CHAPTER 7: Speechless
"And I wonder/will you still love me/did you ever love me or were you playing with me before/did you ever love me or are you showing me the door?"
"How did you find us anyways?" Zac asked, running around Aveline in circles.
"Zacky, stop it! You're making me dizzy!" Aveline laughed, then threw her ball, making a swooshing noise as it sunk through the basket.
"Well?" Zac demanded, setting his ball on the driveway and sitting down on top of it.
Aveline laughed again as Zac stared at her, arms crossed, with a demanding expression on his face.
"I just saw the girls screaming "HANSON!!" and followed them. The last name kind of gave it away as to who it was"
"Yea, that would make sense, wouldn't it?" Zac got up off his seat, and picking up his basketball, threw it at the net, frowning when he missed.
"No, you did it all wrong. The little square in the middle of the board is there for a reason"
"Like this?" Zac followed Aveline's instructions and grinned with satisfaction when it hit the net.
"Hey, I'm hungry. Wanna go to Joe's Burgers?"
"You paying?"
"Do you have any money?"
"There ya go"
"All right then"
* * *
"Hey Gwen" Taylor said, upon entering his (ex) girlfriend's room.
"Hi" Gwen set down her journal and smiled up at Tay with a questioning look on her face.
"Can we talk?" without waiting for an answer, he rushed right on. "Look, about this afternoon, I was being an insensitive fool, and I want to apologize"
"Apology accepted"
"So, ya wanna go to a movie or something?"
"Sure, as friends"
"W-why as friends?" Taylor fought to keep his temper down. If he wanted to score points with Gwen, he wouldn't get them by screaming at her again.
"Taylor, you were right. I AM being too into myself and not getting out enough. But right now, I just don't want to be in a relationship with anyone. It's not you, it's me. I still love you, but right now I need space"
Taylor forced a smile, in spite of his breaking heart.
"Okay, if that's how you feel, then friends it is"
"Now, what movie do you wanna see?"
"Ya know, I'm suddenly not feeling too good right now. Maybe Zac'll take ya ok? Sorry. Tomorrow maybe?" Taylor asked.
"Okay...tomorrow it is then"
"Well, I'll let you get back to writing or whatever you're doing. Good night"
Taylor left Gwen's room and ran back to his room, flopping down on the bed. Shadows from the setting sun were cast across the sheets, making a weird pattern. Tay sighed and buried his face in his hands.
* * *
Zac slurped the remains of his chocolate milkshake up through his straw.
"So, ya see, it's not that I'm just in seclusion or denial, it's just that I'm not as hyper anymore, or something like that"
Aveline pushed back the remains of her french fries.
"So basically, you just don't feel like being as outgoing anymore?"
"Yeah. You gonna eat those?"
"I kind of see where you're coming from. No."
"Since she left, I just kind of realized how precious life, and everything else in it is. And I don't know why, but that just suddenly made me take into fact that, well, I don't know what I really think anymore. I'm confused. And if you're confused, why share your confusion with the rest of the world? I'm probably not making any sense here, I don't even fully understand what I'm saying. Thanks" Zac stuffed Aveline's fry remains into his mouth.
"Oh, I understand what you mean. Trust me, I understand"

CHAPTER 8: Soldier
"And he was lonely, so lonely for a friend..."
Bring, Bring.
"Agh!" Gwen screamed in frustration as the telephone rung once again. The 6th time in half an hour. The first time it was a wrong number, the second time it was a hysterical fan begging for Zac, the third time it was a prank call, the fourth time it was another hysterical fan begging for Zac, and the fifth time it was ANOTHER hysterical fan, but this time she was begging for Taylor.
"What?" She knew it wasn't the best way to answer the phone, but right now she couldn't give a flying fig.
"Um, may I please speak to Gwen Soulsman?" a man's voice said.
"This is Dr. Cleaver from Tulsa general. We just got some new research done on your case, to see if there's any possibility of you ever being able to walk, and..."
"And?" Gwen asked, breathless with anticipation. She had dreamed about this call for months. She longed to just throw her wheelchair aside and stand up and RUN.
"There is a slight possibility that after your treehouse fall, a build up in the base of your cerebral cortex may have occured, which may have caused a malfunction of your central nervous system. The reception of the nerve stimuli is what may be causing your crippledness."
