"Gosh....I'm so excited." Gwen said, shifting in her wheelchair. It had
been 2 weeks since the accident, and she had figured out how to get
herself dressed, get herself in and out of the shower, and some other
things. But everytime she went in the shower, Diana waited in case
something happened. Anyway, tonight was another concert. Hanson were just finishing up their album (the last one without Katie) and while it was being mixed, Hanson decided to do a show every week or so to better integrate Katie into the group. Gwen had
decided to go on being the opening act for Hanson, and she had gotten a
few 'Get Well Soon' cards. She waited in the wings for the show to
start. Katie, Taylor, Zac and Isaac had been especially nice to her, and
each in their own way. Katie was like Gwen's mom at times, and then she
was like an older sister. Zac was the one to lighten things up when they
got rough, Tay was devoted to helping Gwen (which she honestly didn't
need) and Isaac was like a big brother. Gwen was given the signal, and
she wheeled out.
"Hello Oklahoma City! UH....for those of you who don't know me, my name is
Gwen Soulsman, and I'll be entertaining you for the next half hour.
"Alright. Let's have some fun!" She said, pulling out her guitar and strumming a few chords.

"It's........Hanson!!!!!" Gwen said, before rolling offstage.
"Can they GET any louder?" Katie whispered to Isaac before running on-stage with him. Gwen watched from the wings. Just like and other show, they group was great. The highlight though was when Ike sung more than anything. Tay, Zac, and Katie ran to the wings and watch from there as he sung and played by himself. Gwen watched Katie very closely, and saw she was falling in love with Isaac, whether she knew it or not.

After the concert, everyone immediately jumped in the van without signing autographs since it was pretty late already. The nanny, Eva had already put the little kids to bed by the time everyone got home. Walker and Diana went to bed also, and left the older kids to their own devices. Tay and Gwen went off inside alone. Zac just went to bed. Katie was outside in the backyard, and Isaac decided to talk to her.
"Gwen, I'm sorry about what happened with your leg. I didn't mean it" Tay said, hanging his head.
"W-What? You think this is your fault?" Gwen said, gasping.
"If I hadn’t made you come with me th-"
Gwen tilted his chin up to hers. "Don't ever, EVER say that, OK? It's NOBODY's fault. Especially not yours." she said, looking into his eyes.
"OK." he said, before leaning over and kissing her.

"Hey Kates, can I talk to you?" a voice said. Katie whipped around and saw Isaac behind her, tapping her shoulder. "God Isaac!" she said, clutching at her chest. "You scared me to death!" she dropped her crutches and fell to the ground in fake spasms.
"No Katie!" Ike said in a posh British accent. "Don't die on me!!!!!"
"Agh!!" Katie said, now pretending to choke, then lay still.
"No!" Ike said, now fake crying. "Katie, come back! I love you!"
Katie's eyes whipped open. "Don't say that" she said, jumping up, eyes flashing.
"Huh? Why not?" Ike asked.
"Because you're only joking. That's something you say only when you mean it."
Katie dropped to the ground again, and started staring at the stars. Ike walked over to where she was, but tripped on one of her crutches, and fell half on her legs
"Oomph!" Katie said when he fell.
"Sorry" he said, staring up into her eyes.

"I-I'm really-" Ike stuttered.
"Don't apologize. And I'm sorry for yelling at you a minute ago." Katie
said, silencing Isaac. He just looked at her. 'God-I wish she were
mine-but she'd never-but maybe-no. She'd never like me in that way. But
what just happened had to mean something...' Isaac thought to himself.
* * * * * *
"Hey- can you come over here a minute? I need to move my leg, but I
can't reach." Gwen said. Taylor smiled, and walked over to the
wheelchair, and hoisted Gwen's leg up on the rest that had been propped
"Is that okay?" Taylor asked.
"Yep. thanks." Gwen said. Then she pulled the brakes off, and wheeled
the chair outside. Isaac and Katie were already there, talking.
"You mind if we join you?" Tay asked them. Katie looked at Isaac, and
Isaac looked at Katie.
"No. Come on over-the grass is fine." Isaac joked. Katie playfully
nabbed him in the shoulder. The 4 teens talked all night long, about
everything. And the whole time, Isaac was thinking about Katie.

