"Um, Zac?" Katie said. "We just got here. You ate 3 hours ago"
"I know! But I need to keep my energy up!" he replied.
"ZAC!" We all shouted.
"Fine, Fine. It can wait though"
"Thank God"
"One thing though" he said, looking sheepish. "I havta go to the bathroom"
Everyone sighed as Zac ran off towards the mens room.
* * *
"No! Isaac! No!" Katie shrieked.
"Come on Kates, you went on the oblivion!" Isaac protested.
"Yea, and your hand was numb for about 10 minutes afterwards!" She said, in a lower voice. People were staring at them.
"Please?" he begged. "For me?"
"Ike, this ride is supposed to go upside down 13 times, and go in 3 upside down corkscrews!"
He put on a puppy dog face. Katie sighed, and allowed Isaac to drag her away towards the entrance ride for the Black hole. Suprisingly, there wasn't really much of a line. The attendant strapped them in and gave the thumbs up to the guy in the controller booth. Tay had a headache, Zac agreed with Katie on the scariness of this ride, and Gwen couldn't ride cuz of her disability, so they were waiting for the trio at the entrance gate. "Welcome to the Black Hole" the attendant said in a mock scary voice as they pulled out of the Exit/Entrance port. "Oh Great" Katie said, as they started up their first hill.
A few minutes Katie, and a very green looking Ike returned to the docking port.
"Let's do it again Ike! Come on!" Katie said, excitedly. Ike just clutched his stomach, and ran towards the bathroom.
* * *
"Agh! I'm pooped!" Tay said, flopping down on the couch. We had just gotten back from the amusement park, and had found a note asking us to be quiet, cuz everyone had already gone to bed. Ike and Katie dropped down beside him. Zac had ran to get some chips from the kitchen. Gwen just wheeled her chair over beside the group of half dead people.
"I'm too tired to even think" Ike said. Katie just made an 'Mmmmhmmm' noise. Zac came running in, a bag of M&Ms in his hand.
"Where's the chips?" Gwen asked.
"Wewrut" he mumbled around a mouthful of the colorful candy.
"Zac, chew, swallow and try again" Katie said, sarcastically.
"We were out" he said,clearer this time.
"I thought you were too tired to talk" Ike said, looking at her.
"Well, I thought you were too tired to think" she shot back.
"I am" He replied.
"Shut up!" Taylor said. Immediately, 3 pairs of brown eyes and 1 pair of blue turned towards him.
"Sorry. I'm just tired" he said.
"We have a concert and a meet-N-greet with the fans tomorrow" Ike groaned.
"Yea, you've got bags under your eyes" Gwen said sitting in her chair beside him.
"Ike's eyes are bloodshot" She continued.
"Kate's eyes aren't even open" Zac chipped in. Everyone leaned over and looked at Katie. She was sound asleep.
"Well, I'm going to bed" Ike said. He stood up and stretched, while yawning.
"Can I borrow the spare room again?" Gwen asked. "I'm too tired to roll home"
"Sure" Tay said. Everyone got up, and Ike threw a blanket over Katie's sleeping figure. Everyone slowly made their way upstairs and stumbled into bed.

