All of the teens were in the limo, talking.
" never told me what you and Isaac 'discussed' outside."
Gwen asked Katie.
"Well....if you really wanna know....he asked me if he could borrow my LFO CD, he admitted he’s a secret closet fan” Katie joken.
"Oh come on! Be serious.....what did you talk about?" Gwen said, on
the brink of violence.
"Heasmepout, okay?"
"HE ASKED ME OUT!!!" Katie yelled, and everyone stopped talking and
looked in her direction. Isaac's face was bright red.
"Oh.....I'm sorry. But they would have found out soon enough." Katie
said. Isaac's face toned down to it's normal color.
"Yeah...." Isaac said.
"So....details!!!!" Gwen pleaded.
"We went outside, and he asked me." Katie said, in a
plain-and-simple way.
"And you said....."
"I said yes! What else would I say? I wanted to do the asking, but I
was too chicken!!" Katie said in reply to Gwen's question.
"Cool. Now the only person left is Zac!" Gwen said, looking over at
Zac, who had a "What?" look on his face.
"Huh? What about me?"
"We just said you're the only availible Hanson." Taylor relayed.
"Oh.....hey!" Zac said, in a defiant tone before breaking into the BSB song that was on the radio
"I'll neeever breaaaak your heart, I'll neeever maaaaake yooooou
"Shut up!" Katie said.
Pretty soon, the teens were home, and had to pack quickly for the
flight to New York. They all met up outside the
Hanson household.
"Okay.....time to go to the airport!!" Mrs. Hanson exclaimed.
Everyone got into the family van. Mr. Hanson helped Gwen into the
back. Then, he and Mrs. Hanson jumped in the front seat, and they were
* * * * * *
"So....who are you sitting by?" Katie asked Gwen. Gwen got a special
seat (actually it was more like a hole where a seat used to be) and
there was a seat next to it.
"Who else?" She said, and pointed to Taylor.
"Ooh...." Katie pouted.
"Hello...need I remind you of one name....Ike?" Gwen said.
"Yeah! Ike!!" Katie exclaimed, and went to go find Isaac. Once
everyone was seated, the plane took off.
The in-flight movie was Anastasia, but Gwen was too bored to watch.
She turned and stared at Taylor, who was listening to music with his
eyes closed. He mouthed every word without hesitation. She looked over
at Katie, who was kissing Isaac intently. Gwen laughed to herself. Zac
was in another row, reading a comic book. Gwen sighed, and leaned back
in her wheelchair.

"1 bottle of beer on the wall 1 bottle of beer...go to the store, buy somemore, 99 bottles of beer on the wall..." Zac sang under his breath. He had long ago abandoned his comic book. He didn't really like Spiderman anyways. And he was too bored to re-sing 99 bottles of beer all over again. He looked over at Katie and Isaac. Not much fun there. They were asleep in eachother's arms. He looked over at Gwen and Tay. They were heavily involved in some discussion about Bill Clinton and if he should be impeached because of Monica Lewinski. That was boring too.
"We will be landing shortly. Please buckle your seatbelts" came the voice of a stewardess. Zac shook Katie and Ike awake, and told them the message, then buckled his seatbelt. As soon as the plane had landed, he jumped up and quickly ran off the plane. Sitting still for 12 hours had been too long for him. He impatiently waited for the rest of the entourage to get off, and then everyone helped unload the luggage. Soon, they were on their way to the hotel.
* * *
"Hey Katie, can I come in?" Ike said opening the connecting door between their two rooms. Ike, Tay and Zac shared one, Gwen and Katie shared another and the rest of the family were further down the hall. The rest of the crew hands were somewhere else, that Katie wasn't for sure about. Katie walked around the corner from the bathroom. She had just gotten out of the shower, so her hair was dripping wet. She had on a pair of black sweats and a blue shirt with beavis and butthead on it.
"Sure Ike" she said.
"Ok Baby" Ike said in a butthead voice, noticing her shirt.
