Chapter 13: Brotherly Betrayal

"Damnit, how do you turn this stupid thing on?" Stina said in frustration, hitting her oven.

"Let me guess, you're trying to cook something?" Cora replied.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Stina said smacking noisyly on her gum.

"Becuz last thing you couldn't figure something out, it was a kitchen appliance. You're so sheltered," Cora replied.

"I am not"

"Oh c'mon Christina. You can't even turn the oven on. How many times have you actually cooked a meal for yourself?"

"Do poptarts count?"

"See!! I wish my parents spoiled me like yours spoil you"

"I'm not spoiled," Stina said, giving up with the oven. The slice and bake cookies she was attempting to make were better raw anyway.

"Oh right, whatev-" Cora's voice was interupted by the call waiting beep.

"Hold on Cor, I have a beep" Stina said, clicking over.

"Hello?" She asked.



"Hey, this is Tay"

"Oh hi Tay, hold on a sec" Stina said, clicking back over to Cora.

"Hey Cor, I gotta go. It's my Aunt Candice" Stina said, using her fav excuse. As far as she knew, she didn't even have an Aunt Candice. She felt bad lieing, but her friends always got pissed if they knew she was hanging up with them to talk to someone else.

"K, call me later. Good luck with the oven" Cora said hanging up the phone. Stina went back to Tay.

"Hey love! Whats up? You don't usually call me...did something happen to Zac?" Stina asked.

"No, don't worry. I just wanted to talk to ya" Taylor said laughing.

"About what"

"Oh I"

"Us? i didn't realize there was an 'us'..." Stina said, suddenly confused. Since she had the portable, she slowly began to make her way upstairs and to her room.

"Well, maybe that's not what I meant. Forget I said anything...Anyway, do you wanna do something today?"

"Like us? alone? together? Oh, um, ok sure...whats today?"

"The 29th. Few days after Christmas, duh. So what do you wanna do?" Tay asked, smiling, very pleased with himself for actually going through with it. He quit pacing around his room and took a seat on his bed.

"Ummm, wanna go to the mall? i have tons of Christmas cash to spend," Stina said, lying back on her bed and glancing at the wad of $20 bills she had lieing on her night stand.

"Umm, actually our options are kind of limited. We have to go somewhere that we won't be mobbed with fans"

"Ok then, what do you suggest?"

"How about the movies? They can't spot me in the dark...unless they've developed night vision so they can spot me in movie theaters..."

"Don't worry Tay, i don't think even YOUR screwed up fans are capable of that" Stina said laughing.

"What movie?"

"Scream 2?"

"I already saw that, but I'd love to see it again. It rocked!" tay said.

"What time does it start?"

"i don't know, I'm guessing around 7 or 7:30. I'll have Ike drive us over. ok?"

"Ok, cya then. Bye" Christina said, hanging up the phone

"Oh my god, i am so stupid!!" Stina said, looking through her closet.

"And why is that?" Danielle asked.

"I can't believe I agreed to go with him. Zac's going to be soooo mad if he finds out!!"

"Zac? Why would Zac care?"

"Oh, um, I dunno..." Stina said kicking herself. She and Zac had both agreed not to tell anyone about the kiss, and Stina had been able to keep the promise--so far. And with her big mouth, it was a very hard task.

"Stina? Why would Zac care?"

"That's not what i's just that Zac gets jealous sometimes-"

"Jealous of what?"

"Jealous of Tay when Tay talks to me and stuff"

"Since when? Why have i not been informed that Zac was madly in love with you?"

"He's not madly in love with me. It's just a crush, if anything" Christina said, pulling her brand new Sugar shirt and new GAP flares out of her closet. She crossed the room to pull her new sky blue cK bra out of her underwear drawer.

"Since when does he have a crush on you?"


"And I never knew this? I am so left out of everything" Danielle whined.

"Sorry, i promise you'll be the first one I tell next time anything major happens" Stina replied.

"Ok good. Anything major happen lately?"

"Not really..." Stina said pausing. She was dieing to tell someone about what had happened between her and Zac.

"Not really?"

"Well...umm...I CANT TELL YOU!" Stina said biting her lip.

"Oh then this HAS to be good" Danielle said grinning. She loved hearing gossip as much as Stina loved telling it.