"Hey......I'm Gwen...and I'm from Jenks. And welcome to this Hanson
concert! I know you all are waiting for Hanson to come on....but for
now you're STUCK with me. Hah! So....I'm gonna do a few songs, and
then Hanson’ll be here. This first song is called....."
Taylor couldn't hear any more. He wasn't paying attention. He was worried
about Gwen. She had been acting funny since this morning. Taylor
brushed it off, and grabbed his walkman, and went in the corner
to practice.
"Hey! I knew it was you! I haven't seen you since you were 7!" A
voice called. Taylor took off his headphones and looked up.
"Do I know you?" He asked.
"Taylor, right?" The person asked.
"Yes. Why?"
"I was your best friend! You even had a tiny crush on me! I can't
believe you don't remember!" The girl said. Taylor looked at her hard.
She was about his age, and had black hair that was done up in a bun,
and what was left cascaded down her back in beautiful waves. Her eyes
were deep golden brown. But..Taylor had absolutely no idea who she was.
"I'm afraid I don't remember you." he said.
"Oh.....well....can I get you autograph for my friend? She doesn't
believe that I know you."
"Sure. What is your name?" Taylor asked, noticing Isaac and Zac
"Vanessa! Vanessa Leope!" She said. Taylor nodded, and quickly
signed her paper, and she was gone. 'That was weird. Vanessa...' he
thought. But he still didn't remember her at all.
"Who was that?" Ike asked.
"Some girl who claims to have known me, and I supposedly had a
crush on her! Did you guys recognize her?" Taylor asked, listening to
Gwen's monologue from the loud speakers.
"I didn't. What about you Zac?" Ike asked. Zac shook his head no.
"Well....have you guys noticed anything different about Gwen?
She's been acting funny since this morning." Tay asked.
"Yeah....she seemed kinda mad. But not real mad.....just sorta
like angst." Zac said.
"Well......I gotta talk to her when she's done.....cause we have
10 minutes to spare."
"So......I have to sing 2 more songs. If you want a free Hanson
t-shirt, raise your hands." Gwen said, reaching next to her to
retrieve the shirt. the whole crowd screamed, and 15,000 hands were in
the air.
"Okay! It's all balled up...and I hope it gets past the front
row!" Gwen said, and threw the shirt into the crowd. It sailed past
the first 4 rows or so, and landed in the aisle of the 6th row. 50
people scrambled to get it, and Gwen rolled into her next song.
10 minutes later
"Okay! I'm outta here for now....but I will be back! In just a few
minutes, Hanson!" Gwen said, and rolled off stage. She rolled right
into Taylor.
"Ooof! I'm sorry!" She said. Taylor smiled.
"It's okay. Can I talk to you?" He said.
"Sure!" Gwen agreed. The 2 passed by the other 3 kids, talking.
"'s d, rest, c b a c f, rest?" Katie asked Isaac. They
both had guitars in their hands, and were practicing.
"Yeah. Show me." Isaac answered.
"Okay." Katie said, and played a few notes on her guitar.
"Cool." Ike said. Zac quickly ran off.
"Time to go y'all!" He said. Katie and Isaac got up, and walked
toward the stage. Taylor followed. As soon as they walked out, the
whole crowd screamed.
"Hey! 1, 2, 1234!" Taylor said, and the song started.


"I cannot believe that you said that! No.....stupid! She doesn't
want you!" Gwen said. She and Katie were watching soap operas, and
Gwen was yelling at the characters on the screen.
"Hello? They can't hear you!" Katie said. Gwen laughed.
"I knew that." Suddenly, the 2 heard a loud scream. Gwen whirled
around and wheeled towards Taylor's room-that's where he said he would
be. She opened the door, and saw Taylor sprawled on the floor, and Zac
was sitting close to his laughing.
"What happened?" Gwen and Katie asked in unison.
"I.......fell." Taylor said in a pathetic voice. Zac was still
laughing his butt off.
"Yeah...I can see that." Katie said. Taylor picked himself up off
of the floor.
"I was reading, and I went to get down off the bunk, and I lost
my footing. Hyena boy over here distracted me." Taylor said, pointing
at Zac.
"Where's Ike?" Katie asked.
"Geoff." Zac said, only beginning to show signs of calming down.
"Well.....I guess that's where I'm going. See ya!" Katie said,
and promptly left the room.
"Uh...Zac? I need to talk to Gwen alone." Taylor said. Zac got up.
"Say no more. If anybody needs me, I'll be in the kitchen."
" something wrong? You seemed...mad since this
morning." Taylor said.
" got....a death threat. In the
mail." Gwen said. Taylor sat down on the bottom bunk.
"What did it say?"
"You're not going to like this....." Gwen said.