"In english please" Gwen said, exasperated. She had just felt like she had gotten the key to heaven's pearly gates but was too short to reach the keyhole.
The man on the other line laughed. "Sorry. Basically, there's a chance that you can't walk because a fluid buildup in your spine is blocking your nerve endings."
"I-is there any way to remove the buildup?" she asked, clinging onto hope like a delicate flower.
"That's why I called. I was wondering if possibly you could come by the hospital around 2 PM?"
"SURE! Oh, sorry!" Gwen said, realising she had just deafened Dr. Cleaver.
"See ya then!" He said. Gwen hung up the phone, giddy with happiness.
She felt she had to share her joy with SOMEBODY.
As if on cue, Mackenzie wandered into the room.
Gwen rolled over, and scooping the startled little boy up, spun around in her chair with him a few times. Mackie shrieked with joy at the unexpected airplane ride.
She set him down and, reaching the top of the stairs, dragged herself out of her chair, and folding up it, dragged it behind her as she moved down the stairs-on her butt. It was awkward and annoying but it worked and didn't bother anybody. Upon reaching the base of the stairs, she unfolded the chair and climbed back in. She rolled around the living room corner and into Diana.
"Oh, honey, I'm sorry! Are you ok?"
"IGEDDDAWALK!" Gwen practically screamed, ignoring Diana's sympathetic look.
"What hon? Take it slower"
"I get to walk!!" by this time the whole family, Aveline included were standing in the doorway, watching this scene.
"What do you mean?"
"Who said?"
"Why are chickens fluffy?"
The last question from Zac was weird enough to make everyone shut up and turn to him, a questioning look on their face.
"Huh?" the group asked with one voice.
Zac shrugged. "Well, it worked, didn't it?" he said with a grin.
"Now Gwen, what's this about you walking?"
"Slow down" Ike said.
"The doctor from the hospital called and said summat about a fluid buildup in my spine that might be causing my legs to not work! And at 2 tomorrow, I get to go to the hospital to get checked out!"
Everyone immediately started to congratulate the excited teenager.
"Hey everyone, come on, let's go to Friendly's-my treat!" Ike said on the spur of the moment. He had just found a few $20s lying around in his bank account and was in money-spending mode.
"Do ya have the money?" Tay asked.
Everybody agreed, and 11 bathroom stops later, the group were on their way.
* * *
"Bored, bored, nothing to bored that I could eat a shoe..." Tay hummed, before laughing hysterically.
He was bored. A few years ago, that word didn't exist in his vocabulary. Now, after Zac collapsed from exhaustion during a Tibet concert, the band decided to take things MUCH slower, and were in Tulsa more often. They were still famous enough that they had a high chance of being mobbed while walking outside, but still home so often that they sometimes got stuck without anything to do. Zac, Aveline, and Isaac had gone to Splish Splash for the day. They had invited Tay, but he declined. Now he regretted it. Gwen was at the hospital getting her test done. Tay had offered to go with her, but she had refused, saying she'd rather go by herself. And his parents had taken the little ones with them to do some much needed shopping.
He sighed.
God, he was bored. So bored he could eat a shoe. He decided to take another meander through the empty house, while continuing his previous phrase.
"Bored, bored as a clam. I wish I could cook some ham." Yep. That definitely proved it. He was going insane. He decided to go down to the band room/garage. After all, Ever Lonely could use some work...
* * *
"No! Not you too!" Aveline shrieked. Her mother and father had just kicked her out of the house. And all her friends hated her. She was watching her life fall apart before her very eyes.
"Go away-we don't want you anymore." They said, cold looks in their eyes. Aveline ran down the street all the way to the Hanson's treehouse, knowing he'd be there. He'd always love her. She could always count on him. She was right on target. She ran up there, and there he was.
"What's wrong?" he asked, noticing tear-stains on her cheeks.
"N-nobody wants me anymore!" she hiccuped.
He motioned towards his lap and she gratefully climbed in, accepting his shoulder.
"When you have no light to guide you, and noone to walk beside you, I will come to you, oh I will come to you. Aveline, Aveline, I love you" she looked up at him, his piercing blue eyes shining through the dark.
"You're too good to me" she whispered, before leaning in and letting him envelope her in a kiss. He tasted so yummy....