"So, what's up?" Ike said in a normal voice, sitting down on the bed. Gwen, Tay and Zac were hanging out downstairs in the hotel videoroom.
"Nothing" she sat down beside him, and wrapped her fingers in his. Ike fell back down onto the bed, pulling Katie with him. The two stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.
"Hey Katie?" Ike said.
"I'm glad we're going back out"
"Me too Ike. Let's never fight again"
"Okay" Ike resisted saying the 3 words "I love you" cause he didn't want to rush her. He was feeling very vulnerable right now. Katie wriggled over closer towards him and laid her head down on his chest. Ike sighed. Everything was gonna be ok right now.

"Hey Katie, are you in here?" Gwen asked. She was down in the hotel's underground parking lot, cause she had recieved a note from Katie telling her to meet her down here.
"Katie? Hello?"
Gwen had just enough time to smell a sweet substance before blacking out.
* * *
Katie slowly opened her eyes, and tried to focus on something, anything familiar. She was in a dimly lit basement, and her hands were handcuffed around a pipe. Her hair was sticky from a head wound. She licked her lips and tasted blood. What happened? she thought. She winced at the sudden memory. She had been in the hotel's underground garage, cause she had recieved a note from Gwen telling her to meet her there. The next thing she knew, she was in a van, tied up and blindfolded, but the blindfold had slipped off alittle bit, allowing her to see out of the corner of her left eye. She had glanced over and saw Gwen laying in a heap on the van floor. Sitting in the drivers and passenger seat was 2 girls. One had dark brown eyes and almost black hair, and the other was a brunette with hazel eyes.
"Who the hell are you?" she had screamed.
"Jennah. What's it to you?" the brunette had said.
"Don't give 'em your real name dum-dum. Madame X. And Jennah's right, why would you care?" the blackhaired one had said, before picking up a baseball bat laying on the floor and hitting her over the head with it, making her unconcious.
Katie moaned. Nobody knew that she had even left the room, much less knew where she was now. She looked over to the other side of the room and saw Gwen there, her hands also handcuffed. Her chair was missing, and she was still unconcious.
"Gwen? Gwen?!" Katie said, trying not to become hysterical. That would do nothing but add to their problems.
"Gwen wake up!" she screamed. Gwen remained slumped over. Jennah opened the basement door and walked down the steps leading to where the girls were.
"I see you're awake" she said. "And it looks like you've had alittle accident" she said, laughing.
"Why are you doing this?" Katie whispered. "Well, Vane-Madame X is doing this simply cause she wants Taylor, which it's beyond me as to why she likes him.
I'm doing it cause I hate Hanson, especially Ike. I don't really know why, I just think he's devil's spawn. And you being his girlfriend makes me hate you. I want him to feel miserable. And you are the key to that, aren't you?" she laughed again.
"How could you say that?" she whispered. "He's not devil's spawn, he's the sweetest guy I've ever known. You were spawn from the devil, bitch" Katie whispered. Enraged, Jennah picked up the knife she had brought down with her, and whipped Katie around, grabbing her arm. She dug 3 dots into the skin, then connected those dots to make a triangle.
"Now everytime you feel like calling me devil's spawn, look at your right arm and remember what'll happen if you do it again. Next time'll be much worse. Next time I'll get your dear cripped friend" Jennah walked away from Katie, back up the stairs and shut the door with a bang. Katie tried to hold back, but started crying not long after. Her tears mixed with her blood on the floor.
In a broken voice, she started to sing More Than Anything, while thinking of Ike.

* * * * * * *
"Where could they be?" Taylor asked Ike, completely frantic. He
hadn't seen Katie or Gwen in 2 hours.
"I don't know. As soon as Zac get's here with mom and dad, we'll go
look." Isaac answered, trying to sound calm.
"But Gwen could be dead!" Taylor said.
"So could Katie-but we shoudn't think like that. Here comes Zac.
It'll be okay." Isaac answered. Zac, Walker and Diana approached,
worried looks on all 3 faces.
"Why the frantic message?" Walker asked.