"Hey Geoff" Ike said, walking up to his old friend.
"Hey Ike, long time, no see" he said.
"Well, ya know" Ike said, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't really want to talk about his showbiz stuff then.
"So...what's up" Geoff said, walking with Ike down the road to his house to play video games.
"Well, I've been trying to work on my lovelife. It's practically non-existent." Ike replied.
"Who is it?" Geoff demanded. They had reached the house and were playing Tomb Raider on the N64. The house was silent except for the 2 boys.
"Well, ya know the girl who joined our band?"
"No" Ike sighed. "Have you been under a shell recently? Her name is Katie, and she's really sweet"
"Got a picture?" Geoff asked.
"How about a scrapbook?"
"That'll work too" The boys put the game on pause and Ike walked over to his closet and got his scrapbook down from the top shelf. He flipped open to the first page and slowly flipped through the pages, which contained Katie in front of the auditioning building, the day she had made the first cut, the minute she found out she had made the band, everyone in the treehouse, Katie and Gwen hugging and making silly faces, Ike carrying Katie piggy back, everything.
Geoff whistled softly as he looked at the pictures.
"So...what do you think?" Ike asked.
"I think you're an obsessed freak" Geoff replied.
"I mean...about Katie"
"She was the girl who was here yesterday, with the girl in the wheelchair?"
Geoff grinned and gave Ike the thumbs up.
"Nice choice man" Ike grinned back.
"How about Tomb Raider then?"
"You're on"

Katie and Gwen had just gotten back from the mall when Tay came up and dragged Gwen off, declaring he had something to show her.
Katie smiled to herself as they went off and decided to go in and see what Ike and Zac were up too.
She hobbled to the backdoor, and forced it open. Unfortunately, she pushed too hard and fell straight on her butt.
"Ow!" she said. Her cry brought Ike and some strange guy come downstairs.
"Kates? You OK?" Ike said, concerned, running over and helping her up.
"Yeah, thanks" she said, smiling. Geoff noticed the dreamy look on Ike's face and loudly coughed.
"Oh, Katie, this is Geoff, Geoff, this is Katie" Ike said, introducing the two.
"Where's Tay and Gwen?" Ike asked.
Katie smiled and jerked her thumb to the treehouse, where Tay and Gwen were heavily making out.
"Wow Ike, your little brother is kissing before you!" Geoff said.
Katie turned to Ike, a grin on her face "You haven't kissed anyone yet?"
Isaac felt himself turn red, and made a mental note to kill Geoff later.
Katie grinned even wider, but seeing how pissed he was, reassured him.
"Don't worry Ike, lots of people haven't."
"Like who" he demanded.
"Well, I better go" Geoff said. Neither teen seemed to notice.
"I'll let myself out then" he said, softly smiling to himself. It was so obvious, even to him, that they liked eachother.
"So guys, whadda wanna do?" Katie asked, bored to death.
In fact, everyone was. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson had took Mackie, Zoe, Jessie, Avie and Zac to visit relatives in Oklahoma city, and wouldn't be back for 5 days.
"I know...let's play truth or dare!" Gwen said, sitting straight up.
Everyone brightened up at the idea.
"OK Katie, you first" Tay said, grinning.
"Truth or Dare?"