Aveline bolted straight up in bed...and banged her head against the ceiling. Gwen had finally moved into the Hanson home, and had been given a bunkbed in one of the spare rooms. Aveline was sleeping over and borrowed the top bunk for the night.
"Ow!" her cry woke up Gwen.
"Hon, you alright?" she asked, still groggy from sleep.
"I'm fine, sorry I woke you" she lied. She had just had the best dream of her life, and it had been about Gwen's boyfriend! 'Ex-boyfriend' Aveline silently corrected herself.
"G'night" Gwen said, and was out like a light.
Aveline sighed and flopped back down into bed, wondering. Tay and her? Hmm....
* * *
Little did Aveline know that just on the other side of the wall Zac was having the same problem. Except Zac didn't want to go out with Tay. Zac wanted Aveline.
He recapped his dream.
Aveline had just been kicked out of her house, shunned by family and friends alike. She had run sobbing into the treehouse and he had been there. The look on her face cut him to the heart, and he knew, right then and there that she was the one he wanted. She came over for comfort, and he had sung a few bars of I will come to you for her. It seemed to have done the trick. Zac had been woken up just as he told her he loved her.
'Zac, get hold of yourself dude! It was just a dream!' But it had to have meant something-everything had a meaning if you thought about it. He hadn't really thought about it though. Could Aveline ever consider him? Zac turned over and tried to still his racing thoughts.

CHAPTER 9: River
"Lately we've been talking 'bout who we are/seems we don't know anymore. And all this time we've been thinking at night I've been dreaming about you..."
"Gwen Soulsman" Gwen said to the receptionist.
"Okay, you're in room 17" she said, still tapping away at her computer.
Gwen mumbled a thanks and wheeled her way to room 17, her entourage of 10 people following her.
"Are you okay?"
"Do you need anything?"
"If there's anything I can do, just ASK"
"People, please!" Gwen said. "I'm fine, just fine."
"Okay then Gwen, we're going to go home now. We'll drop by tomorrow before your surgery." Diana said, smoothing Gwen's hair away from her face before gathering her brood and leading them out of the room.
"I'll be the first thing you see when you wake up, ok?" Tay said. He planted a quick kiss on Gwen before leaving the room-without looking back.
Gwen reached for the remote and flipped on the TV.
Leaning back with a sigh, she started to watch Maverick.
* * *
"Mom, I'm going to the graveyard" Ike said.
Diana walked out of the kitchen where she had been relaxing with a mug of Hot Chocolate and the latest Danielle Steel romance novel.
"Oh honey" she smoothed back some of the stray hairs that had come loose from Ike's ponytail, much in the manner she done to Gwen a few hours earlier.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yea, fine. I'll be back soon."
Isaac grabbed his coat and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.
* * *
"Hey Zac"
"Aves" Zac barely registered Aveline's presence, so deep in thought was he.
"Whatcha up to?"
"Nothing, you?" Zac refused to meet Aveline's gaze, likewise did Aveline.
'Wonder what's up with me?' Zac thought. 'Could I like her? Nah Zac, man this isn't you, snap out of it!'
"I'm just about to go home. My mom has no clue as to where I am."
"Want me to ask my mom if she'll give you a ride?"
"Nah Zac, I wanna walk. I'll get there in about 3 days, on Monday" Aveline said sarcastically.
"Well you don't have to be so sarcastic" Zac replied.
"Well, you don't have to be so dense" Aveline shot back.
"Me, dense? I consider it manners!" Zac said, raising his voice.
"Why are we fighting over something as stupid as a car ride?"
"Well, you started it!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
Zac grinned at Aveline's confused look.
"Oh forget it, I'll just call my mom" Aveline whirled around and stomped into the house.
"Fine!" Zac called after her disappearing figure.
"Yea Zac, way to go man" he said to himself.
* * *
"Hey Katie" Ike said softly to the gravestone. It was adorned with it's usual mountain of flowers given by the few dedicated, non-obsessed hanson fans living in the surrounding areas.
"Nothing much around here. It's December 17, only 1 week before Christmas. Christmas was your favorite holiday. We never got to spend Christmas together, though. But next to that, you always liked the fourth of July. You said it made you feel proud to be an American. I remember that night, we watched the fireworks under the stars. It was heaven for me."
Isaac took a ragged breath.