"Katie and Gwen are missing." Isaac said. With that, Isaac and
Walker went to go look in one direction, and Taylor and Zac went in
the other. Diana would wait in the lobby.
"Okay.....I'll check the games room, and you go look in the weight
room. We'll meet up here." Zac told Taylor. Taylor swallowed his tears
and went in the direction of the weight room. 2 girls were there, one
with black eyes and hair, and one with brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Have you girls seen 2 other girls, one in a wheelchair, and one
who's blond? She's not disabled." Taylor asked. The girls shook their
heads, and Taylor noticed that they had weird expressions on their
"Well.....thankyou." He said. As he was leaving, he thought he heard
laughter, but dissmissed the thought. He found Zac where they had
agreed to meet.
"No luck." They said in unison. Suddenly, they heard a low scream,
and then they saw Isaac running toward them.
"I......I.........we f-found them.....oh my god......come quick!"
Isaac said, trying to talk. Zachary and Taylor followed
Isaac down to an underground parking lot, but all that was there was a
"But-where are they?" Taylor asked. Isaac pointed to the van, and
Walker ran over to it, and grabbed his Swiss Army Knife out of his
back pocket.
"I have a paperclip, maybe I can pick the lock” Walker said. With a huge groan, the door swung open.
"Oh my god!" Taylor said when he saw the 2 bodies lying on the van
floor. He jumped in, and cradled Gwen in his arms. Isaac joined him.
"Go get Steve-we'll have him help us carry them. I'll take Katie,
but he'll help you and Taylor carry Gwen." Walker told Isaac. Ike
"No-I'll do it." Zac volunteered. He ran off to go find Steve. 4
agonizing minutes later, Zac returned with Steve. Without a word,
Steve, Isaac and Taylor lifted Gwen out of the van, and carried her to
the lobby. Walker lifted Katie, and Zac helped.
"Thanks son." Walker said. Zac nodded, as they followed the other 3.


As soon as Diana saw the two girls, she ran to a phone, and called
an ambulance. It arrived within 5 minutes. Everyone was
going into hysterics-especially Isaac and Taylor. Zac did his best to stay calm, but
Katie and Gwen meant a lot to him too. When they arrived, the girls
were rushed to the ER. Diana, Walker, Zac, and the rest of the Hanson
clan (including roadies) was told to wait in the waiting room. After
what seemed like hours, a doctor emerged.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, both of the girls have massive contusions to
various parts of their bodies, and when we ran tests, they showed that
Gwen was heavily drugged. There aren't many signs of a struggle, so it
was obvious that the girls were beat up-without a fight. I do have
some bad news. Katie and Gwen are both unconscious, and it has not
been estimated to how long it will last. They have been put in the
same room. You may see them now, if you like." The doctor said. Isaac
sat in his seat, dazed. The word unconscious went through his mind,
over and over. He felt himself being shaken, and when he looked up, he
saw Zac's face.
"Come on-they said we can go see them now." Zac said. Isaac got up,
and followed the group to the room. Gwen was in one bed, and a curtain
seperated her from Katie. Isaac ran to the curtain, and closed his
eyes as he walked through. When he opened them, he almost fainted.
Katie had bandages all over her face and arms. All Isaac could see
were her eyes, nose and mouth. The rest was almost completely
bandaged. Isaac sat and looked at her, holding back the tears
* * * * * *
"Yes? They are? They did? Great!" Taylor said. He was on the phone
with a nurse from the hospital.
"Thank you ma'am." He said, and hung up. The he went into Isaac's
room, and knocked on the door.
"Yeah?" Came a very sad voice.
"Issac-they woke up." Taylor said. All of a sudden, the door swung
"Really? That's great!" Isaac said. Soon, the whole family was
notified and at the hospital.
"Can I go in alone?" Isaac asked. Diana nodded. Isaac walked in, and
sat down by Gwen's bed.
"Hey Gwen. How are you feeling?" He asked. Gwen strained a smile.
"I'm okay." She said.