"Oh fine, I cant contain it any longer. You know how the other day I was kind of snowed in with Zac? Well..."

"What's that smell?" Zac asked, looking up from the magazine he was reading and crinkling his nose as a putrid smell entered his bedroom. Tay stood there clutching his CKBe bottle in his hand. He grinned innocently and put on another burst of the cologne.

"Oh god Tay, how much of that did you put on?" Zac asked.

"I dunno. This bottles like half empty though"

"Is that the one you just got yesterday for Christmas?" Zac asked. Tay nodded.

"Problems Tay. Problems. And why are u wearing so much anyway? Where are you going?"

"No where" Tay said, brushing his hair.

"Yes you are. Where are you going?"

"Movies with Ike and Mara" Tay said, only half lieing. Ike and Mara were seeing a movie too, just a different movie.

"No no. No Tay, there's something wrong with this picture. Ike and mara bringing you on a date? And you wearing so much cologne? No. The only way they'd ever bring you would be if it was a double date...which would mean that you'd be bringing a girl"

"I didn't say I wasn't bringing a girl"

"Oh no Taylor, please don't tell me you went outside and pulled a random fan off the curb and decided to take her with you just so you could go with Isaac..."

"No Zac, I'm not that pathetic" Taylor said laughing.

" who is it then?"

"You don't know her. Her name, Trixie Firecracker. Yeah thats it"

"Taylor, thats Ginger Spice's name is the 'Say You'll Be there' video" Zac said giving his brother a weird look.

"Oh, right. i knew i had heard that name before. But, um, thats my dates name too. hee hee" Tay said laughing nervously and forcing a smile. Zac rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Your really messed up"

"Wow, back row, what luck!" Tay said smiling. Stina grinned nervously.

"Yeah, well we are a half hour early" She replied. The movie Ike and mara were seeing started a half hour before Scream 2 did, but their movie was sold out when they had got there so they were seeing Scream 2 also. Tay glared at them across the aisle. Just what he needed, his older brother watching over him.

"You hungry?" Tay asked.

"Not really"

"Well I'll get you some Skittles anyway. I've never seen you pass up a bag of them," Tay said smiling and heading towards the lobby. Stina sighed and glanced around the theater. They had redone some of the rooms, apparently this wasn't one of them. Same look it had last time she saw a movie with Zac, at Halloween. Thinking of Zac made her stomach feel like it had surged forward. She closed her eyes and pushed her thoughts of Zac away. She glanced over at Ike and Mara. Ike was leaving, probably to get snacks. After he left, Stina quickly rushed across the aisle to Mara.

"I think I'm going to be sick" She said, plopping down next to Mara. Mara laughed.

"Don't worry sweetie, if he tries anything just yell for me and i'll come beat him off with my purse"

"Oh ha ha, thanks. I can do that myself"

"Yeah, well I have a cell phone in mine so it's heavier"

"So do I"

"I should have known" Mara said rolling her eyes.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Stina asked confused. Mara shrugged.

"Your lover's back" Mara said, glancing past Stina. Christina turned around to find Taylor sitting in their seats, smiling her way. She smiled weakly back.

"Wish me luck..." She muttered before carefully walking back over. She was wearing her new chunky heels and her feet were already killing her.

"Hey, Mara needed lipstick advice" She said sitting down next to Taylor. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and smiled a flirty smile.

"'s all makeup makeup makeup" Tay said laughing.

"Well with guys it's all sex sex sex. I'm glad I'm female"

"No, chicks think of sex just as much as guys do, it's just that guys aren't embarrassed to admit it. Ask me when the last time I thought about sex was"

"When was the last time you thought about sex?" Stina hesitantly asked him. 'This probably wasn't a good question...' She thought to herself.

"I'm thinking about it right now. See? No problem admitting that. Now watch...when was the last time you thought about sex?"


"See? I've proven my point. Here are your Skittles" He said smiling, handing her a King size bag of Skittles.

"Was this the smallest size?" Stina asked. She now was holding a years worth of Skittles in her hand.

"Yeah, scary isn't it? Look at the MEDIUM popcorn and soda I bought," Tay said. Stina looked at his lap where the largest tub of popcorn and paper cup full of soda she had ever seen were sitting. She laughed.

