CHAPTER 13: I Will Come To You
"When the night is dark and stormy/you won't have to reach out for me/I will come to you/oh I will come to you..."
"Gwen, slow down!"
"I can't!!! I CAN MOVE!"
"Duh. Now sit down before you overexert yourself" Isaac said.
Gwen unwilling complied and Ike nodded his approval.
"Now I'm gonna go call Adriannon, stay here, ok?"
Ike walked into the kitchen, and saw a Gwen-shaped blur pass him as he was dialing the digits Adrian had given him. He chuckled quietly to himself. The house was unusually today. Maybe cause nobody was home. Walker, Diana, Jessie, Avery, Mackenzie, Zoe, Taylor, Zac and Aveline had went to the park a few blocks over. They planned on having a picnic lunch which meant they wouldn't be back until supper.
"Hi, is Adriannon there? This is Isaac"
"Speaking. Hey Ike, what's up?"
"Wanna go to the park? My family's there and I figured we could go hang out with them, but we don't have to if you don't want to"
"Sounds cool. Where do you live?"
"8674 East 36th Street"
"Cool. I can be there in 10 minutes"
"See ya in 10"
Ike hung up the phone, and began to get ready.
* * *
Both Taylor and Aveline leaned back in the grass and let out a contented sigh. The boys' days were getting fuller and fuller and maybe soon they would be back to their demanding schedule.
Aveline thought now was as good a time as any to bring up the subject of her crush-Taylor.
"So, Tay"
"So, Aveline" Taylor said, absentmindedly chewing a piece of grass and watching everybody else play a game of frisbee.
"I was wondering...since you and Gwen broke up, do you like anyone?"
"I dunno. Do you like anyone?"
"Who?" Tay sat up and turned his baby blues full force into Aveline's gaze. She had to restrain herself from jumping on Tay's lap right then and there.
"'s a clue, and then no more. His last name is 'Hanson'"
"Really?" Taylor grinned. Aveline liked Zac! Alright! Taylor pondered the though of his baby brother hooking up with Aves. They would make a cute couple now that he thought about it.
"Yeah" Aveline grinned back at him and laid back down. 'That couldn't have gone any better' she thought.
* * *
"So why were you in the hospital?" Ike asked, slowly swinging in his swing. In the distance he could see Taylor and Aveline laying by a tree, and his whole family and Gwen playing frisbee.
"My mom had a high fever and collapsed. She was just checking out yesterday. She's alright now though. You?"
Ike pointed to Gwen, who was chasing after Mackenzie using her crutches.
"She had to go in for surgery. Yesterday, in fact. I'm suprised that she's up and running so fast"
"Yeah" Ike drug his foot into the ground and the swing stopped. He hopped off and laid down in the grass. Adriannon did the same.
"You know, you're not so bad Isaac Hanson" Adrian said. She leaned closer to Isaac. Ike smiled and looked up at-what the heck?!?! Katie?!?!?! For no longer was Isaac seeing Adriannon, but he was seeing Katie's face!
Ike shook his head and pushed a very confused Adrian away.
"I can't do that. At least, not now"
"Do what?"
"Kiss you"
"Oh...why not?"
"It's a long story"
"Well, I have a lot of time. Shoot."
"Well.....I guess...okay..."
* * *
"Heh heh" came a laugh from behind a bush some 20 feet away from the Hanson gang. "Which one do I want? One of the little girls? The cripple? Aha!" the shadow spotted Zac chasing after a squirrel. "Perfect! He's just the one!" The shadow said. It watched the happy scene and snorted. "Reminds me of the Waltons" It said before quietly slipping away using twilight's cover as a guard.

CHAPTER 14:Yearbook
"Where did he go, I wanna know? Where did he go, I wanna know?? Go whoah hoah woah hoah, there's a lying in your silence tell me where did he go...."
They sat in silence for a minute. "God, that sucks"
"I know" he whispered softly, brushing a tear from his cheek. There was a hint of bitter grief on his face.
"I'm really sorry" Adriannon continued. Ike didn't say anything back.
"So that's why I can't get involved with any girl as of yet"
"I totally, completely understand" Adrian said quietly.