"Glad to hear it."
"Isaac-go ahead. I won't repeat anything. Go ahead and go talk to
her. I'll put on my walkman, and let you have your privacy. She's
sleeping right now." Gwen said, motioning to Katie's half of the room.
"Thanks." Isaac said, appreciatively. He walked into Katie's half,
and looked at her. She was smiling at him.
"I thought you were asleep." Isaac said.
"I woke up, and heard your voice." Katie replied.
"Cool. How are you?"
"Fine. Isaac?" Katie asked.
"I love you."
"Really?" Isaac felt as if his whole world made sense now, and he
was indescribably happy.
"Of course." Katie said. She smiled, and reached up, and pulled
Isaac's face near to hers.
"Kiss me, you sexy man, you." She whispered.
"Don't mind if I do."

"Hey Gwen!" Zac said, bounding in the room. Tay was on his heels.
"Hi Zac" she leaned over and accepted his huge hug. Zac stepped out of the way and let Tay in.
"Hey Gwen" he whispered, reaching for her hand and stroking her hair.
"Hey Tayles" she said.
"Zac, can you go for a minute?" Tay asked. As soon as Zac left the room, Tay bent down beside Gwen.
"I missed you" he said.
"I missed you too"
"Lay a smacker on me baby" Tay said in a pathetic beavis impression. Gwen laughed and leaned over to pull him into a passionate kiss.
* * *
"Katie!" screamed Mackenzie. Katie had been Mackie's favorite of the two girls.
"Hey Mackie Boy, what's up?" she grinned, pulling the 4 yearold up onto her bed.
"Gimme a hug!" Laughing, Katie bent down and gave him a huge bear hug.
"What's this?" he pulled at the IV attached into her vein.
"To tell ya the truth little fella, I don't really know. Where's Avery and Jessie?"
"Talking with Gwen"
"Wanna read?" Mackenzie shoved a copy of 'Where the wild things are' under Katie's nose.
"Ok...The night Max wore his wolf suit..." Katie began to read aloud.
* * *
"No...actually, I didn't really get hit that much. Just once or twice" Gwen was relating her side of the story to Diana, Walker, Taylor, Isaac, Zac, Avery, Jessie, and even little Zoe, even though she couldn't understand anything yet.
"We're really sorry Gwen" Avery and Jessie chorused. Gwen smiled and gave them each a hug.
"Then what?" asked Zac.
* * *
"I'm so glad you're gonna be okay, Kates" Ike said. He was laying beside Katie (facing her) in her hospital bed, which was hard to do, considering all the wires that were getting in the way. Katie smiled but didn't say anything.
"Yeah, well I go in for surgery tomorrow"
"What for?" Isaac said, becoming alarmed.
"Hairline fracture in my arm, 4 busted ribs, a collapsed lung, and to top it all off, I have a concussion"
"Oh my-you're gonna be okay Katie. You're gonna come out just fine"
"Ike, I'm basically a glass cup that fell to the floor. My whole body is out of whack"
"But you're gonna live. How long will you be in the hospital after your surgery?"
"Well, I'm going to be in here November 15, that's for sure" November 15 was Katie's 17th birthday.
"Visiting hours are over, sir" said a nurse who had just stepped into the room.
"Anything I can bring you?" Ike asked Katie, preparing to go.
"Some McDonalds. The food here sucks" Ike laughed and leaned down to give Katie a kiss before departing.
* * * * * *
"So............right................. But she's okay..... yeah..........right!
too!..... holdonwhat?'s okay!..... yeah..I'm fine.....Love you too....bye." Gwen said as she hung up the phone. This was her last day in the hospital. She had called her mom to tell her what happened, and of course, her mom freaked.
"For what?"
"That whole thing about giving Ike his privacy with me and
all......that was nice of you." Katie said through the curtain.
"Oh......okay. No problaymo!" All of a sudden, there was a knock on
the door.
"Come in!" The girls cried in chorus. A young female nurse came in.