Knock Knock. Katie rapped her hands on Geoff's door.
"I told you, I don't want to become a Jehova's Witness!" Geoff said, as he opened the door. Katie dissolved into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, it's you. Come on in, loverman is in the living room" Geoff said. Katie stepped into the cool, air-conditioned room, which was a welcome relief from the scorching summer heat.
"Hey Ike. Is it OK if I hang out here for awhile guys? If you don't want me to, just say the word and I'll leave you two to burp, or whatever you guys do in your spare time" she said. Ike stood up, looking startled.
", that's fine" he stuffed something under a pillow on the couch.
"So, what's up?" Geoff asked, turning to Katie.
* * *
"It's OK Gwen, what was it? What did it say?" Taylor demanded. Gwen handed him a note.
Hey Gwen,
No, this isn't alittle "I love you!" note. In fact, this is totally the opposite. I want you dead. You better watch your back, wheelchair girl. In fact, Katie better also. I'm going to gut you both like a fish. You never know where I might be.
A stalker
"Oh my God!" Tay said, looking up from the letter. Gwen looked scared to death.
"Hey...don't worry" he said, leaning over to comfort her with a hug.
"Tay?" she said, looking up into his eyes. "I'm scared"
"I know" he whispered, stroking her hair. "I know"
* * *
"Come on guys!" Katie protested. "I don't think I was the only one who thought NKOTB were the future of music!" Geoff and Ike had been teasing her relentlessly.
"I'm gonna kill you!" she said in a mock voice, picking up the pillow to hit Ike over the head with it. Something under the pillow caught her eye. She picked it up, and saw an issue of Playboy under there.
"Ike?" she whispered, looking at him with wide eyes. "You were looking at this?"
Ike felt a wave of guilt overcome him.
"Yeah, but I wasn't attracte-" he looked up at Katie and saw a look of disbelief on her face. Geoff retreated to the Kitchen, preferring to watch this from a distance.
"Ike? You? Why?" she said in a voice so low and painful that it cut Ike to the heart.
The line "If only I could turn back time" from Aqua's new single was running through his head, over and over.
She looked up at him, and he saw a silent tear run down her cheek. He leaned over to pull her into a hug. She jerked away from him like he was poison. Ike had never felt so low in his life. She got up and ran to the door.
"Why Ike? I hope you realize what you just lost here. My respect, and love" she said, looking at him, before throwing open the door. Ike got up off the couch and ran out to the front yard.
"Kates?" she asked. Katie was already half a block away.
"Katie! Come back! I didn't mean it! Katie!" he screamed, then sunk to the ground, burying his head in his hands.
* * *
Katie slowly opened the front door of the Hanson house. She had stopped crying 13 blocks from Geoff's house, but her eyes were red and swollen. She slowly walked into the front hall, and into the living room. Tay, Gwen, and Zac were all laughing and joking around in the living room.
"Hey Kati..." Zac trailed off. He stared at Katie with wide eyes. Her hair was a fright, she had red and swollen eyes, and her lips were puffy.
Tay stood up, walked over to where she was, and put an arm around her.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I......Ike......he......oh Taylor." Katie said, and let her head
fall on Taylor's waiting shoulder.