* * *
"You guys better enjoy this weather" Diana said to the hot and sweaty group before her. Tulsa is prone to weird weather changes, but for it to be 70 degrees a few days before Christmas was at the least-rare.
Gwen sat down beside Walk and Di. She was worn out after the first 20 minutes.
"Y'all right hon?" she nodded and smiled. Closing her eyes, she drifted off into dream world.
* * *
"Okay, hide-and-seek!" Jessie called demandingly to Zac. Zac grinned, he enjoyed being bossed around by his little sister.
"Zac, you, Avie, Mackie, Aveline and Tay hide. I'll seek!"
Everyone scattered. Zac ran off towards a huge rock about 40 feet away
"This spot's the best! They'll never find me here!" he said to himself, wedging his body between two jutting pieces of stone.
She watched as everyone tried to run to base and everyone got homefree. Now it was his turn.
"Oh shit" he muttered. He'd wedged himself so tight that he couldn't escape without a bruise.
A pair of hands reached in and helped pull him free.
He looked up into the eyes of a total stranger. This stranger was also wearing a ski mask.

CHAPTER 15: Dark Clouds
"Dark clouds all around, Lightning, rain pouring down-waiting for the bright light to break through- face down on the ground, pick us up at the lost and found..."
"LEMME GO WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME LEMME GO!!!!" Zac screamed. Unfortunately noone could hear him cause his screaming was taking place inside his head. Outwardly he was too scared to utter anything besides a squeak.
He was brutally thrown into a van, had a blindfold tied around his eyes and his hands tied up and heard a door slam shut behind him. His new "buddy" climbed into the driver seat, started the engine and pulled off.
"oh crap zac what are you gonna do now you thought you were mister macho man so strong and unphasable and you couldnt even tell the guy to piss off whats up with that huh youre just a big chicken god this rope is chafing me its really uncomfortable i hope he takes it off soon oh shoot maybe hes gonna take me away and rape me oh god zac thats sick zac youre sick where do you come up with stuff like this hes probably just gonna hold you ransom for money but how much money we probably have enough to pay it but then what if we dont well i guess we could always mention something about being poor in an interview then the fans would send us money or maybe we could rob a bank that would be cool like tay and ike could hold the cashier peoples hostage while i collect their watches and jewelrey to pawn off and then one of us could go get the money and then oh crap were stopping"
The van had indeed stopped. So abrubtly in fact that Zac was thrown across the floor and hit the ash tray on the back of a seat.
"That's gonna leave a mark" he muttered, rubbing his newly-founded lump.
The door was flung open and a hand grabbed ahold of his shirt collar
'Here we go 'round again' Zac thought.
"Yo mister, I'll come pleacefully just stop dragging me everywhere!" he said.
The hand loosened but didn't let go, and it lead Zac away.
* * *
"Guys, have you seen Zac?" Walker asked. The hide and seek game had started 30 minutes ago and by now everything that had been brought today was packed up and thrown into the van.
"When we were playing hide and seek, I saw him run over towards that ginormous rock" Avery said helpfully.
"Thanks Avie" he ran to where his daughter had pointed. Staring at the object that was on the ground he opened his mouth "DIANA!"
* * *
"Mister if you're gonna throw me in this basement place or whatever it is at least take the rope off of my hands, it's causing my skin to get all sore" Zac said as politely as he could. Last thing he wanted to do was make this man mad.
The guy obviously was in a mood to humor Zac, and he not only removed the rope, but the blindfold as well. Zac blinked to subtlize the harsh grlare of the light, and when he opened his eyes again, Zac found himself looking down the barrel of a semi-automatic.
"Make one move against me and you'll find this shoved up your a*s" he said. Zac nodded, eyes wide. He removed the gun and Zac found out that he wasn't really a he but instead he was a she.
"Y-you're a girl?"
"Smart, aren't we? I'll bring you dinner and treat you decent if you follow my 2 simple rules. 1-NO yelling for help. 2-NO trying to use any karate/judo/taikwando against me. I know it all and can beat you down to the ground. They're very simple and don't require much thought to do. Disobey even once and I'll give you a haircut. One that starts below the chin" Zac swallowed and felt his throat go dry when he realized just exactly WHAT kind of situation he was in.
"Sure, but can I get your name?"
"What for?"