"Miss Gwen? You have been discharged. There is a young man outside
with your wheelchair. Should I let him in?" The nurse asked.
"Yeah....but you might wanna stay to help me in that thing...I don't
think Tay's strong enough." Gwen snickered. The nurse nodded, and
left. Tay came in, pushing a wheelchair.
"Your chariot awaits, milady." He said. Gwen laughed. The young
nurse came back in with a male nurse, who looked like he could have
been Mr. T's cousin. He took Gwen's arm, and lifted her up, and into
the wheelchair. She was already dressed to go home. Gwen felt like
saying "Thanks...butch." To the guy, but she decided not to. The 2
nurses left.
"Ready?" Tay called.
"Yup." Gwen answered, and waved goodbye to Katie, who had pulled the
curtain back. Soon, Taylor and Gwen were gone, and Katie was all alone.

"Look-there's an article about us in the paper!" Gwen said.
"Ooooh....what does it say?" Zac and Isaac asked, coming in. Taylor
was already there.
"Hanson's gal pals beat up-what a stupid headline! Who does this
Mike Stanley think he is anyway?" Gwen asked. Taylor peered over the
"He's the staff writer! It says so right under his name!" Taylor
"I know that, stupid!" Gwen said, and playfully smacked Taylor
upside the head.
" is what the article says: So you've all heard
by now. Hanson added a female member to their band, and another to
their love life. Katie Dawes joined the band over 6 months ago, and
brought along her pal Gwen Soulsman for the ride. Both girls are
romantically linked to one of the brothers. Katie is smitten with
Isaac, the band's guitarist, and Gwen is linked with Taylor, the
keyboardist and resident bombshell.
Thursday, while staying at a local hotel, the two girls were called
down to the underground parking lot, and then myteriously beat up.
Gwen was drugged, and Katie was physically assaulted, and had markings cut into her left arm. Katie stated earlier that the
assassins were 2 girls....who wanted Katie and Gwen beat up, to hurt
Hanson. Local Police issued this statment: "We are searching
everywhere for the 2 girls, and we've already got a few suspects, but
we still need help." If you have any information regarding this case,
please call either your local police, or this hotline: 555-3692." Gwen
"Wow." Isaac said.
"Wait a I remember! I recognized one of those girls
I saw, but I coudn't put my finger on it. One of the girls in the
weight room was Vanessa! There's her picture.....she was wearing a
wig! I'd know that face anywhere. I can't belive it-she hurt Gwen! And
not to mention Katie!!" Taylor said. Gwen stared at him in
utter disbelief.
"You mean. Miss Peaches and Cream, who sent you that love note,
that's her? But I thought she said she'd be in Tulsa over a month
ago!?" Gwen exclaimed.
"Yeah.....but she must have followed know what hotel we
were at, and all." Zac put in.
"Call that number! You gotta tell them!" Isaac said. Taylor
nodded, and went to the phone.
"Yes......I have some information regarding the Hanson story in the
paper........I know who one of the girls is..........Vanessa Leope. Yes....that's right. She was wearing a wig.....her hair is normally blonde.....I
know....the wig was black. Thanks...I have another witness if you need
one...Katie! She's in the Bay City hospital.....I'm Taylor! Check your
called ID if you don't believe me!......I'm in a hotel!
Okay....thank you. Bye." Taylor hung up the phone, an exasperated
look on his face.
"You did the right thing." Gwen said.
"I wish that's what it felt like."
* * *

“Yes...this is Katie...yes...yes...yes, I do...Jennah...yeah...ok. You’re welcome...bye!” Katie hung up the phone and sighed. She was bored and all tense waiting for her surgery. She had just managed to relax when the phone call from the London Police had come, making her worry all over again. She flipped on the TV.
“Please won’t you be my-” click “Today on a very special blossom-”click “Oh Dana. I love not you, but your sister”-click “Although lonliness has always been a friend of mine...” Katie settled on Mtv, which was playing 'As long as you love me' by The Backstreet Boys. Just then Ike walked in.
