a truce.” He said. Katie smiled.
“Truce. Can I have a hug now?” she asked.
“No problem.” Taylor said, and they hugged. Isaac felt relieved because now everybody was back to normal. Suddenly Zac showed up, armed with rollerblades.
“Who wants to come?” He asked. Everybody wanted to come, and so they were all off towards the rink.

"Hey guys, whatcha doin'?" Katie asked Ike, Tay, Zac, and Gwen. She was over at the Hanson house.
"What does it look like?" Zac called. "We're swimming in the swimming pool!" At least the boys were. Gwen was sitting on theporch, sunbathing.
"Why dontcha come on in?" Tay hollered.
"No, that's OK. I don't want to get wet right now." Katie replied. Tay threw his brothers an evil look.
"Hey guys, she doesn't want to get wet" he said, in a mock evil voice.
"Ohhhh...hehehe" Ike and Zac said, slowly catching on. They climbed out of the pool and slowly advanced on Katie and Gwen.
Gwen took the hint and ran inside, slamming the door shut behind her. Katie followed, but the lock had stuck...again.
"Come on guys, is this any way to treat a friend?" she said pleadingly, fumbling with the lock.
Zac ran up and tackled her onto the grass.
"Come on guys, grab a body part!" he yelled.
"Wow, do I get to choose which body part?" Ike said eagerly.
"Gwen! Help!!" Katie said to Gwen, who was on the other side of the door, and was laughing at her. She slowly shook her head no.
Tay and Zac each grabbed an arm, and Ike grabbed Katie's legs. They picked her up and carried her over
to the pool.
"I swear guys, if you do this, you're never gonna sing the same way!" Katie threatened.
Isaac's glance softened for a minute, then he glanced at his brothers.
"We'll risk it" he said.
"On three guys" Tay said. "One...two...three!"
The boys let go and Katie went hurtling in the air. She sliced through the water of the fourteen foot, underground pool, and quickly surfaced.
Ike, Tay and Gwen (who had come back out) were sitting on the side, dangling their legs in the water. Zac was jumping up and down on the diving board.
"Ohh Katie, was that you we threw in? Whoops!!" He shouted, then jumped in the pool and shoved Katie back underwater. Ike and Tay had gotten ahold of Gwen by then and had tossed her in beside Katie.
"Dontcha love me?" he exclaimed happily.

"Hey Kates!" Zac yelled. "Watch this!!!!" We were rollerblading outside in the parking lot, since the rollerblading rink next door had thrown us out for trying to bribe the DJ to let us scratch a few records. Zac jumped up in the air and did some sort of fancy turn. Katie was so busy watching Zac that she didn't look where she was going. She turned forwards, and hit Gwen, which knocked both of them to the pavement.
"Ow!" Gwen and Katie exclaimed at the same time. Ike and Tay, with Zac in tow quickly skated over to the two girls.
"Are you alright?" Zac called.
"No! My wrist hurts" Gwen said.
"My ankle's killing me" Katie added on.
"Aw man!" Ike said, smacking his forehead. "This is the last thing we need!"
"Sorry" Katie said sheepishly. Realizing that he had implied it was her fault, Ike bent down near her and gave her a hug.
"I didn’t mean it was your fault. I'm just saying..." he trailed off.
"It's OK." she said, smiling back up at him.
"I'll go call Mom and Dad" Tay said, and ran off towards a payphone, a quarter clutched in his hand. Zac helped Gwen up, and Isaac (much to Katie's delight) scooped up Katie in his arms and carried her newlywed-style over to the payphone where Taylor was. A few minutes later the Hanson van came screeching into the parking lot.
"Well, what happened here?" Walker asked.
"Gwen and I collided and she hurt her wrist, me my ankle. It was my fault though" Katie said.
"No, it was mine" Gwen argued. Both adults smiled as they listened to each try and take the blame for the other.
"Ladies, we'll figure it out later!" Zac said in a mock serious voice.
"Well, we're going to drive you two to the hospital and have them check you out. Luckily we're on a break for a month." Diana said.
They visited the doctor and it turned out that Gwen had a mild wrist sprain, she would heal in 2 weeks, but Katie's ankle had been more seriously damaged. It would take at least a month to heal, and she wouldn't be able to walk on it during half of that period.
"Oh man!" she exclaimed, smacking her hand to her forehead, like Ike had previously done when she heard the news.
"It's okay. We'll figure it out later." Ike said, consoling the girls. Ike, Katie, Gwen, Zac, and Tay were outside on the patio in Gwen's backyard.
"It's not that bad Katie" Gwen said, in an effort to calm down a fuming Katie.
"Yeah, at least you can walk" she retorted. "I'm laid up for a month! The whole time we have off, I'm stuck on crutches!"
"I'll be your personal chauffeur" Ike volunteered.
Katie smiled as the doctor went to wrap Katie’s leg