"Uh......Dare. No..truth. Yeah. Truth." Katie said, her eyes twinkling
with excitement.
"Okaaaaay." Gwen said, clapping her hands together, and putting on a
stupid German accent.
"Vee have vays of makink you tauk."Gwen said. Taylor burst out
laughing, and Zac joined in. Gwen thought for a minute, and then smiled.
"Here it is: Is it true...........(Long silence)....that you have the
hots for someone in the room?" Gwen asked. "Consequence for not
answering the question: You have to.....uh.....moon everybody." Gwen
said, laughing loudly. Katie blushed a shade of crimson that was sooo
dark it was almost purple.
"'s true. I do like someone on the room very much. But it's
not Taylor or you." Katie said, laughing at the last 2 words. Gwen
smiled, and then turned to Taylor.
"Your turn, buddy." She said. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Taylor said, almost immediately.
"Okay. I dare you to take off your shirt, and dance like the
Chippendales. have to declare your undefined love
for Zac." At that point, Zac smiled.
"Do you LOVE me??" Zac said, emphasizing the word Love very much.
Taylor blushed.
"I'll do the dare. Do I have to do it with feeling?"
"Yeah. Like you mean it. Like the Full Monty." Gwen said, smiling. "I'm
going to enjoy this." Taylor stood in the middle of the room, and
started to take off his shirt VERY SLOWLY. The expression on his face
was priceless. Then he shook his body all around. Gwen was whooping, and
Katie was joining in. About 2 minutes later, he was done.
* * * * *
“Hey, we’re flying to NY today to be on Leno. Sorry for the short notice, we were just informed. Get up and get packing” Walker announced, walking into the boys’ bedroom and flipping on the light. All three immediately groaned and pulled their pillows over their heads.
“Come on, UP. Gwen’s coming with us as well and her and Katie are already up and on their way here so let’s GO”
* * * * *
"Welcome to the show. Today's guests are Ben Affleck, Chris Rock and
the band Hanson." Jay Leno went on with his monologue. Everyone looked
on from the wings. Ike asked Katie back into the dressing room.
"Katie....I've been wanting to ask you this for like, forever." Isaac
"What is it?"

"Introducing Hanson!" Leno said. Ike looked totally bummed.
"Are you OK?" Katie asked, as they walked out.
"Yeah" he said, looking kinda mad. Katie just gave him a funny look as she sat down, and the interview began.
"So," Leno said, turning to Katie. "You're the new addition? Now, tell us about you”
"Yeah, okay. I'm Katie Dawes, 16 years old, and I've been a Hanson FAN for 2 years. I joined the band by auditioning for the bass player. It was only for Oklahomans though, the auditioning was."
"And where'd you audition?"
"Jenks, I live there. "
"Cool" Leno said. "Now, I'm going to have the boys go off into my soundproof booth, and you're going to describe each of them. OK?" he asked.
Katie nodded, and the boys were off.
"OK, Zac" he said.
"Oh God" Katie said. "Where do I begin?"
"Time's running away!" Jay said, causing the audience to laugh.
"Zac's spontaneous, funny, and not as hyper as everyone thinks he normally is. He's also very deep, but Hilarious."
"Not as quiet as everyone thinks, alot more confident since becoming famous, has funny moments. He usually just laughs at jokes, instead of telling them, but every now and then comes up with a good one."
"Very, Very sweet. He's definitely the romantic one of the band, although I could give him a run for his money! He's very good at his beavis and butthead impressions, and is also, since he has 6 younger siblings, the best one at giving advice."
"Alright then. We'll go to a commercial, and when we come back, the boys dish on Katie"
* * *
"We're back now with Hanson, Ben Affleck, and Chris Rock. Right now though, we're sending Katie-the new addition to Hanson-to the soundproof booth, where the guys will tell us about her. Is she in there?" Jay Leno asked, referring to 'is Katie in the booth?' Jeff, the camera man nodded.
"OK, Zac first. What's Katie like?"
Zac laughed. "Katie's very funny, and almost always in a good mood. She's also, just like Ike, good at advice."
"Yeah, at the beginning, we didn't get along, cuz I wasn’t used to having a girl in the band. But now we're really good friends, and she's really cool."
Ike turned a deep shade of red and gave a nervous laugh.
"Romantic, shy to strangers, but really comfortable and usually hyper with people she knows, spontaneous, always grinning, loves movies and reading. I think Zac and Tay just about summed her up. Basically all around the best girl I've ever met." Jay laughed. "Seems like someone has a little crush, eh?" he said, teasing him. Ike just smiled and looked at his toes.
Then, they brought Katies out of the booth, and during the interview, Taylor announced he was going out with Gwen. After that, there was a commercial, then Leno brought out Chris Rock, while we all went backstage. Tay and Gwen sat down in a corner to talk and Zac ran off in search of the canteen.
"Soooo Ike? What did you want to ask me?" Katie said, looking up at Ike.
"Nothing. Never mind now." he said.
"Oh, OK. I'm gonna go stalk down Ben Affleck for his autograph, wanna come?"
"No thanks" he said. Katie shrugged her shoulders and walked off.