“Hey” she said, smiling up at him. His usual easygoing grin was replaced by a frown. “What’s wrong?”
“They arrested one of the girls. Vanessa”
“Oh. That’s good”
“They haven’t arrested the one who did all this to you” he sat down on Katie’s folding hospital bed.
“Oh. At least they arrested Vanessa”
“Yeah. So, are you nervous about your surgery?” Katie grinned up at Ike.
“Of course. What do you think?”
“You’re going to be just fine” he said. Katie took his hand in hers.
“Ike, you have to accept the fact that I’m not undestructable. I CAN die, ya know. In fact, there’s a 40% chance I will. But I’ll hold on. I’m a fighter, as well as a lover” She smiled up at him, and started to hum a song. Ike sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out the tune. He had heard it before but couldn’t place it...
“What song is that?” he asked, slightly annoyed at not knowing the song.
"God must have spent alittle more time on you” Katie smiled. Ike leaned over and gently kissed her.

“Hey Gwen” Tay said. “We’re going to the hospital now. Katie’s about to undergo her surgery” Gwen nodded and allowed herself to be wheeled to the van where Zac and Ike were waiting. Ike was going to drive. Tay picked her up and set her down in one of the swiveling seats behind the driver’s seat. He folded up her wheelchair and placed it in the trunk. Ike backed out of the drive and 10 minutes later, they were at the hospital.
“Good afternoon. Katie’s in room 202, as usual” the nurse at the front desk said to the 4 expectant teenagers.
Zac mumbled a thanks as he ran after Gwen, Tay and Ike. They stood outside her door, debating who should go in first.
“Go on Gwen, Tay, you can go first, I’ll go last” Ike whispered. Gwen smiled a grateful thanks, and wheeled in, with Tay behind her.
“Hey guys” Katie greeted her with a sleepy smile. They had just administered anesthetics, and she was getting drowsy.
“Hey Katie. How ya feelin?” Gwen asked.
“Okay I guess. I wish my Mom could’ve been here. She went on a vacation though and nobody could get ahold of her” she sounded sad.
“Well, we’re here for ya. Get well soon, okay?” Tay replied, trying to ignore the fact that there were tear streaks all down her face.
“Okay” Katie sniffled and hugged Gwen, then Taylor. They left the room and Gwen motioned for Zac to go in.
“Hey Zaction man” she greeted him with an old nickname and a tired smile.
“Hey Katie” Rarely was Zac as quiet as he was now.
“How is everyone?”
“They’re doin’ okay. How are you holding up?”
“I’m peachy keen”
“Well, I know Ike’s anxious to talk to ya, so I’m gonna go now. Be a fighter, okay?” He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then walked out. Isaac was next to walk in.
“Hey Ikers” Katie said.
“Hey Kates” Ike sat down on the corner of her bed. Katie handed him a folded up piece of paper.
“Don’t read it unless something happens to me. If I come out fine, I expect it back” She handed him a folded piece of paper. He pocketed it and the two sat there in silence for a minute. Ike held her hand as Katie drifted off to sleep.
* * *
Gwen sighed with anticipation. Her, Zac,Tay and Ike had been sitting in the waitingroom for 3 hours now. They were trying to repair Katie’s lung. They had popped her arm back into place last night, along with her ribs. Tears had rolled down Gwen’s face when she heard her friend’s anguished screams.
She leaned against Tay, and he put his arm around her.
“She’s strong, she’ll make it” he comforted her. Gwen smiled a silent thank you up towards him and slowly drifted off.
Tay shook her awake when the doctor came out of the operation room, his face solemn.
‘Oh no’ Gwen thought.
“Is she-” Taylor couldn’t bear to say the word.
“Dead?” the Doctor finished. “No. Halfway through the operation we noticed a white film enclosing her left lung. It seems that her right lung, which was the collapsed one, had gotten infected, and the infection has spread to her left one. I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do except surround her by loved ones. She might not even make it through the night. I’m sorry. You can visit her if you want, she’s back in her room.”