"If you're gonna be bringing me my food and basically helping me live, I might as well know whose name to say when I thank you" Zac could spin alot of B.S. when he wanted to.
* * *
"Is this a recent photo?" the police officer asked. Everyone had congregated back at the Hanson home regardless if they were in the family or not. Aveline and Adriannon had both gotten permission from their families to stay as long as they wanted to help out, even if it meant a few days.
"Didn't I just say that?" Diana said. She was beginning to grow frantic. Zac had probably been kidnapped by the same person who had gotten ahold of Gwen and Katie, and look what had happened to Katie. If that happened to Zac, God knows what she'd do.
Ike, Gwen, and Adrian had gone for a walk to comb the neighborhood and ask anyone if they'd seen any sign of a struggle, while Taylor and Aveline were doing their best to entertain Mackenzie, Avery and Jessica.
Aveline decided that even though Taylor was under alot of stress, it was either now or never.
They had finally gotten the kids to watch Elmo's Sing-a-long, and were now sitting in the dark on the couch, watching the kids watch television.
"Um, Taylor?"
"Yeah?" he answered, not taking his eyes off the set.
"I've been thinking about what you said"
"What di-oh yeah. Well, what about it?" he turned to look at her.
"This" Aveline leant over and kissed him on the lips. She pulled away however when she noticed he was just sitting there. She pulled back and studied his shocked face.
"Oh God Aveline, I didn't know you thought it like that! I thought you meant you liked Zac! I don't like you like that!" Taylor said.
'I don't like you like that...I don't like you like that' Taylor's words echoed throughout her head.
"You don't?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.
"No, only as a friend. I'm sorry if I lead you on" he said.
"N-no, i-it's okay" she turned back to the tv and tried to hold back the tears that were choking her.

CHAPTER 16: Dark and Stormy
The night was definitely dark and stormy. So where was this person Ike wasn't supposed to reach out for?
Aveline was down but not defeated. She sat and tried to think of new tactics to entice Taylor. She wasn't the type to give up easily.
* * *
Zac studied the place he was in without the aid of a light. Jennah had been nice enough to un-tie him and give him a few blankets and a pillow. Thanks to Zac's sucking up, no doubt.
"Jennah.....Jennah.....Jennah....why does her name ring a bell?" Zac wondered aloud. He'd heard it before but for the life of him couldn't remember who she was. 'Zac think about that later right now think about getting out but how youre not exactly indiana jones here well i guess thats good im not indiana jones then i wouldnt have to put my hand in any roaches or watch people eat monkey brains. Or summat."
* * *
"Okay, I'm a liar but I couldn't help it, alright?" Ike smiled at the cold grey stone in front of him.
"I guess, Katie," he continued, pulling his coat around him for warmth. It was quite cold out. "You know by now about Adriannon, Zac, Aveline, and the whole shebang. I really need you now, Katie. Zac's been kidnapped by the same person that did all this to you, and that really scares me. He might end up like, well, you" Isaac gulped down a flurry of rising emotions. "I know you probably can't hear me, or even if you can you're probably not paying attention, but I need you. Just, please, give me a sign that everything will work out fine. I-I love you. I just wish I could hear it back."
* * *
Zac looked at his watch-1:30 AM. Thank God for night-glo watches. He couldn't go to sleep. Just who the HECK was Jennah?!?! AGH, it was driving him mental! All of a sudden it hit him.
"Oh Shit." It was all said with those two words. His synapses tried to keep up with his mad rush of thoughts. Two people were the ones to hurt Gwen and kill Katie. Vanessa-and Jennah. Oh shit.
* * *
Taylor walked around the living room and studied everybody's sleeping faces. 'Whoah, deja vou' he thought. Everybody had the look of tiredness, confusion and anxiety. Except for Mackie and little Zoe, they were still kinda foggy on the whole process. He heard the clock chime 2 AM. Ike had ran out in a mad rush about an hour ago mumbling something about signs and stuff, and hadn't returned yet. 'Oops, thought too soon' Tay thought as he heard the front door shut.
"Hey Ike"
"Zac back yet?"
Tay watched his brother's features fall.
"Everyone else still here?"