* * *
Gwen wheeled herself in through the hospital’s front door. "Hey Mrs.
Greene. How are you?" Gwen said to the receptionist. "Hey Miss Gwen.
Here for your physical therapy?"
"Yes ma'am. Nice to see you again." Gwen said, and wheeled down the
loooong hallway, and to the elevators. Pretty soon, she was at the
Physical Therapy doors. And now, it was time to endure pain. They would
be working on both legs, but mostly the one that Gwen couldn't move
herself. It was very difficult knowing that you would probably never
walk again.
Gwen signed in, and 3 minutes later, she was called back. She
immediately noticed that she was the only patient.
"Hello. How's it goin'?" the specialist said, smiling. Since she met
him, Gwen had a slight crush. But her heart belonged to Taylor. (At
least most of it.)
"No bad. You're not going to hurt me-are you?" She asked. The man
"You only bring it on yourself...and it's all in your head anyway." He
said, smiling big. Then he changed the subject.
"Do you think you can get yourself on the bed-or do you need me to help
you?" he asked. Gwen glanced at the bed. It was pretty low to the
ground, so she figured she could make it. She used her hand and all of
her strength, and got herself up onto the hospital bed.
"Okay. Now I'm going to do an exercise, where I will continually move
your leg up and down, and see if you can move it."
"Sure." Gwen said.
* * * * *

"Hey-aren't you Gwen? I heard Tay talk about you on Jay Leno." Gwen turned around, to
face a girl about her age, wearing a Hanson shirt. They were backstage,
before another concert, this time in California.
"Yeah, that's me." Gwen said. The girl broke into a huge smile.
"You're really lucky." The girl said. Gwen smiled.
"I really think you're great. Can I have your autograph? I've wanted to
meet you since I saw you on Leno. I think any girl who Tay chooses must
be really cool." Gwen felt a little awkward when she signed the
autograph. What was so great about her?
"What about Katie? How do you feel about her?" Gwen asked. The girl
"I like her" She said. Gwen nodded before saying bye and attempting to make her way through the hordes of people, halfway through she found Katie.
"God....I don't understand why I'm so popular. What's to like about
me?" Gwen asked Katie. Katie just laughed.
"I dunno. But people keep telling me how lucky I am. It's
annoying...but I like being popular!" Katie said. Soon, Gwen heard
chanting from the crowd outside. She peeked through the curtains, and
saw over 20,000 screaming fans. She was due to start, and made sure that
she could still sing. Her voice went out at the weirdest times. Then,
Chris Sabec motioned for her to go on-stage. She wheeled out, and the
crowd was deafening. "Uh......hello out there! You guys really want to
see Hanson, don't you?" Gwen asked. The crowd cheered in reply.
"Well..don't worry. I'm only going to be here for a few minutes. This
is a song I wrote when I was 13, it's called Wishful Thinking." Gwen
said, and the music started. While she was singing, she noticed a few
signs that caught her eye. But as Gwen was going through her songs, her
mind kept returning to Katie and Isaac. There was a definite attraction
between them, but after what Isaac did on Leno.....Gwen was still
thinking about them when she left the stage after announcing Hanson. She
passed by Isaac, who was looking awfully grim. Gwen smiled at him, but
his expression didn't dim. Taylor walked by, and smiled big, as did Zac.
Gwen sat backstage, and thought about everything while Hanson did their stuff.