The doctor left the waitingroom, leaving Gwen, Zachary, Taylor and Isaac in shock.
“Infection? Dead? Katie? She might not make it through the night?” Ike repeated over and over, trying to fit the pieces together. Tay came over and sat down beside him.
“It’s gonna be okay man. You know Katie. She’ll make it if she can.”

Isaac gently sat down on the corner of Katie’s bed. Gwen, Zac and Tay had come in earlier, each for about a half hour. Now it was his turn and for the second time in his life he had no idea what to say. The first time was with Grandma Jane, when she had been in the exact same situation. And it was Ike who had come up with the idea of doing a song for her. ‘I’ll do the same for Katie’ he thought. But he couldn’t now, Katie had noticed his presence.
“Hi Isaac” she said wearily. Ike bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Great. Never been better.” She replied, even though Ike saw that it hurt her even to talk.
“Happy birthday” he handed her 12 balloons tied together by a big red bow.
“It’s not my birthday until tomorrow.” Katie said, giggling. “I feel like these are going to lift me straight up into the ceiling. But thanks. It was a sweet thought.” She set the bunch of balloons on the table beside her.
“That’s not all” he pulled out a box from his leather jacket and handed it to her.
She opened it and ooohed. Inside was the ring Ike had bought her for her birthday. It was an emerald set in a silver band. He took the ring out of her box and slipped it onto her ring finger on her left hand.
“I don’t know what to say! It’s beautiful!” she turned her hand so it sparkled in the sunlight.
“Say you’ll be mine forever” Ike said, looking down at her.
“Ike, you and I both know I’m not going to live forever” Katie said softly, staring down at her new ring.
“Yes you are. You’re going to grow up and marry me and we’re gonna have lots of children and you’re gonna die an old lady without pain in your bed, lying beside me while I hold you tight” Ike said stubbornly. Tears welled up in Katie’s eyes and she pulled Isaac down towards her. She kissed him more passionatly then she had ever done before. Even though the pain she was experiencing was taking her to new heights, she put all the feelings she had for him into that kiss. Isaac knew it and could tell. He pulled away and held her hand.
“Katie, don’t go. I don’t want to have to say goodbye to someone I care the world about again.”
“Don’t think of it as me going. It’s not goodbye. Just think of it as see you later.”
“Katie, I love you” Katie looked up at him and a tear slipped slowly down her cheek.
“I love you too Isaac”
“You’re tired, aren’t you. Go to sleep Katie. I’ll be here beside you.”
“Don’t leave me Ike.” She said, sleepily. “Stay here with me, just be with me.”
“I won’t let go. I’ll be here for you always. It’s okay. Just sleep.” Ike whispered in her ear, still holding her hand as tears fell down his face. She slowly closed her eyes and Isaac got his last glimpse of those beautiful blue rays of light. Under her breath she was humming the infamous 'With you in your dreams'. Ike sat there and just looked at her. It wasn’t fair. Why did the first girl in his life he had ever loved have to die in such a way? She hadn’t done anything. Isaac wasn’t complete without her around. And now she’d never have the chance to turn 17, get to drive, sky dive like they had joked around when she turned 18, have children, marry him... He softly sung 'I will come to you' to her. As soon as the song had ended, Katie rolled over towards him, sighed and her grip on his hand slowly went limp. Her breathing stopped, and so did the machines. Right then he felt a part of him disappear. She had left smiling, and Ike knew she was thinking of no one but him. And yet she had waited until he finished singing to leave him. He laid his head down on her stomach and started to cry.

Isaac slowly made his way through the graveyard until he found the stone he was searching for. It was made of white marble and had an angel perched on top. It read:
Kathryn Elizabeth Dawes
Born: November 15, 1983
Died: November 14, 2000
In the hearts and souls of millions
Ike slowly sat down in front of her grave. He was clutching the piece of paper Katie had given him about a week ago. It was still unread. He unfolded it and began to silently read.