"Adriannon, Gwen, Aveline, Mom, Dad, Jessie, Avie, Mackie, Zoe, me and now you. Yep, all 11 of us-abiet Zac of course. Just call us the Brady Bunch"
"I'm going to bed, if anything major happens wake me up"
"Will do"
Ike threw his coat over the back of the couch, and trudged upstairs. He got changed and collapsed into Tay's bed.
* * *
Zac had it all figured out. Jennah didn't know of the cellular phone that Zac had playfully swiped off his mom right before he'd been swept off his feet. Literally. Stupid girl forgot to search him. He checked his night-glo watch again-7:30. It'd taken him long enough. He whipped it out, and pressed 6-6-5-6 to enter his mother's pin number.
"Score!" he said quietly to himself. He started to dial his homephone number
"What the hell is that?" a voice said above him. A startled and terrified Zac looked up above him to see a very angry Jennah standing there, a breakfast tray in hand. She immediately jumped the rest of the way and tried to pry the phone out of Zac's hand. Zac struggled....all he had to do was push the 2 and he'd be homefree...someone who answered would hear him and Jennah struggling and dial *69.
Great, just his luck. Mackie had answered the phone.
"MACKIE! Tell Mom and Dad to *69 to find Zac!" he shouted. Jennah threw the phone across the basement. It hit contact with the brick wall and broke. Zac gulped and stared into the eyes of a seriously pissed off Jennah.
* * *
"Now who left the window open?" Ike said grumpily. It was only 4 AM and he'd already been frozen to death by someone who had so kindly forgotten to close the window. Grumbling, he slowly threw the covers back, and wincing at the cold quickly ran to the window and threw down the sash.
"Maybe now I can get some sleep" he thought. He turned around and saw the shadow of a figure sitting on Tay's bed.
"Hey Adriannon. Mind scooting over?" he asked.
"I'm not Adriannon, Isaac" a soft and familiar voice said.
Ike stood stock still. He knew that voice. "Then who are you?" he asked, hoping against all hope he was right.
"Think about it"
"I don't want to"
"Isaac, you know who I am". The girl was right. It could only be one person.
"Hi Katie"
He could see her teeth shining in the dark-she was smiling.
"I haven't forgotten about you, Isaac. I think about you and your family all the time. You, of all people should know that"
A million questions filled his head. Why was she here, how was she here, who sent her here, for what reason, what was heaven really like? His mind was a jumble of emotions.
"Shhh...." She enveloped him in a hug. He breathed in deeply, so Katie-ish. The fresh spring scent, the rose shampoo, it was all Katie. He felt tears rush to his eyes and a shattered sob left his body.
"Listen, I don't have much time here. Zac will be fine. As we speak now the police are getting more and more leads. I'm watching over him. And Ike?" he pulled back and studied her deep blue eyes. If he looked hard enough he could see stars and undiscovered galaxies in those eyes. Those deep blue eyes...
"Adrian's a great girl. Don't disappoint her. Treat her as good as you did me. Okay?" She smiled at him, then started to sing. "If I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry. And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye. Don't look back at this time as a time of heartbreak and distress, cause I'll be with you, oh"
He smiled "You always did know what to say"
"Well I had a great teacher"
He reached over for one last, final hug.
"'s time" she whispered. He nodded. He knew.
"Will I ever see you again?"
"Maybe, someday. But I'll always be watching you. I love you Clarke Isaac Hanson"
And as quickly and quietly as she had come, she disappeared.

CHAPTER 17: Taylor's (not so great) rescue
Jennah tried to do the pretend-I'm going-for-his-collar-but-really-grab-the-leg move. Of course Zac was used to this due to frequent attacks from his elder siblings and, dodging her arm ran up the stairs. He could see the front door only 20 feet away. He ran as hard as he could, Jennah not far behind him. He got there, went to throw the door open-and realised it was locked. Oh yeay. No time to fiddle with a lost cause....Zac ran to the open window next to it. He stuck his feet through and was just pulling himself out when a hand grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him back in.
* * *
"God damn it all to hell!"
"Walk, calm down" Diana put her hand on her husband's clenched arm. Tay couldn't take it anymore and just walked out. His parents had both turned into raving lunies, Aveline needed to wipe the drool for him off her chin, and all Ike could do was mope around babbling more mumbo-jumbo about signs and crap like that. Taylor picked a direction-the woods-and started walking.