Katie couldn't stop thinking about her relationship with Isaac, and how
it could be more than it was. But she wasn't sure she was ready. Her
thoughts were interrupted when Zac came running into her room, with
tears in his eyes, Taylor arriving shortly after.
"S...s.....s...something happened. S-s-s-s-something happened to Ike
and mom." Zac said, stuttering.
"What happened?" Katie asked, getting more and more worried.
"They were in an accident." Taylor said, and tried to comfort Zac at
the same time.
"They were driving down to the orthodontist, and they crashed."
“Oh my God” Katie said. “You’re not joking, are you?”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” Zac said frantically.
Gwen was already in her wheelchair, which was in the van.
“Tay...can you drive?” Katie asked, cause Taylor was sitting at the wheel.
“No, but I’ve watched Ike. We’re about to find out if I can though” he pulled the car out of the concert hall and “drove suprisingly well for a guy who hasn’t ever driven before, and is panicking. We only nicked 6 fenders, squashed a flowerbed, and almost drove the car into a pool” Katie had said, explaining the occurrence to a reporter later that month. We arrived at the hospital and by this time Tay was nearly hysterical, Gwen was trying to calm him down, Zac was freaking out, and Katie was trying to speak, so the nurse couldn’t understand anyone. Katie put her hands in her mouth and whistled an earshrieking noise. Everyone within a 3 mile radius immediately shut up.
“Thank you!” she said, then turned to face the nurse. “We’re here to see about Diana and Ike Hanson” she said. The nurse typed on her computer, trying to locate them.
“Room 203 and 204”
“Thanks” Katie grabbed Zac’s hand and ran off.

“M-Momma!” Zac screamed, running into Mrs. Hanson’s arms.
“It’s OK Zac” she whispered, consoling the sobbing boy and stroking his hair.
“Are you OK?” Tay said, after rushing over and giving her a hug.
“Yeah, just some minor whiplash” she smiled and held out her arms to Gwen and Katie.
The girls rushed in for a hug and the group stood there for a minute, swaying back and forth until
“Ike!” Katie shouted, and ran out of the room.
“Is Ike OK Mom?” Tay asked.
Mrs. Hanson nodded, but Katie had already left.

Katie ran into room 204, and saw Ike laying on the bed, his eyes closed. ‘Oh My God’ she thought, then, without thinking, screamed “Ike!”, ran over to his bed and climbed up and laid down beside him.
“Ike?!? Isaac?!?!?!” she shouted in his face. His eyes opened and he sat up.
“Oh thank God you’re alive” she said, sobbing, then fell into his arms.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I was just sleeping!” he said, stroking her hair. By now, Katie was on the verge of hysterics.
“It’s OK, calm down” he tilted her chin up to face him. He stared into her clear blue eyes.
“Now you’re crying” she said, half laughing, half crying. She brought her finger up to his cheek and touched the single tear that was running down his face. He blushed at her touch.
“I was thinking about what would’ve happened if I HAD died” he said.
“Don’t” she whispered, when hugged him, fighting the impulse to kiss him. Just then, everyone else walked in.
* * *
Mrs. Hanson had warned everyone not to tell Walker, Avie, Jessie, or Mackie what had happened, because her and Ike were fine now, and she didn’t want to worry then any further. Walker was in LA, sorting out some business deal with his oil company, and the younger children had begged to come, so they were all in Los Angeles. Diana, Zac, Gwen, and Taylor went to pick up the rest of the family from the airport. Ike and Katie were watching TV at home, instead preferring to meet everyone else there, instead of getting trampled at the airport.
Ike turned off the show, which was over, and got up to stretch. Katie walked over to where he was, but tripped and started to fall. Ike caught her in his arms.
“Thanks” she whispered, and stood up.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
Katie thought it over. She wasn’t afraid of a simple little kiss, but she was afraid it’d change their friendship forever. She stroked his face as she thought it over. Ike looked at her, fighting anxiety. He wanted to kiss her really bad, but didn’t want to rush her. He’d do whatever she wanted. He’d go to the moon and fly back if she asked him too. She absentmindedly started playing with a lock of his hair, still thinking. She looked at his face, and saw the anxiety he was fighting.
“Just be careful” she whispered. He leaned closer, when the door was opened by a screaming crowd of people.
“Your family’s back” she said, and backed up before his lips touched hers.
“We can go hide” he suggested, half joking.
“No, your Dad’s been away for a long time, go talk to him” she said, shoving him over towards Mr. Hanson.
“Maybe later” she said, in response to his frustrated look.