"What's the point of having cupholders if the cups don't fit?" She asked. Tay shrugged.

"Oh well, I hope this place doesn't have mice cuz our soda and popcorn are going on the floor," Taylor said, removing the drink and popcorn from his lap. He then proceeded to stick two straws in the lid of the cup. Christina pretneded not to notice and began trying to pull open her Skittles. The bag didn't seem to wanna open, so she pulled harder. Suddenly the bag flew open and Skittles flew everywhere (Authors Note: LoL to Sam and Laura...remember the Regal lobby over the summer? Sorry I just had to say that...).

"Whoops. Now i only have half a years supply of food..." She said laughing. Tay smiled and helped himself to a handful of the colorful candies.

"Hey, hands off. You have the world's supply of popcorn at your feet, have some of that. Keep away from my beloved Skittles" Stina said, jokingly pushing him away.

"I thought you weren't hungry"

"I'm not. But you can always eat Skittles no matter what" Stina replied, mouth full. Tay rolled his eyes.

Somehow the half hour seemed to fly by and the movie started. The movie sold out, so the theater was packed. Every seat was filled. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the teen idol (well, teen idolS including Ike...) sitting in the back row. The movie slowly progressed on. Stina was only halfway paying attention. She was lost in her own thoughts. 'What if Zac find out? Will he be mad? Taylor's not gonna make a move on me, is he? Oh my god, what if he tries to kiss me? What do i do? Do I like Taylor? What flavor skittle did i just eat? It was pretty good...Has anyone noticed us? What if we see someone we know and they tell Zac? Ew, what do they use as blood in these movies? Oh my god, where does his arm think it's going??...' Her mind went blank when Taylor slowly put his arm around her. Her shoulders tensed. 'It's ok Stina, it's just his arm. What are you so freaked out about? If this was any other guy you would have been making out by the second preview, why is Taylor any different?' The little voice in her head questioned. Stina sat thinking of a comeback (doesn't everyone get in fights with little voices?) but the voice spoke again. 'What's your problem? You're acting like a guy has never had his arm around you before. Your head goes on his shoulder sweetie. I didn't think we needed to review this before we left home, maybe i was wrong' The voice finished. Stina attempted to glare at it, but realized it couldn't see her. She reluctantly rested her head on Taylor's shoulder. 'Shut up little voice. I'm just nervous. i mean, this is Taylor Hanson here. Plus I'm worried about Zac...I mean think about it. Wouldn't you be paranoid if you were in my position?' Stina thought. 'I am in your position retard. I'm in YOUR head. Now quit talking to me, it's not normal. Bye bye' The voice replied, dissapearing. Stina blinked to try and clear her mind from any remaining voices. She made a mental note to mention a possible CAT scan to her mother...

"Stina?" Tay whispered.


"Not that i was intentionally inspecting everything you do, but um, you've been chewing the same 5 Skittle's for the past 10 minutes. Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" Stina said, quickly swallowing the mushed up remains of the Skittles. 'Good job genius. You're retarded. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be gone. Whoops! Bye!'. Stina ignored the words in her brain. Tay took a long sip of the drink.

"Soda?" He asked, offering the huge drink to her.

"Thanks" She said, taking it from him and downing a big gulp. Her throat was very dry, plus she figured that if she drank enough she would need to use the bathroom. Stina put another handful of Skittles in her mouth and attempted to pay attention to the movie.

"I'm so bored" Zac said outloud, to no one in particular. He was sitting on his bed, working on a new lego structure. It was supposed to be a spacestation, but looked more like an elephant (well, when you squinted and looked at it really fast). Zac noticed the portable phone lieing on Isaac's bed. 'Oh good, I'll call Stina' Zac thought to himself. He picked up the phone and hit the first speedial button.


"Frankie? Is Christina home?"

"No, who's this?"

"This is Zac. do you know where she is? Or when she'll be back?"

"Um, she went to the movies, i don't know when she'll be back"

"Movies? Who'd she go with?" Zac asked as a lightbulb went on in his head.

"I don't know. But Isaac picked her up. Why?"

