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Sooner Athletic Conference

2003 Men's Soccer Composite Schedule

Date Match Time

Aug. 23 Texas Wesleyan 5, USAO 2

Aug. 28 Midwestern State 1, SGU 0

USAO 3, Southwestern 2

Aug. 29 OC 4, Austin College 0

SNU 3, Oklahoma Wesleyan 0

Aug. 30 SGU 1, Benedictine 0

SNU 3, Bacone 0

Sept. 2 JBU 4, Oklahoma Wesleyan 1

OC 1, Bacone 0

SNU 4, Southwestern 0

Sept. 3 Northeastern State 4, OCU 2

Sept. 5 OC 2, Doane 0

SGU 1, Northwood 0

Sept. 6 JBU 3, Harding 0

SNU 6, Doane 0

USAO 2, College of the Southwest 1

Sept. 7 OCU 1, St. Edwards 1

USAO 3, Texas-Permian Basin 0

Sept. 9 Bacone 1, JBU 1

OC 6, Tabor 1

OCU 2, SNU 1

Sept. 10 USAO 1, Mary Hardin-Baylor 0

Sept. 11 OC 4, Mobile 3

Sept. 12 Spring Hill 2, OC 1, OT

Sept. 13 JBU 3, Lyon 1

SGU 2, Texas-Permian Basin 1, OT

Bethel 0, USAO 0

Robert Morris 3, OCU 3

Hastings 2 SNU 1

Sept. 14 SGU 4, College of the Southwest 3

USAO 4, Robert Morris 0

Hastings 2, OCU 0

Sept. 16 SNU 9, Friends 0

Midwestern State 6, OC 0

Sept. 17 OCU 3, Texas Wesleyan 1

SGU 4, Southwestern Oklahoma State 3

Sept. 18 SNU 9, Bethany 0

Sept. 19 OCU 2, Friends 0

JBU 2, Bethel 1

St. Mary's 0, SGU 0

SNU 7, Tabor 0

Sept. 20 OCU 2, Bethel 2

USAO 3, Bethany 0

Friends 2, JBU 1

Sept. 23 SNU 6, Northwood 1

OCU 7, Southwestern 2

OC 1, USAO 0

Sept. 24 JBU 3, Northeastern State 2

Sept. 26 OCU 0, Bacone 0

SGU 3, Texas Wesleyan 1

USAO 2, Northwood 0

Sept. 27 JBU 6, Belhaven 1

William Jewell 3, OCU 2

USAO 2, Bacone 0

SNU 4, Texas Wesleyan 0

OC 3, CSU-Pueblo 1

Sept. 30 USAO 2, SGU 0

OC 3, Southwestern 0

Oct. 1 Missouri Southern 3, JBU 1

Oct. 3 USAO 3, Lyon 0

SNU 7, Texas-Permian Basin 0

Northwood 1 OC 1, OT

Oct. 4 SNU 4, Lyon 0

JBU 2, SGU 1

OCU 7, Northwood 1

USAO 4, Texas-Permian Basin 3, OT

Oct. 7 SGU 4, USAO 0

Oct. 9 SGU 5, Bacone 3


Oct. 11 West Texas State 3, OCU 1

SGU 5, Southwest Texas 2

SNU 3, JBU 0

Oct. 14 OC 3, OCU 1

Oct. 15 JBU 3, USAO 1

Oct. 16 Texas Wesleyan 2 OC 1

Oct. 18 JBU 3, Southwestern Oklahoma 2, OT

SNU 3, OCU 1

OC 2, SGU 1

Oct. 21 OC 1, USAO 0, OT

Oct. 22 JBU 4, OCU 0

Oct. 23 SNU 3, OC 0

Oct. 24 SGU 3, Newman 0

Oct. 25 JBU 2 Ouachita Baptist 1


Oct. 27 OCU 2, SGU 1

Oct. 28 John Brown 2, OC 1

Oct. 30 SGU 2, SNU 1

OC 4, Newman 0

Nov. 1 SAC Playoffs

Nov. 4 SAC Semifinals

Nov. 8 SAC Finals