"Which is why it's hard for me to do what I'm about to do." Ike took another deep breath. The sound of another woman's crying floated through the air.
"Katie, I'm afraid this is goodbye. I can't keep coming here. All it does is bring up painful memories I'd rather keep in the past. And my family hates seeing me so sad. If I don't cheer up then I'll have to go into counseling with some lady who'll probably just sell my story to the tabloids. I'm sorry" Ike set his single rose down, and turned away.

CHAPTER 10: Boomerang
"Big bang, it hit me like a boomerang, light turns green and blood starts flowing..."
"TAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A voice Taylor recognized only as Zac yelled into his ear.
"Gee thanks Zac, I didn't really need the hearing in that ear" Tay grumbled, slowly opening his eyes. Light immediately poured into them and he squeezed them shut again.
"Ooh, sorry, did I wake you up?"
"Nah Zac" Tay said sarcastically.
"Well, since you're awake and all, GET UP! We have to go to see Gwen in the hospital!"
"Fine, fine, I'm coming" Tay grumbled, as he drug himself to the bathroom in hopes to make himself look halfway human.
* * *
"Hey guys" Gwen said as Walker, Zac, Ike, Aveline and Tay crowded around the bed.
"Hey, how ya feeling?" Ike asked.
"All set" Gwen squealed with excitement.
"Cool. The doctor said the operation will only take about 4 hours”
"Walker Hanson?" an inquinsitive nurse poked her head around the corner.
"Yes?" Walker replied, striding over to the woman.
"'re..." she flipped through papers for a moment "Gwen Soulsman's guardian?"
"At the moment, yes"
"We need you to sign some forms, okay?"
Walker scribbled his signature on the paper, and handed them back to the nurse.
"Great. Now can one of you" she gestured to the trio standing in the corner. "Help me get her into this wheelchair?"
"I'll do it" Tay said quickly before Zac had a chance to open his big mouth.
Taylor helped the nurse help Gwen into the wheelchair. Gwen's eyes sparkled a silent thank you.
"Good Luck!" Aveline called as Taylor walked with the nurse out of the room holding onto Gwen's hand until the nurse pushed the chair through a set of doors and Tay could see her no more.
* * *
Isaac couldn't take it anymore. If he had to sit and listen to Zac spy another thing with his little eye, he'd loose control and strangle him.
"Dad, I'm going down to the cafe" he said, and walked off without waiting for a reply.
* * *
"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with a 'F'"
"Food?"Aveline guessed.
"Nope"Zac replied
"AGH!" Tay clenched his teeth. He was so bored that he was about to strangle Zac and Aveline.
"Dad, I'm going for a walk, I'll be back before Gwen's out"
"Be careful when crossing roads"
"I know Dad, I know" Tay mumbled as he walked off.
"Um, Aveline?"
No reply.
Still no answer.
"AVELINE" Zac shouted in his friend's ear, startling everyone, even a near-deaf lady. Walker looked up from 'Golf Digest' and a baby startled wailing. The mother shot Zac a death look, and Zac responded with his most charming smile. A few seconds later the woman appeared to have been won over and smiled back.
"What Zac?"
"Why were you staring after Tay like that?"
"I wasn't" Aveline lied.
"Then what were you staring at?"
"Nothing, I was thinking."
"Oh. I spy a floor. Your turn"
"Ok. I spy with my little eye..."
* * *
"Isaac Hanson, right?"
Ike looked up from the menu he was studying and into the piercing blue eyes of a teenage girl standing in front of him.
"Yea, can I help you?"
"Your music sucks"
Isaac was taken aback by such a bold comment from a complete stranger.
"Um, ok, thanks for sharing your opinion" Ike turned back to the menu.
"I'm Adriannon, call me Adrian"
"I'm Isaac, call me Ike"
"Well, doh. Wanna see if hospital food is as bad as everyone makes it out to be?"
"Sure" Ike signaled to the waitress as Adrian pulled up a chair.
"Um, I'll have some Macaroni and Cheese" he said as she scribbled on her pad.
"Make it two" Adriannon added.
The waitress nodded and with a "Be right back" walked off.
"So why are you having lunch with me if you hate me?"
"I hate your music, not you. I don't judge a person soley on the wailing noises they produce. Besides, I was bored, and you looked bored, I thought we could entertain eachother."
