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The fun

I was over at Zac’s house every day. Except for the days he and his brothers were gone. Mrs. Hanson treated me as though I was her daughter. Isaac and Taylor began to seem more like brothers to me than Zac’s brothers. Zac seemed to like this. Zac and I would sit in the tree house in his back yard for hours talking about what it would be like to me related. We both always wished we could be. Zac and I always started trouble to. Hiding Avery’s Dolls or drawing on Jessica’s Barbies. I had never had a friend quite like him. He was funny and nice but could be serious when he wanted to. We sat in front of the T.V watching cartoons until Taylor was sure are heads would melt. I liked their songs. Zac gave me a copy of each CD they had made. My favorite song had to be ‘Man from Milwaukee’ though! I would play it on the times that Zac would be gone for a long time, it reminded me of him.

"Ike will you take us to the mall?" Zac asked Isaac as Isaac stared at the computer.

"Wait a couple minutes, I’m going out in soon I’ll take you then." Isaac answered not looking away from the computer.

"What are you reading" I asked peering at the screen trying to see.

"Just some fiction about Taylor, Zac and I on the Internet, Its really weird stuff. You know like stuff that would never happen!" Ike laughed.

"Oh god!" Taylor said as he walked in the room hearing Isaac talk about it. "more!" He said falling on the couch. I laughed and then followed Zac out of the room.

Isaac came down the stairs a few minutes later and said "Lets go" Me and Zac pulled on our shoes and jumped into the families van. Isaac dropped us off and instructed us to be at the same place in an hour if we wanted a ride home.

"So where to?" I asked as we entered the mall.

"Uhm, I want to check out the video games!" He said as we walked to the games store. We walked around going from store to store for about half and hour.

"What know?" I asked getting bored as we had went to all the stores we wanted to go to.

"We still have half an hour" He said looking at his watch. He then gave a huge grin and looked at the direction of a department store that has an escalator. I started running towards it.

"No fair!" He yelled and started after me. We stopped at the end of the escalator and looked up at it.

"On the count of three" I instructed. "One… Two… HEY Cheater!" I yelled as Zac already had started up the down escalator. I caught up to him just before he began to go down the up escalator. I grabbed the back of his shirt and started down. He followed right behind me. We both then looked down and saw a security guard waiting at the bottom. Zac and I both stopped and started going back up. The security Guard began to come up.

"Hey! You kids! Stop!" He yelled as we started to run to the other escalator.

"Stop!!!" He yelled as me and Zac ran down the down escalator and out the doors into the mall. We both disappeared into the crowd so the guard could not follow. We then went outside and waited for Isaac.

"So have fun?" He asked as Zac and I climbed into the Van.

I looked at Zac and he looked at me and at the same time we answered "yeah" with huge grins.