From her place in her room, Katie overheard Taylor talking to Gwen
and Zac.
"That Vanessa person was sooo weird! I mean....I certainly don't
remember her. But this is what I think is weird-she mentioned the fact
that she thought that I had a crush on her! Well.....the note that
Gwen got must have had something to do with me! Do you guys think that
the sender could have been Vanessa? Or am I just completely crazy?"
Taylor said.
" have a point...but I don't know.'s
possible." Gwen said. Zac stayed silent. Suddenly Gwen's bedside phone
"Yes.....Gwen? I wanna talk to Katie. I know she won't
listen.....but you gotta make her. Please?" Isaac said.
"Okay-just call again, and tell her that what you have to say is important. But if you want her to stay on the line, admit you were wrong. She thinks that you're too proud. Okay?" Gwen
Katie leaned away from her wall. She didn't want to hear any
more. She sure hoped that Ike had a good excuse-a REALLY good one.
Then the phone rang. Her hand trembled as she picked up the receiver.
"Katie? Please don't hang up. Look-I have something that I gotta
say-and I would like it if you would listen. Please-for me?" Katie
heard Isaac say.
"I guess so." She said.
"I'm sooo sorry that you had to see what you saw. I......I
barely looked at it. Geoff had it in his room, and I've always wanted
to see what the big deal was....about the magazine. I was just looking
at it when you walked in. I was reading an article about.......some
lady. You'll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to
me-always. Take me back?" Isaac said.
* * * * * * * *
It had been an hour, and Katie was still contemplating whether to
go back to Isaac or not. 80% of her said yes, but there was that other
20%. Katie kept thinking that Isaac was just like every other guy, and
had hormones like every other guy. She turned down her CD player, when
she noticed a voice outside the living room window. She walked out to the mini
balcony, and saw Isaac. He had his guitar, and was singing 'Two
Tears'. Katie knew that he meant every word. She went down the hall,
and outside, and to where he was standing. His arms wide, she ran into
the waiting hug. She suddenly realized that she was crying. And so was
Gwen had gotten over her death threat, and it seemed that
everything was hunky-dorey with Katie and Isaac. And when Isaac went
to get the mail, the Hanson household received the best shock of their
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! We got.....we
got......we got...." Isaac could hardly contain himself.
"What does it say?" Mrs. Hanson asked, taking the paper from her
son. Her eyes lit up, and the paper was passed around. Zac walked in
from Nintendo.
"What's everybody excited about?" He asked.

"We got a bonus of a million dollars form the sales of TTA?" Zac said. Everyone nodded.
"Yeah!" he said. Just then Katie walked in the room, having returned from the supermarket.
"What's the big fuss?" she asked upon walking into the kitchen, and seeing everybody dancing around.
"We got a bonus! Of a million dollars!" Everyone chorused at once.
"That's nice. Now, they didn't have skim milk, so I had to get half and half. Is that OK?" she asked, unruffled. Everyone just stared at her.
"What?" she asked looking up. "Oh, I don't really care about money, it's the music that matters" she said, putting the milk in the fridge, and walked out of the room and started watching TV.
* * *
"Hey Zac!" said a voice. Zac turned around from kicking his soccer ball around by himself. He saw his next door neighbor, Stephanie, standing behind him.
"Hey Steph, wanna play soccer?" he asked.
"No thanks. I just wondered if maybe we could hang out later today, cuz, well, I'm moving the day after."
Zac stared at her, openmouthed. "M-Moving?"
"Yeah, ya know, when you change location?"
"I know what it means, doof"
"So, do you wanna go to Lazerquest in about half an hour?"
"Uh...sure. I'll be there"
"OK, bye then" Stephanie walked back inside to her house.
Zac sighed deeply. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
* * *
Katie turned off the TV, and stood up. There was never anything good on at 7:30. She walked outside into the backyard and sat down in the tree-swing, named that because it was tied up to a huge Oak tree in the backyard. She slowly pushed herself along for a fee moments, until something startled her.
"Katie?" Katie recognized Isaac's voice. She turned around and faced him.
"Yeah?" she asked, looking up at him.
"I-I wanna know where we stand. I mean, are we still going out or what?" he asked.
Katie stopped swinging as Ike laid down in front of her.

"Ike, I really don't know. I mean, I know what you said about the Playboy and all, but the fact still remains."
He looked down and sighed. "I said I'm sorry! I did all I could! What did you want me to do?" he asked, frustrated. He never could completely understand women.
"I just wanna take a break for awhile, OK?" Katie scooted down off the swing and started stroking Ike's hair.
Ike sighed. "If that's what it takes, OK then. I'll be ready when you are" he said, as he got up and walked inside. Katie stared at his disappearing figure, then went off for a walk, hoping to sort things out in her mind.
* * *
Gwen and Katie came down the stairs at 5:30 the next morning. They had spent the night there because they were flying out to Germany early and Tulsa had an airport and Jenks didn’t. The girls were still dressed in their nightclothes. Gwen was wearing a pair of black and yellow checked boxers, and a tank top. Katie was wearing a pair of sweats she had borrowed from Taylor,and a black t-shirt that said "Kiss me, I'm Irish"
The tension between Isaac and Katie was so thick you could cut it with one of Posh Spice's heels.
"Uh...hi Kates" Ike said, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw her.