Gwen, Katie, and the entire Hanson family were all eating dinner in the
backyard. Diana Hanson had made spaghetti and meatballs, and Walker had
made his specialty: lemonade. Everyone was talking and having fun. But
pretty soon, it was time to go back inside. Gwen got up, and Taylor
grabbed her arm.
"I wanna talk to you. Come with me." He said.
"Sure. I will come to you." Gwen said, and started laughing. They
proceeded to a part of the backyard that Gwen had never seen. There was
a beautiful brook, and a tree overlooked it. Taylor led Gwen up to the
"OK-what's up?" Gwen asked, moving her position.
"I just wanted to say.....I really like you. That's all. But I did want
to be alone. I just wanna have a conversation. kay?" He asked. Gwen eyed
"Uh....okay. What do you wanna talk about?" She asked.
* * * * *
Later that night

"I think it’s almost time for Leno." Taylor said, referring to their favourite late-night show.
Gwen went to climb down from the treehouse, but lost her footing, and
felt herself fall, and she screamed the whole way down.
"Gwen? Gwen are you okay?" Taylor asked, fanning Gwen, trying
desperately to revive her. Gwen stirred, and blinked.
"My legs hurt." She said. Taylor looked at her legs. One was underneath
her, at an unnatural angle. Her other leg, was obviously broken, and it
too was at an unnatural angle.
“Dad, DAD!” he shouted towards the open window.
When Walker saw what was going on, he quickly called an ambulance, and in 3 minutes, they arrived, and took Gwen. The rest of the bunch followed in the Hanson
family van. 20 minutes later, Gwen was checked into a room, and her
parents were called.
The Next Day

"Y'know, this IV isn't in a good vein." Gwen said to the nurse.
"Since when do you know all about IV's?" The nurse asked.
'Hey-I worked in a hospital for 5 months! I know a thing or two about
nursing!" She said. Taylor laughed from his corner. The nurse sighed,
and left the room.
"He'll be back to take blood and check my HR, BP, and RAHM."Gwen said.
"Uh....you know that I don't understand techno babble. Well, I guess
that HR is heart rate, and BP is blood pressure...but what is RAHM?" he
"It means Respiratory And Heart Monitor. This thing." She said, and
pointed to the TV screen above her.
"As long as I'm not flatlining, I'm alive." She said.
"When do you get your wheelchair?" Taylor asked. Gwen and everyone had
been told that it would probably be a long time before Gwen could properly walk, but until then they would need a wheelchair for her to get around. They showed her how to use it, and
what all of the little buttons and handles did.
"Soon." Gwen said. At that moment, Zac, Isaac, Katie (with crutches),
Walker and Diana all came into the room, Zac in a wheelchair.
"This is cool!" He said, and wheeled around the room. Then Gwen's
doctor came in, and talked a bit.
"Okay-who wants to help me get her into this?" The doctor asked.
"I do!!" Taylor said. Luckily for Gwen, the leg that was not underneath
her had been snapped back into place, and she could use it a little. But
she would have to have help getting dressed, and some other things, but
she could do some things herself. Taylor and the doctor worked to get
her into the chair, and she was strapped in, and a little tray-table was
put over her lap.
"Groovy!!" Zac exclaimed. Isaac tapped Gwen on the shoulder.
"Yeah. Neato." They said. They gave her last minute orders, took the IV
out, and discharged her. Gwen steered herself out of the room.
And they were off. Luckily, the Hanson van was large enough to
accommodate the wheel chair.
"Well, I guess this month is not a good month for legs." Walker said.
"Yeah-at least you can hobble around!" Gwen said, making fun of Katie's
earlier complaint.

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