"Never mind, tell her to call me. Bye" Zac said slamming down the phone. He couldn't believe could his own brother break his promise? And STINA---had the other day meant NOTHING to her?? Oh well, this meant WAR

"Let me guess...Sydney ends up friendless and boyfriendless in the end AGAIN," Stina whispered as Sydney's boyfriend was lowered down from the scenery.

"Yeah, way too predictable isn't it?"

"Yah, I'm just glad I'm not her" Stina replied, snuggling up a little closer to Taylor. It's a scary movie, what else was she supposed to do? Taylor happily pulled her closer. He deeply inhaled and smelled her perfume. She, on the otherhand, didnt have to breathe in deeply to smell Tay's cologne. It was extremely strong, but she liked it.

The movie progressed and before she knew it, the movie was over and the lights went on. Stina stood up and stretched, arching her back and raising her arms.

"Good movie. Not as good as the first one, but good" She said. Tay nodded in agreement the two found there way out of the theater and into the lobby where Ike and Mara were waiting for them.

"It's only 9:30, we could go somewhere else. When's your curfew Stina?" Ike asked, looking at his watch.

"i don't have one. As long as I'm home in one piece by the next morning my parents don't give a shit" She said bitterly. She liked not having a curfew, but sometimes it worried her how little her parents cared.

"Great, we can go for pizza" Tay said.

"Actually, we were thinking more along the lines of Medley's Hill..." Mara said, biting her lip and innocently twirling her hair. Ike put his arm around her and smiled weakly at his brother as if saying 'please Taylor, please??'. Taylor couldnt believe this. Every town has it's makeout spot, and Medley's Hill was Tulsa's...well at least the one most of their friends went to. Taylor looked at Stina, who looked oddly pale. Must be the lighting...

"Hold on, Ike, can I talk to you for a second?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, we'll be right back" Ike said, as he and tay walked towards the snack bar.

"What's your problem, I thought you'd be dieing to go" Ike asked.

"Oh trust me I am dieing to go. And i think it's awesome that you would bring me and a girl up there...nice to know your not one of those stupid overprotective brothers. But there are 2 problems: #1-One car, 2 couples. Not good. And #2-I feel kind of guilty about Zac. You know he'd be so devastated if he found out I was here with Stina"

"Yeah, but he's not gonna find out, so theres no problem. And besides, it's not like they're going out or anything. If they were then i wouldn't have even driven you down here. And about the problem...well, i get car, you get grass, k?"

"Oh thanks Ike, so generous," Tay said, walking back towards where Stina and Mara were standing.

Ike shut the motor off. Medley's hill was basically deserted, probably becuz the Goo Goo Dolls were doing a concert that night. They had a great spot, at the top of the hill overlooking the glistening lake. Isaac sent Tay a "look" in the rearview mirror.

"Hey Stina, wanna go walk down by the lake?" Taylor asked, taking her hand in his. She couldn't help smiling. Half of her was so mad at herself for getting herself in the situation, and the other half was very happy to be in this situation. She decided to trust the happy half.

"I'd love to," She said, as Tay led her out of the car. The two walked down the path that had been cleared of snow leading to the lake silently, hand in hand. Much of the snow had melted, there was only about 8 inches left, it had gotten up to 60 degrees th day before, but was back down below freezing today. Tulsa weather can be so confusing...

It was a full moon and the only light in the sky was that of the stars. The path went downward until it reached a small bench, right in front of the lake. They sat down.

"This is really pretty" Stina said, taking in the view. She had been here plenty of times during the day, but only one other time at night and she had been a little "pre-occupied". She couldn't believe how different everything looked in the dark. It looked so...romantic. It made her feel so relaxed, all her worries floating away. Right now she didn't care who she was up there with...whether it be Taylor or Zac (or even if it had been Isaac for some strange reason), it wouldnt have mattered.

"And it's also really cold..." Stina said, realizing how numb her fingers were getting. She laughed and her breath showed in the cold air. Taylor smiled as the moonlight reflected off the lake and made her eyes sparkle.

"Oh well then I guess we better preserve body heat" He said, smiling slyly and inching closer to her. He stared deep into her eyes.

"What are you looking at?" She said blushing.

"You...your eyes, they're so beautiful. Just like you are," Tay replied, gently running his hand through her hair. Stina smiled sweetly, not sure what to say. A sudden impulse ran through her. 'Stop thinking about Zac, forget this is Taylor, and just do what you'd do normally' She said to herself. She quietly inhaled a deep breath of the freezing air.