"And I'm really upset......cause like.....every single time I try
to, I get interrupted! Can you do me a favour and just keep everyone away from us for a few?" Isaac asked.
"Why don't you invite Katie up to the treehouse.....and I'll
do my best with keeping everybody away. But you owe me” Taylor gave in.
" Thanks." Isaac grinned and slapped his brother on the back. He climbed down from the
treehouse, and wandered into the house, where he saw Gwen and Katie
sitting in the kitchen, giggling their butts off. Soon Tay was behind
him. Isaac approached the girls.
"Uh.......I don't mean to interrupt your girl talk-but can I steal
Katie?" Isaac asked. Gwen looked at Katie and smiled.
"Sure! Just make sure you bring her back." Gwen said. Isaac smiled
gratefully, and Gwen walked over to the couch, where the family was
watching TV.
"Katie-let's go to the treehouse."
The teens walked out to the treehouse, and once in it, Isaac felt it
was now or never.
"Uh........Can I kiss you now?" Ike asked..hoping for a yes.
"Well......I don't wanna get interrupted again."
"I swear that we won't be interrupted. I swear." He said, leaning
"Uh....okay." Katie said. Before she knew what was happening, she was
kissing Isaac-and enjoying it. But then Ike pulled away. He was
breathing heavily.
"" he said, trying to catch his breath.
"That was......uh......nice." Katie said. She hated tense moments.
* * * *

"So..........what was it like?" Gwen asked Taylor. He had just come
back from his first shot at bungee jumping.
"It was fantastic. I think Ike enjoyed the part where he had to cling
to his partner-which was Katie. I dunno-I think they might have some
news for us when they get back......if you know what I mean." Tay said.
They both laughed. Just then, Katie, Isaac and Zac walked in. All were
breathing heavily, like they had just run 20 miles on a single breath.
Gwen noticed that Isaac and Katie were standing rather close together.
Zac collapsed on the couch, and Katie walked over to Gwen and tay.
"Howdy. Gwen-come to my room-help me with something." Katie said,
and led the way down the hall. Once there, she fell onto her bed, and
"I smell love in the air. Did he ask you out yet?" Gwen said.
"Yeah." Katie swooned.
"I take it you said yes."
"Are you kidding? Of course I said yes! I mean, I've only been waiting
since I joined Hanson!"
"Well......tell me all about it." Gwen said.
"Okay.......I had just caught my breath from bungee jumping, and I was
on my way to the van, and Ike stopped me. We went over by a tree, and he
told me to stand in front of him. Then he pulled out this cool necklace and was like
'will you go out with me?' I said yes faster than you can say mmmbop, and
that was that." Katie showed Gwen her necklace, which had the hanson logo on one side and Katie and Ike’s initals on the other.
"Cool. Is he a good kisser?"
"I'm not at liberty to say." Katie said, smiling.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Just then Zac barged in.
“Didn’t I ask you to knock?” Katie said, exasperated. Zac smiled big.
"Yeah.....but come out to the living room. We got something for you!"
Zac said.
"Is it just for me....or can Gwen come?"
"She can come. Come on!" Zac said, and ran down the hall. Katie and
Gwen were hot on his heels. Suddenly, Zac stopped.
"Okay....I'll make a big grand entrance."
"Here she is....the one and only......the queen of Hanson and her lady
in waiting......Katie Dawes and Gwen Soulsman!" Zac said in an
announcers voice. When Katie walked into the living room, she stopped
dead in her tracks. In front of her was a cake and a giant cutout of
Hanson-all 4 of them. The girls were led to the table, and sat down.
"It's been exactly one month since you joined Hanson. Happy one month
anniversary!" Taylor said.
"Blow out your candles!" Ike said, holding a camera. Katie leaned
forward, and blew all of the candles out. Everybody clapped.


