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Me... thats all I am

Hello! Welcome to me! I am a 15 year old grade 10 student. I get a c average mark and have never been that bright when it comes to school. I do how ever seem to exsell in other places like singing, Drawing, writing and computers (well at least my friends say so) I love swimming, soccer, football, basket ball, rollerblading, skiing and skateboarding although I'm only learning right now. My favorite subjects are Art, Gym, Drama, English and Social Studies although I almost failed the last two. I can be very competitve and some time really stuborn, but I'm usally a really nice person. I always forgive and forget and find it almost impossible to make fun of someone with feeling bad. I have a huge amount of good friends, but few that I trust. I only have two people that I really trust. I am in Rangers, soccer, Jobies and work at Mc Donalds. I hope one day to be an graphic design artist (don't judge me by my crapy graphics we don't have a good art program!) I guess thats all for know!
