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Her tears streaked face was the answer to his question. He turned his back in shame and walked away. Her sobs faded as he gain distance from her red teary face. Pulling herself up from the porch she walked into her house and began up the stairs to her room. She sat on her bed covered in a navy blue comforter and hugged her closest stuffed animal. Her name is Emily, She is 12 years old and had a boyfriend, her very first, Josh. The dark day that it started raining at 6:00 in the morning that terrible day that she learned her parents were divorcing was the day that Josh broke up with her.

*Three years later*

Emily, now fifteen. Had a great life she lived with her mother in Los Angeles California and was going to visit her father that summer in the Tulsa Oklahoma. She loved visiting her father because Tulsa was were she was born and where she use to live. She hadn’t seen Josh since they broke up but still she care about him. Since then she had grow beautiful. She had long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. In L.A she had a boy friend named Tyler and had a happy life, She was popular at school and had a lot of friends. Life was happy for her finally as she packed for her trip to see her father. She hadn’t been there for three year s since her father had always gone up to L.A to visit her. She packed happy tha t she would see her friends again. "This going to be awesome!" Emily smiled as she got into bed. How wrong she was…