"This is so sweet you guys!" Katie said. "I think I'm gonna cry!"
"Don't cry Kates, you'll set everyone else off!" Gwen said. Everyone laughed.
Ike walked across the room and gave Katie a big bear hug.
He tried to let go, but Katie wouldn't let him. Everyone started laughing again.
"Come on guys, stop with the mushy stuff, and let's eat!" Zac said. He grabbed a fork and started digging in.
* * * *
"No Taylor, I promised Zac I'd go take him to Six Flags this Saturday! Sorry, but I don't go back on my word!" Gwen said. Taylor had wanted to go out to a movie on Saturday.
"Fine" he said, flopping down on the couch.
"Look" Gwen bent down beside him. "You can come too. In fact, let's invite Katie and Isaac too"
"OK" he said begrudgingly.
"Just don't sulk, OK? You look cuter when you smile" she said.
Taylor laughed. Gwen walked outside onto the back patio, where Ike and Katie were talking.
"Hey Gwen, what's up?" Katie asked when she saw Gwen.
"Just wondering...Me, Tay, and Zac are going to Six Flags tomorrow. Wanna come?"
Ike and Katie looked at eachother.
"Uh...OK" Ike said. "You don't mind, do you?" he asked Katie.
"Nuh-uh" she replied.

"Cool" Gwen said, then went off in search of Zac.
* * *
"I wanna ride the Oblivion first! No, the Log Flume! No, the-"
"Zac!" Ike said, cutting him off. "We have plenty of time to do everything we want to"
"Well, I wanna ride the Log Flume first, so why don't we do that first, then go on the oblivion to let the wind help dry us off?" Katie said.
"That sounds good" Tay said.
"I guess it's unianimous then" Gwen said, and the group set off towards the Log Flume.

* * * * * *
When the kids arrived, there was a huge fight about who would sit in
the front.
"Ooh...I want the front!" Gwen exclaimed. She had made sure earlier
that this park catered to her physical needs. There was a park
attendant standing by to help her in the flume, and he would help her
out again.
"No....I should have the front..I'm the shortest!" Zac yelled,
jumping up and down.
"Yeah..but I'm the manliest!" Isaac said, saying the word 'manliest'
very low, and flexing his muscles.
"Oh gosh....make up your minds!" Katie said, sounding quite
exasperated. Finally, they agreed to split up....Taylor and Gwen in
one,(Tay in the front-safety reasons) and in the next boat, Katie,
Isaac, and Zac. (Zac in front.) Taylor and the attendant lifted Gwen
into the boat, and Taylor got in behind her. They watched as Zac
climbed in, and jumped up and down in his seat, Katie behind, and
Isaac behind her. Suddenly, Isaac got a dopey smile on his face.
"Huh huh...she between my legs, man! Huh huh huh." He said, doing a
great impression of Beavis. Katie burst out laughing. Then, the boats
rocked and groaned, moving forward slowly. Gwen smiled when Tay leaned
"We're not to the drop yet...THEN you lean back...not now!" She
said. The boat curved and dipped, and went around it's coarse.....up
into a little cave, and then......creak, creak,
clickclickclickclickclickclick, groan....and down the drop. Gwen heard
Katie scream.
* * * * * * * *
"That was sooo much fun!" Katie said, trying desperately to get the
water from her clothes, and out of her hair. Isaac looked at her, and
put on his Arnold Swarchaneggar voice.
"I will dry you Let me dry you off with my muscles."
Taylor rolled his eyes.
"Okay......if we wanna get to the Oblivion.....we gotta
go........that way." Zac said, looking at the map and pointing to his
"You lead the way, navigator." Gwen said, wheeling up to him and
bumping him in his legs. So, the 4 teens followed Zac to the
Oblivion.....but Gwen couldn't ride. So, she sat outside. It's not
really fun when you're disabled. 10 minutes later, all 4 teens came
bounding out of the ride.
"Can we go eat now-I'm starving!" Zac said. Katie, Gwen and Taylor
simultaneously rolled their eyes. It was going to be a loooooong day.

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3+1=HITZK Survey
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