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Follow the leader

"So where is this place?" Tamara asked as she and her two other friends followed "Terri" down a dark damp Alley.

"Oh its around her!" Beth laughed evilly making Samantha shudder.

Samantha had personally never wanted to go but Tamara and Sarah wanted to go so she had seen no harm in it. After all "Terri" was the same age as Sarah so what harm could she do to them?

"Okay you two stay here and Sarah come with me!" Beth instructed.

"I don’t feel to good about leaving Tamara and Samantha here alone!" Sarah answered looking behind her at Tamara and Samantha as she said it.

"Listen do you want to see Hanson or not!" Beth said in a harsh tone.

"Yeah… Tamara, Sam don’t leave her okay." Sarah said giving them a pleading look.

"Common! They won't leave don't worry!" Beth said impatiently

When they got to the end of the alley Beth turn and pulled Sarah harshly around to look at Tamara and Samantha.

"Why’d we stop?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Because!" Beth smiled evilly.

Beth pulled out a gun from her knapsack that she had been carrying and pointed it at Tamara.

"Stop! Please!" As Sarah started sobbing.

"She only likes Their music"

Bang, Scream! Tamara fell to the ground.

Samantha let out a shriek and turned to run

"She likes Taylor"

"Stop!" Sarah cried her voice cracking as tears began to run down her face

Bang, Samantha screamed and then dropped.

"And you love Isaac!" Beth said her voice full of sarcasm as she said love.

"Why…" Sarah cried. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because Bitch only can Love Ike you don’t even no him! He’s Mine!!!" Beth screamed.

"I only have a crush on him, he’s yours!" Sarah said as fear filled her voice and eyes as she tried desperately to find emotion in Beth’s cold hard eyes, but Sarah only saw Evil.

"Please Terri…"

"Please Sarah, call me Beth"

Sarah shuddered and let a blood curling scream out as the bullet entered her left temple and exited her right temple.

"There now aren’t we all happy!" Beth smiled and looked down at Sarah’s collapsed body. "I thought so!"