Dear Isaac,
If you’re reading this I must be dead. If I’m not, then you better stop reading right now! Just joking. This is my will, and will you please share it with everyone else? Thanks mucho.
To you I leave my poems, song ideas and everything found in the locked drawer in my room next to Gwen. The key to it is in my guitar case, next to the pic. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You were my first and only true love. I know you’re not going to freely date as soon as I croak (for lack of a better word) , but promise me one thing. You have to get married. I’m not saying you have to completely forget about me, I’m just saying move me into a different place of your heart, and make room for other girls. I hope you believe in angels, cause you just got one watching over you.
I love you.
Gwen: Hey Girly girl! I’m gonna miss you and everyone else greatly. You were one of my closest friends and it sucks to see you go. You can have all the jewelrey in my jewelrey box in my room. And of course, all my R.L. Stine books. Give Taylor, Isaac and Zac a big hug for me. You ARE going to walk one day, too bad I can’t be around to see it. Keep trying.
Zac: Hey Twinkie freak. You, of course get my LazerTag champion T-shirt that you’ve been drooling over. And all my Doc Martens, even the bright lime green ones that you for some unexplainable reason adore. Sorry that things between you and Gwen, or even me, didn’t work out. But keep looking, there’s other girls in the world who would die to have you. Next time you eat another of those Ring Dings or Ring Dongs or whatever those healthy impaired thingys are, eat one for me.
Tay: Hey Mr. T (“They call me Mr. T!”) Take care of Ike for me, he’s gonna need it. Even though you and I didn’t get along very well, and you were mad at me up until 2 hours of me writing this, I still cherish your friendship. And don’t worry about me finding out about your journal entry. I already knew about the threatening letters, so did everyone else. But thanks for wanting to protect me anyways. You can have those Yamaha keyboards in my room, use ‘em at your next concert for good luck. Give Gwen a big kiss for me.
Mom: Even though I hardly now see you, and when I did see you you never paid me much attention, I love you anyways. I don’t know much to say right now, except that I know about the scrapbook of articles you keep about me, and I think it’s sweet. You get MY scrapbook, with love.
Walker & Diana: Thanks for taking care of me and letting me into your home as well as your hearts. You have raised a wonderful family, and I am proud to be an honary member of it. Thanks. You both are getting a picture of me, Gwen and the clan. It’s framed and you can pick it up from the mall, it’s already been paid for.
Jessie and Avery: Hey girls! You guys get my Barbies and Backstreet Boys appearance tape, with much love . You guys were like little sisters to me, an d I’ll miss you lots.
Mackie boy: Hey Mackenzie! Go to my room and on my pillow you’ll find a snoopy doll. It’s for your birthday, even though it’s about 8 months early. You always were my favorite little boy. Go to Isaac and he’ll give you a kiss from me. And tell him that he’s my favorite big boy.

Isaac, tell this next part to the fans.
To all who think the HITZ Klan JAMZ: Thanks to everyone who went out and bought the album, and went to the concert, even though I was there. And thanks to all those Ike fans who didn’t murder me, you guys rock.

To everyone: Love all of you lots, and miss you loads,
Isaac smiled to himself and stood up, refolding the letter and carefully replacing it in his left pocket. He turned away and felt something jab him in his right side. He stuck his hand in that pocket and felt something in there.
Probably one of those little emergency sewing kits from the store that the salespeople put in there in case a button pops off he thought. It has to be, mom just bought these pants yesterday.
He pulled out a pen, which had something caught on it. He turned the pen over and caught his breath. It was the one Katie had given him, that said ‘K loves I forever’ He had thrown it away the day after Katie had discovered the Playboy, then everyday kicked himself in the butt for doing it. He brought the pen up closer towards him and saw the thing that was dangling from it was the charm necklace Ike had given her the day they started going out. On one side was the Hanson logo, on the back it had a heart with their initials enclosed in it. He smiled and put the things back in his pocket. He turned to face the setting sun.
Is this the end of the beginning? He thought. Or the beginning of the end?

The End
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