Katie noticed the look on his face and looked down at herself.
“ I look alright?” she asked, trying desperatly not to make eye contact, but it’s difficult when you love looking into those eyes.
“Yeah! You lok gr-I mean, you look fine. I gotta go now.” Isaac said. He quickly vanished from sight. Gwen wheeled into the kitchen, in search of protien. Katie flopped down on the couch.
“Why do we have to go to Germany again?” Katie asked.
“For that press conference thingy-you know-about you being in Vouge magazine. You asked me to come along.” Gwen yelled form the kitchen. Katie moaned.
“Oh goody-Vouge. I should be proud...but it’s kinda weird. What if they want me to do junky poses and stuff?” Katie asked, partially awake.
“That’s what I’m here for. I call the shots. I’ve known you since I was 3, and I know you pretty well. Just let me know what you do and don’t want to do.” Gwen said, guzzling down a whole glass of Cranberry juice. Then, she proceeded to go back to her room to change. She knocked on Mrs. Hanson’s door.
“Dear-just a minute.....” came Diana’s voice. Then she came out of her room to help Gwen get changed.
20 minutes later, the girls were out the door and on their way.

“Oh...that was a bad flight.” Katie said as she walked off the plane and waited for them to escort Gwen out.
“Ladies...I am your chaffeur...I will drive you to your hotel, and then when you need where you want to go. I have been paid in advance. Shall we depart?” A man asked in a heavy German accent.
Both girls nodded. Gwen was lucky-she had her lap to hold her bag, so she didn’t have to carry it. The man helped Gwen into the car and Katie followed. They were on their way......
* * * * * *
“Okay......what look are you going for?” the woman photographer asked Katie. Katie thought to herself.
“Not Punky....but not juvenile.” She said. The woman noded.
“So....preppy?” she asked. Katie nodded.
“Do you have photos I can look at?”
“Of cooooourse dear. Just a moment“ The woman said. Katie nodded and glanced over at Gwen,who was talking on her cell-phone. She looked up and shot Katie a thumbs up sign, and smiled. She continued talking, but kept her eyes on Katie.
“Here we are. Just pick out the basic style that you want.” The woman said. Katie looked up.
“Ma’ haven’t told me your name. I don’t know how to address you!” Katie said.
“It’s Nadia dear, Nadia.”
“Oh......ooh-I like this style.” Katie said.Nadia came over and looked at the page Katie was pointing at.
“Excellent Choice. Shall we start shooting?”
“Yes.” Katie said. She was whisked away to wardrobe, where she picked out a shimmery green shirt and blue overalls. Then she was taken to makeup. 2 hours later, it was time.
“ whatever you like, and if I get an idea, I’ll direct you.” Nadia said, attaching a telephoto lens on her camera.
Katie proceeded to move into a variety of poses, and Nadia would take a picture and say things like:
“Beautiful....wooooonderful.......great....” After a long 3 hours, the photos were sent off to be printed and the girls were instructedto go back to the hotel...and that they would be called when the photos were ready. Katie got the task of choosingwhich photos she wanted. The girls departed.
* * * * * * *
“Let’s play the nintendo.” Katie said. Gwen frowned.
“But doesn’t it cost $5 per use?” Gwen said.
“That’s good! I could play this thing 3 times, and not pay as much as Iwould for a can of nuts form the mini-bar!”Katie exclaimed.
Gwen’s eyes lit up.
“We have a mini-bar? Where?” She asked.
“Under the sink in the kitchenette.”
“Cool!” Gwen said. As soon as she was in front of the little refridgerator, she threw pen the door.
“Woah! A can of soda is $4! And a little package of candy is.....$3.50!” she said. Katie laughed, and then turned on the TV, and loaded up a game. Soon Gwen was next to her.
“What game did you get?” Gwen asked.
“Final Fantasy 4.” Katie said.
“Ooh...can I play?” Gwen asked. She had wanted that game for years.
“Sure...but I’ll have to pass you the controller to you when it’s your turn....cause if 2 people play they play at the same time, so I’ll have to die first.” Katie said. Gwen nodded, and watched. About 10 minutes later, the phone rang. Gwen wheeled over to the bedside table and picked it up.
“Dear, is this Katie? It’s Nadia.”
“Katie is busy...just a second.” Gwen said
“Do you want to talk to Nadia?” Gwen asked her friend.
“ you can.” Gwen put the reciever back up to her face.
“Ma’am? She’s indesposedat the moment. I’m Gwen-I was with her.”
“Lovely dear. Your photos are reasdy. Come soon!” Nadia said, and after saying goodbye, she hung up.
“Photos are ready. We gotta go.” Gwen reported.
“Oh.....” Katie said. She quickly exited out of the game. The girls called down to the fornt desk to make sure that the driver and the car would be waiting. When that was done, they were on their way.


