"So, are you happy it's over and those girls are gone for good?" Aveline asked Zac the next afternoon. It was Christmas-eve day, and everybody was scattered in various parts throughout the house. Aveline and Zac were stretching out on the livingroom floor.
"Well, of course. They caused so much crap, it's just...." Zac shook his head.
"Yeah" Aveline nodded in slient agreement.
"Oh, hey-I got your christmas present" Aveline pulled out a box and handed it to Zac.
"Thanks! I have yours upstairs, do you want it now?"
"Nah, just open mine now"
Zac opened the lid to reveal a silver diamond ring with a Z in the middle. On the inside of the band it said
"You may not have a medal but you'll always be a hero to me"
Zac smiled and slipped it on his pinky. Perfect fit.
"Thanks" he looked up into Aveline's eyes. He finally couldn't hold in the secret he'd been harbouring any longer.
"Aveline, there's something I have to tell you"
* * *
"Is your foot alright?" Gwen asked, handing Taylor a yellow shaped fruit. She sat down on a kitchen stool and started laughing.
"What?" Tay asked around a mouthful of banana.
"This. It's so weird. It always used to be you asking me if there was anything I could do for your foot, and now, it's, well, it's just weird"
Taylor nodded.
"I know what you mean" He swallowed. "Come to think of it, loads of stuff has happened this year. We met you and Katie, you got paralyzed, Katie and you got kidnapped, Katie left us, you got un-paralyzed, Zac got kidnapped, Zac got rescued, I got shot..."
The pair sat in silent thought.
"I wonder if we'll ever again be the same people we were this time last year" Gwen mused.
"So much has happened, we're completely different people now. Nothing gold can stay" she quoted Robert Frost.
"Gwen, there's something I've been meaning to ask you, but with all the stuff that's been going on, no time's seemed right"
"Don't remind me"
They both laughed, a comfortable laugh.
"Just come out with it"
"Will you go out with me again? I mean, you don't have to answer right away, anytime's fine for you, I just had to ask cause the question was burning a hole in me and-"
"Yes" Gwen said softly.
"Yes? Are you sure?" Tay waited with baited breath.
"Yes" Gwen grinned and leaned down towards her new-old boyfriend for a gentle kiss. She had forgotten what a good kisser he was....
* * *
"This is Katie's?" Adriannon asked quietly.
"She looks popular"
Adriannon felt like she was treading on a delicate tissue here as she stared at the grey headstone surrounded by it's blanket of reds, yellows and blues. She also felt an enormous sense of trust here. How often is it that the guy you like takes you to the dead love-of-his-life's grave?
"Adrian, remember our talk in the park?"
She merely nodded.
"Well, I think I'm ready"
Whoah. That was unexpected. Forget the taking bit, it's not often that the guys you like asks you out at the dead love-of-his-life's grave.
"Isaac, I know that I can never replace Katie, and, well-"
"Adrian, I know that. Katie's final wish for me was that I moved her to another place in her heart and made room for another special girl. I wasn't able to do that until I met you"
"Ike....I don't know what to say. Are you sure? I don't mind waiting for you"
"Adriannon," Ike pulled her around until she was facing him. "It's what she would've wanted is for me to move on elsewhere. I really like you and I want you to be the person I move with."
Adriannon smiled up at him and slipped her hand into his. "Let's go home" she whispered quietly.
* * *
Zac rubbed his eyes and squinted at the clock. 6:43 AM. Realizing what day it was, his tiredness seemed to vanish as he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Sure enough, there was the huge stack of presents next to the tree.
"MOM DAD ISAAC TAYLOR GWEN JESSIE AVERY MACKIE ZOE WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. Adriannon and Aveline had to go home last night but would be back later in the day. Zac plopped down by some huge box and watched as the rest of his family members started drifting in, rubbing their eyes then opening them widely at the display. Isaac was the last to shuffle in, and by that time everyone else was awake and Walker was passing out the presents. Zac sat back on the couch, content from his perch.
"Wow! Look at what Santa gave me!"
"Who sent that one?"
"Avery, that's for Mackie, not you"
"Isaac, honey, wake up"
"I think Auntie Stephanie"
"Oh, sorry"
"I am"
"Thanks for the barrettes Avery"
"Did you look at mine yet?"
"Zac, wanna open this? It rattles" his mom held up a package enticingly.
Zac smiled and hopped down beside the tree. He shook the present-always try to guess before actually opening. That made it more fun. He looked up at the angel at the top of the tree-to this day he will still swear it winked at him. He grinned and started to rip off the wrapping paper. This was, by far, the best Christmas yet.
The End

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