* * *
"Piss off!" Zac decided he's rather get his chest scratched by bushes and such than a knife, and throwing his shirt back at that psycho in there he took off running.
"Ah yes! Stupid idiot didn't take me far enough away, these are the woods where me and Jason camped out at last summer, I'm only about 10 minutes away from the house!" Zac thought. He crashed through bushes and shrubbery. Behind him he could hear Jennah shouting obsceneties at him. He was tempted to yell "Lovely Language" but if she did catch up to him, it'd only make her even madder, if that was even possible. Well, he didn't really even wanna find out. He glanced down as he was escaping-he was right, some of these branches had hit hard enough to draw blood.
"Halfway there Zac, you can do it!" He was beginning to wish that he had cut back on McDonalds while they were touring...he wasn't running as fast as he used to.
* * *
"Well, we've evaluated your case and determined it a run-away one" A police officer stated.
"Run away?" Walker splurted.
"Yes. The child obviously didn't know how to deal with his oppressed emotions and decided to get away from it all. However, considering your past experiences and the circumstances, we're putting 4 armed guards stationed at different points around your area just in case. Have a Merry Christmas." Christmas was the day after tomorrow. What a Christmas.
* * *
"Hi Mom" said Mackenzie as he walked into the kitchen, looking for a long red duplo lego. He needed it to complete his "V'locraptor" dinosaur model.
"Hi. Whacha doing?"
"Looking for something. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you something earlier"
"What honey?" she said absentmindedly, not looking up from the celery she was chopping.
"Zac called"
The cuttingboard clattered to the floor and the knife went along with it, almost dicing Diana's toes. She knelt by her youngest son and put her arms on his shoulders.
"What did he say? Is he alright?"
"I dunno, he just said to *59 or something like that to find him"
Diana picked up the phone and pushed *69.
"The last number to call you was 94623-" she hung up without hearing the rest, feeling horribly gutted. She had recognized the number as Adriannon's mothers' number, who had called about 20 minutes ago.
"When did he call?"
"About 7am. Sorry mom"
"No, Mackie, it's okay" she swallowed her tears as he left the room. 'Oh Mackie, where's your brother?'
* * *
Zac heaved in each breath as he tried to put some distance between him and his stalker. All of a sudden he heard a loud banging noise that made him jump a foot into the air. The dirtiest string of cuss words you'll ever see flowed through his head, but the only word that made sense right then was the word gun. A gun was in the hands of this person. That thought alone made Zac almost double his speed.
* * *
"Still kinda warm for Christmas" Taylor thought aloud. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and it was 50 degrees out. He shrugged and continued kicking the ground. All the weather fronts from Los Angles screwed everything up. He jumped as he heard what sounded like a gunshot ring through the air.
'Zac?' He thought. 'Nah, couldn't be. What would Zac be doing with a gun?' He shrugged the thought and continued walking. 'Unless...'
"ZAC!" he screamed before thinking. 'Oh yeah Taylor, just let her know where you are'
Taylor started running towards the sound.
* * *
Zac was slowing down-he couldn't help was that damn cholestrol. That damn damn cholestrol that was clogging his arteries, and stopping blood flow, making him breathe less and less. And Jennah was only about 30 feet behind him. He put his head down and continued his struggle for freedom. All was going as well as could be expected until-CRASH! He collided with a figure and fell straight on the ground.
Tay looked up and saw his brother, shirtless and breathless but otherwise normal, before him.
"No time, run!" They staggered to their feet and started racing again. Zachary and Taylor were almost to their house, all 3 of them could see the woods thinning out. Taylor grabbed Zac's hand and tried to pull him along...when he felt something bite his foot really hard. Letting out a cry he stumbled and fell.
"Tay? Tay?!" Zac cried. "Get up! Comeon!"
"I can't" Tay whimpered. "Just go, we've got guards somewhere, bring 'em ba-"
Taylor was cut off-well, he wasn't cut off but his air supply was. Zac and Taylor both felt hands around their necks at the same time. And, at the same time they were both pulled to the ground. They looked into the eyes of a hot, sweaty and homicidal teenager.
She held down Taylor with her knees and Zac with her elbows. She waved a gun in Taylor's face.