The girls had gotten back from their trip to Germany yesterday, and were discussing what happened with Isaac, Taylor and Zac, who eagerly wanted to know everything.
“Did you get a copy of the covershot and article?” Zac asked.
“ it is.” Katie said, and placed 2 pieces of paper on the table. One was the cover of Vouge, and showed Katie sitting down with a puppy dog. The headline read ‘Hot, Hip and Hanson Happy:The newest member’
The other piece of paper was a few more pictures and a short article. This is what the article read:
Hanson Happy:
Katie Dawes is just like any other girl you’ve met-nice, polite, and hip. But she’s recently taken a step that would change her life forever: She joined Hanson. For those of you who’ve been on Mars for the last month, Hanson had an advertisement to have a girl join Hanson. Girl were auditioned, and 10 lucky girls preformed in front of hanson, including Katie’s best friend. The race was narrowed down to Katie Dawes, 16, and her friend Gwen Soulsman, 16. But in the end, Katie won.
You would think that she would be excited-but not very. After telling everyone the good news, Katie became very serious towards her work and the task at hand. She quickly mastered the guitar, and her harmony parts. She has wowed Hanson at every concert, and fans are constantly telling her how lucky she is. Katie says that she is happy that she auditioned. “If I never auditioned, I never would have met 3 wonderful friends, and I didn’t really have much going on in my life. I’m glad it took this turn.” She says. If you want to find out more about the newest Hanson, you can go to, and read about her, and parhaps become lucky and score Backstage Passes.
Katie’s friend Gwen is the opening act for Hanson at all their concerts-rumors are that Taylor, 17 (keyboards, vocals) couldn’t let her leave after she lost. How sweet. Our review on Katie:***** out of *****.
Everyone looked at the article shots. There was one with Katie standing with her hands in the air, and another with he rholding a microphone. Isaac was the only one still looking at the article when everyone else got up to leave.

"Zac? What's wrong?" Gwen asked Zac, seeing him hunched in a chair.
"She's gone." He said.
"Who is?" Gwen asked, positioning herself in front of him.
"Stephanie." He said glumly.
"The girl next door? Oh..where'd she go?"
"Don't know." He said, his voice almost monotone.
"Uh.....did you like her?" Gwen asked, noticing the look in his
"Like how?"
"Like....more than a friend?"

"No. I like someone else" Zac said. "I'm just sad cuz she was really
friend, and I never got a chance to tell her so. But it's too late to
her, anyways."
Gwen pulled something out of her purse. "No it's not" she waved a
piece of
paper around in the air. Zac jumped up and pulled it out of her hand.
On the
paper was Stephanie's address.
"Thanks!" he said, running off to go write a letter to Stephanie.

All my life...I prayed for someone like you..."