"Sounds logical to me"

CHAPTER 11: Where's the Love
"Where's the love? It's not enough/it makes the world go round and round...."

"Ew!" Ike and Adriannon both exclaimed at the same time, pushing their bowls back in disgust.
"Well, I guess we found out" Ike said.
Adrian was gulping down some water in a feverent attempt to remove the skany taste.
"Gross!" She said, her face so twisted in disgust that it could rival Zac's.
* * *
Taylor wandered down 23rd street, and turned onto a street that had old-looking houses. He liked looking at old things, it held a strange fascination.
"Hey look, it's pretty boy" a voice exclaimed behind him.
'Tay man, just keep walking. Ignore them' Tay thought.
"Isn't it that gay Hanson freak?"
"Doh you loser"
"What a queer-ass pansy!"
Taylor froze. If there was anything he couldn't take, it was being called a queer-ass pansy. Ike was the same way, the last person to call him that went home with a broken nose.
He turned around slowly and mustered his deepest, hunkiest, most manly voice.
"If you're gonna say something to me, say it to my face" he said to the three boys standing behind him. He gulped. They all looked pretty tough.
"You're a queer-ass pansy!" The tallest one said, right in Taylor's face, spitting on him in the process. Tay deliberatly made a huge fuss about wiping it off of his face. But that only angered Mr. Macho-man more.
'Ok Taylor, this is no time to panic'
"Put 'em up and show what you got in those girly arms!" Another one said.
'Start panicking'
Taylor put up his fists and threw what he thought was his best punch. It obviously wasn't cause Taylor didn't make him fall down like on Looney Toons.
The guy swung back and Taylor saw little birds flying around his head.
'I'm in trouble'
* * *
"Okay, Truth or Dare?" Aveline asked. The pair had gotten sick of I spy and had moved on to Truth or Dare. Walker had gotten bored of the whole process, as did Ike and Tay, and had decided to take a walk around the hospital.
"Booooorrrring! Ok, um, I don't know! Ok, have you ever...." Aveline paused, deep in thought as Zac hummed the Jeopardy theme song.
"Ok! Have you ever drank piss?"
Zac cleared his throat loudly.
"What the hell kinda question is that? No! What are you on?"
"Told ya I couldn't think of anything!"
"My turn. Truth or Dare?"
"Truth. I'm not dumb enough to take a dare from the Zaction man"
"Smart choice." Zac zoomed in for the bait
"Is it true that you like someone?"
* * *
"Never again will I make that mistake" Adriannon said, biting down into her hamburger. Ike and her had walked to Micky Dees after their horrendous cafeteria accident.
"You have some sauce on your chin"
"I do?"
"Yea, here's a napkin" Ike grabbed a napkin off of his tray and handed it to Adrian.
The new Moffatts song came on the radio, and Adrian bounced in her seat.
"Yeah! The Moffatts are the coolest EVER"
Ike cleared his throat.
"Oh yea, I forgot I was in the presence of their rival. Ya know, for a celebrity you don't draw much attention."
"I usually don't. Taylor attracts some people, and Zac can get a crowd, but the biggest commotion is caused when Zac's in a public place and yells 'Yo! I've got Taylor Hanson here and he's desperate!' Lemme tell ya, we've had to call security on more than one occasion."
Adrian laughed.
"I kinda want to meet your brothers now. If they sound anything like you've told me, then they're alright with me"
* * *
Zac's words rang in Aveline's head.
'Sorry Truth-or-dare God' With that thought, Aveline defied the whole purpose of the game, she lied. She wasn't about to tell her best friend that she had almost completed her shrine to his brother.
Aveline didn't notice the disappointed look that crossed Zac's face.
"Your turn"

CHAPTER 12: A Minute Without Out You
"Well I woke up this morning and the night had been so long/it seems that I had had my mind on you..."
Taylor slowly limped back to the hospital. In addition to the black eye he had gotten when he tried to swing his first punch, he now had a cut lip, a lump on his forehead, a twisted arm, and assorted black and blue marks all over his body. He drug himself into the ER and slowly walked up the stairs to the second floow where Gwen was having her surgery. He walked up to his dad and flopped down onto the couch.
"Hey Ta-TAY? What the heck happened? You look horrible!"
"Gee thanks. I met a few non-fans"
"I went for a walk. It's all over now, is Gwen out yet?"