"I think I should kill you first. Cause you interuppted me, and plus, you annoy me more than him" she signaled that she meant Zac by spitting on his cheek.
"SHUT UP!" she said. "Okay, you just decided for me" She put the gun in Zac's mouth and put her hand on the trigger. She squeezed slowly until-
"Lemmegolemmego!" A flailing Jennah was pulled off the brothers by armed security.
"We've had a warrant out for your arrest for awhile now" one of them said, as another snapped on handcuffs, a third scribbled on a piece of paper and the last one started reciting the familiar words
"You have the right to remain silent, however anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot provide a lawyer..."
Zac and Tay grinned at eachother. Zac stood up and lent an arm to Tay. For some reason he got excruciating pain in his right foot whenever he stepped on it. An officer-the one who was scribbling furiously-noticed and gave Tay an arm to lean on. The three of them strayed towards the Hanson house, while the other officers lead Jennah to a squad car.
"We're going to show you to your family, to let them know that you're alright. Then we're taking you both to a hospital, you" he nodded to Zac "for those cuts on your chest and you" this time he nodded to Tay "for that bullet wound"
"What bullet wound? Oh" Tay looked down to see a trickle of blood behind him. His foot. Duh.
"ZACZACZACZAC!!!" the trio looked up to see a frantic Diana Hanson running towards them. She reached Zac and, picking him up, swung him around a few times.
"My baby's okay!"
"Mom, mom" As glad as he was to see his mother, this was embarrassing.
"Sorry...are you okay? What happened? Where's that girl? I swear, if I-"
"Zac? Oh my God, Zac?!" Zac looked up from where he was being squished in his mother's arms to catch a glimpe of Adriannon, Gwen, his dad and Aveline running towards the 4 of them. Taylor watched the reunion, amused, while the police officer stood a few feet away, looking decidedly uncomfortable.
Zac's mother let go and Zac was jumped on by 4 different people from 4 different directions.
"Did you find him?" Diana asked the man in uniform.
He nodded, and was immediately wrapped into a fierce hug by a woman whose emotions had gotten the better of her.
"Um, I hate to interrupt, but..."Tay trailed off and pointed to his foot, which to be honest was turning him white with pain, although so far he had managed to restrain from screaming his head off.
"Oh my God, Taylor!" All eyes turned off Zac and onto Tay.
"What happened?" Gwen and Aveline asked simultaneously.
By this time, Avery, Mackenzie, Isaac, and Jessica carrying Zoe, had arrived in the Hanson backyard. Walker pulled out a hankerchief and tied it around the small hole while Tay was supported by his mother.
"Someone get the car" someone shouted while the officer tried to hush the din.
"You, you, you, you and you come with me to take your son Zachary in for questioning. Our nurse at the station will check out those scratch marks." He pointed to Diana, Avery, Mackie, Aveline and Adriannon.
"The rest of you" he nodded to Walker, Jessie, Zoe, Isaac, and Gwen "take in Taylor for his foot. And hurry...that bullet's lead. It's not a cause for concern unless left in for hours on end but still..." everyone fell into their groups and rushed to their various rides.
* * *
An hour and a half later Taylor fell back onto the bed with a sigh and let everyone absorb the information that had just been shared. His foot had been taken care of ("Nothing serious for the kind of injury it is" the doctor said-the bullet had "only" nicked his heel) and he had told everyone his share of the story, before Zac had called and had been put on speakerphone to fill in the missing details. The police had Jennah in custody and were going to give both her and Vanessa a very lengthy trial-on manslaughter (Katie) and 2 attempted murder charges (Zac and Tay). However, Officer Carter (as they later found his name was) was still filing his report, and then a few weeks later the police would contact the Hansons again and let them know what was going on courtwise.
"Mr. Hanson?" a nurse said, entering the room. "You've been discharged" she handed a pair of crutches to Taylor with the words "Keep off it for a few weeks" to him ('Duh' was what Tay was thinking) and handed Walker a few forms. He signed without reading them and handed the stack back to the nurse. He rounded up his group, and helping Taylor off the bed, headed towards the van.
"Maybe, just maybe" Zac thought "Things will start to work out"
He looked towards the sun and grinned.

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