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Don't talk to strangers

Isaac stood on the stage staring out into the crowd. They hadn’t found Beth yet and it had been three weeks since Terri’s death. Terri… the word stung in Isaac’s head. He had fallen in love with her when he was suppose to love Beth. It had been an accident, but Terri felt the same way so he dumped Beth so that he could be with Terri. But then Beth who was set on getting her revenge on both of them stole Terri away by killing her. Now not only had Beth taken Terri but Beth might be after him! All these thoughts floated through Isaac’s head as they sang Mmmbop for the thousands of screaming fans. They still had two songs to sing and then they would go. Isaac began to prepare for the next song when Taylor said "Well thank you for coming."

Isaac gave Taylor a curious look and Taylor just Said good bye to the fans and looked at his brothers to say the same.

"Yeah… Thanks for coming…" Zac said not quit sure why they were ending the show early.

"Thanks!" Isaac said and then ran off stage after his brother and Zac followed.

"Taylor what was that about?" Walker asked coming over to see Taylor.

Taylor ignored the question and looked at Isaac.

"Ike look at about the 20th row fifth in" Taylor instructed

People had already began to clear out but Isaac could clearly see in the 20th row a sign that read "Isaac honey I’m sorry but I had to and soon it will be your turn!" The sign had been written in red marker made to look like Blood.

"Now either that’s a really cruel joke or that’s Beth!" Taylor said turning to Isaac.

"They must have seen me!" Beth smiled to herself "I’d better get out of here before I get caught!" "No one can love him only I can!" Beth thought to herself.

"Hi! You like Isaac I see!" Beth’s voice dripped with sweetness as she approached the girl.

The girl turned to Beth with a huge smile and replied "Oh yeah he’s the best!"

"What’s your name?" Beth asked.

"Sarah, what’s yours?" The girl smile grew bigger.

"Uhh… Terri" Beth smiled back.

"You have the same name as that girl that got killed! Isn’t that funny?" Sarah laughed.

"hilarious! So who are you here with?" Beth asked

"Oh my friends!"

"Well do you and your friends want to come and go to my hotel? I think Hanson is staying at it and we can chat about them!" Beth asked smiling sweetly.


"Tamara, Samantha this girl is in the same hotel as Hanson and we are going to hang out with her!!!"

The four girls got into a cab as Beth smile happily to herself. If she had to she would kill every girl that claimed to love Isaac. Soon she would be the only one who loved him!