"The doctors just took her back to her room, she's about to wake up. Let's go have a doctor check you out first though."
"No Dad, I have to see Gwen" Taylor pulled away from his Dad's grip and slowly walked down the hall into room 17. True to his word, Gwen wasn't awake yet, so Taylor walked to the full length mirror across from her bed.
It was a vain thought and Tay blushed immediately afterwards, but he couldn't help but wonder if any of his female fans would think he was attractive now. His hair was dirt-streaked and stringy, his face was a rainbow of colors, and his lips were swollen and chapped.
"Isn't it alittle early to be vain?" A voice said. Taylor turned around to see Gwen staring up at him.
"You're awake! How are you feeling?"
"Fine. What'd ya do, go play on the highway?"
"Met some people who obviously didn't like my music"
Gwen shook her head in disgust of the thought.
"People nowadays..."
"Tell me about it"
"Can you move your legs?"
"Although I'm not supposed to...YES!!!!!!!!"
"Do you know when you get discharged?"
"Later tonight hopefully. I'm feeling great"
"Alright! Hey, why don't w-"
"Hello?" Tay said, picking up the reciever.
"Hey Taylor, this is Mrs. Soulsman. Is Gwen there?"
Taylor took the phone away from his mouth and passed it to Gwen with the words "It's your mom"
"Hey Mom! "
"Hey sweetie, I’m soo sorry I can’t visit you!"
"Why not?"
"Well, first, my manager just got sick with food poisoning, and since I'm assistant manager, I have to run the company for him for a week. And also you’ll be home soon, right?”
"Yes" Gwen said sullenly. Her parade had just been rained on.
"Oh, well I’ll see you soon, you understand, don't you?"
"Sure, ok. Bye mom, I love you"
"Love you too. Take care of yourself, I do-"
Gwen hung up the phone on her mom.
"What was that about?"
"Mom skipped out"
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, me too. She always does th-"
"Gweninana!" Zac screamed, running over towards Gwen's bed; Aveline, Isaac, Walker and some strange girl in tow.
"How are you?" Walker asked. Zac was busy fiddling with all the buttons on Gwen's bed.
"I'm feeling fine" Gwen said as Zac moved her up down, and he started to fold the bed in half until Gwen pushed a button that locked the keypad.
"Gwen, this is Adriannon" Isaac said. Adriannon reached her hand out for Gwen's.
"Call me Adrian"
"Hey Adrian, I'm Gwen. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise, I'm sure"
"Did you feel anything?" Aveline asked.
"Aves, I was asleep the whole time"
"Oh yeah"
"Miss Soulsman?" The Doctor said, walking into the room.
"That would be me" Gwen raised her hand in schoolgirl fashion.
"Your surgery went as expected. All your nerves and nerve endings should be working just fine now. Your case isn't severe enough for physical therapy at the hospital, but I do ask that you follow this excersize'll help you regain strength in your muscles. And I also ask that for the next week, you use these crutches to get around. Then, and only then, may you attempt to walk without them. If you feel the slightest discomfort, I want you to call me immediately" The doctor delivered his words along with paper that had an excersize routine on it.
"When do I get discharged?"
"Why not today? I feel fine, and being at home will help me heal faster"
Everyone could see the doctor was wavering, and so everybody started up the chorus of 'please!'s.
"Fine, fine. But not until 8 tonight. She stills needs to rest here where we can monitor your condition"
"Ok" Gwen said, too happy to argue.
Everybody entertained her for the next 2 hours until the doctor gave her a pair of crutches.
"Got it?" Tay asked as Gwen slowly pulled herself up using the crutches.
She slowly drug her left foot forward. She could walk! Not well yet, but soon she would improve. It didn't matter that she couldn't run yet, at leastr she could walk! Then she could burn off that 10 pounds that she gained while sitting still. She pulled her right foot up to her left one and situated the crutches. Walker and Ike helped her to the car while everyone followed along, walking excitedly.
Walker and Tay helped Gwen into the shotgun seat, while Aveline and Zac climbed in the back.
"I better go" Adriannon whispered to Ike.
"When will I see you again?"
"Here's my number, call me" Adrian handed Isaac a piece of crumpled up paper.
"I'll be home tomorrow"
"Call ya around noon?"
"Cool" Isaac got into the waiting van and Walker drove away.

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