"!" Yelled Mrs. Hanson.
"I got the extension! Thanks!" Katie picked up the phone.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Yes, is this Katie? This is Mr. Holloman, the President of Adidas.
We saw
your photoshoot for Vogue, and were wondering if perhaps you might like
advertise our product, and maybe star in a commercial." he said. Katie
"You mean...advertise Adidas?"
"I don't know. I'd like to, but I don't know if I'll have time to.
How about
you just send a contract to MOE headquarters?"
"Sure. I'll need your address"
Katie hung up after giving him the address, and walked back downstairs,
in thought.
"Who was it, Dear?" Diana asked.
"Oh...Adidas. They want me to advertise their product. I just told
them I'd
think about it, and they could send a contract here if they wanted to"
"You didn't promise them anything...did you?" Diana asked worriedly.
"I'm gonna go see what everyone else is up to" Katie said, and walked
outside. Sitting in the backyard treehouse was Gwen, Taylor...and
Taking a deep breath, Katie walked out to where the trio was. Ike was
in the
middle of some funny story, and Taylor and Gwen were laughing along.
"Hi guys. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Katie's voice ended
on a
questioning note.
"Um, no. Climb on up" Ike said, holding down his hand to help her up.
"Thanks" Katie said, sitting down.
"Well, like I was saying..." Ike finished with his story. Katie
couldn't help
staring at him. She had made a mistake about splitting up with Isaac,
naturally was too proud to admit it.
She unconsciously sighed out loud as she thought about her predicament.

Ike kept glancing at Katie out of the corner of his eye. She
miserable, not like someone who just made the front cover of Vogue
Katie looked over at Ike, and their eyes met.
They held the look for a minute, then Katie averted her eyes. Gwen
noticed the
look that crossed over Ike's face.
"Um, Ike, can you help me get down out of the treehouse?" Gwen asked.
"Talk to her" She mouthed to Taylor, nodding at Ike, who was getting
up, and
wasn't paying attention to her.
Tay nodded. "Here Gwen, give me your hand" Ike said, jumping down out
of the
tree and reaching up for her. He helped her into her wheelchair.
"Can you wheel me inside? There's something I want that's up on a
shelf, but
I can't reach it" she asked.
"Sure" Ike wheeled her inside.
"So, what'd you want me to get?" he asked.
"Nothing. I just want to talk to you"
"About what?" he asked. "Oh...that" his face clouding over.
" about you two make up?" Gwen asked.
"I tried, besides, Katie was the one who's calling the shots right now"
said. "Just leave me alone, OK?" he said, stomping upstairs to his
Gwen sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

"So Katie, what's new in your life?" Tay asked. Katie sighed.
"Taylor, just cut out the small talk. I know what you want to talk to
about. So just ask me."
"Fine. Why were you stupid enough to break up with Ike?" Tay asked.
"God Tay, you didn't have to be harsh! Look, you don't know how I
feel, OK?
How would you feel if you saw Gwen looking at an issue of Playgirl? And
not stupid for breaking up with Ike! I need to sort out how I feel!"
"Look, I'm just saying, he's my brother, and I don't like to see him
Everytime I turn around he's moping around! Why can't you two just
make up?"
Tay asked. He had been behaving really strangely lately, and this
wasn't at
all like him.
"Well, get over it! This isn't your business anyways!" Katie said,
down and running inside. Taylor could faintly hear the sound of her
door slamming.
Tay sighed. Gwen rolled outside and saw him.
"Didn't work huh?" he asked.
"Nope. You?"
"Same" Taylor and Gwen sat in silence for a minute. Just then Zac came
running up.
"I finished it!" he said proudly.
"Let me see" Gwen asked.
"I already mailed it" he replied.
It became quiet again.
"Hey guys, why're you looking so sad?" Zac asked, noticing Tay and
downcast expressions.
"We were trying to hook Katie and Ike back up" Tay answered.
"Did it work?"
"No. Instead they both got mad at us, yelled, and basically told us to
our own business" Gwen responded for Tay.
"Zac" Gwen said, breaking the silence for the third time.
"You said earlier you liked someone else. Who?"
"A girl"
"Do I know her?"
"Yes. Stay out of it, OK?" Zac walked off.
Tay and Gwen glanced at eachother.
"This is NOT a good day" Taylor said.
"Yeah. We ran off both your brothers. Maybe we should just stay here
the day's over"
"Sounds fine to me" Tay said.
Silence once again took over.

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3+1=HITZK Survey
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