"I know a better way to preserve body heat"

"How?" Tay asked, totally confused. He had been so caught up in his own fantasies that he had forgotten he was actually with Stina.

"Like this," Stina said. Not taking her eyes off of his, she stradeled Taylor's lap so that her back was to the lake and she was facing him. She put her hands behind Taylor's head and ran them through his long hair. She lowered her lips to his. Taylor immidiatly kissed back. His tongue circled around her mouth and across her teeth. His kissing style was actually fairly similar to Zac's. Stina could feel his breathing against her face, and for some reason it really turned her on. She decided to help intensify the moment by letting out a little moan. Hearing this, Taylor got even more excited. He moved his hands from her waist down to her ass. Christina pulled away for a second to take her coat off. Taylor followed her lead and managed to wriggle out of his coat with her still on his lap. Taylor began lightly kissing her neck. She moaned with pleasure.

"No hickeys Taylor, my mom will flip," She said. He moaned which she guess was an 'ok'. Taylor could feel her chest pressed up against him. He brought his hands up her torso and placed them on her tits. Tay moved his hands in a circular motion.

"Oh Tay..." Stina moaned. Taylor placed his lips aginst hers and inserted his tongue again, his hands still upon her chest. Though Stina was mostly kneeling on the bench, she could feel a bump forming in Taylor's pants where she had contact with him. She pulled back.

"You can go under my shirt, I'm not gonna bite you if you do," She said in a sexy voice...a voice Taylor had only heard before when she did her phone sex operator impressions. 'Oh yeah, I'm gaining some big time bragging rights here!!' Taylor thought to himself. Back in October he had started hanging out with a new group of friends, most of the guys were bigtime players and always had stories about great sex to tell. Taylor always felt so left out, he didn't have any stories. Sure getting to 2nd with Stina was no where close to sex, but as his friend Dylon had put it when he first saw Stina..."Damn, to get my hands on those things would be almost as good as fucking a girl!".

"Ok, but only cuz you wanted me to..." Tay said, even though he was planning on feeling her up whether she liked it or not. Taylor found the bottom of her gray Sugar shirt and began to gently slide his hands upward. Up her smooth stomach, pausing for a brief moment to feel her waist. He felt her silky bra, and made his way underneath it. Tay moved his hands in a circular motion, gently massaging he breasts. He felt her hard nipples and lightly ran his thumbs over them. Stina kissed Taylor harder. She could feel that Tay's cock was now fully erect underneath the baggy courdaroy pants he was wearing. She lowered herself so she was no longer kneeling, but now sitting on Tay's lap, her crotch pressed against his. Tay felt chills down his spine. He was so horny, his hard dick felt like it was ready to burst if he didnt relieve himself...soon. Suddenly, instead of being cold, he was burning up. He could feel that he was beginning to sweat.

"Hold on," Taylor said, removing his hands from her tits so he could pull his tight white shirt over his head, revealing his muscular bare chest. Stina rubbed her cold hands over his chest.

"Have you been working out?" She asked suductively as she began kissing his muscular pecs.

"Not really," He lied. Christina's kisses traveled up to his neck, lightly across his cheek, and to his right ear. 'Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...Wait no! Thinking happy thoughts was what got me into this problem' Taylor deperately thought, beginning to get embarassed by his obvious boner. He hoped Christina hadn't noticed, even thought she'd have to be blind not to. He badly needed to fix the problem. As if reading his mind, she spoke.

"You're excited, aren't you Taylor," She asked in a taunting tone of voice, pouting her lips. She lightly traced her finger in circles up his stomach, to his chest, and back down again. Her long finger nail tickled his sensitive skin and gave him chills.

"Yeah, a little" He said slowly

"A little? You mean it gets bigger?" Stina joked. Tay blushed a deep shade of red.

"You seem to be turning red...I'm sorry, are you hot? Maybe I'm causing your temperature to rise, because I am absolutely burning up and maybe my heat is being transferred to you...Anyway, would it help if I took my shirt off?" She said, batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah actually it might"

"Ok then, if that's what you really want," She said shrugging. She peeled off her shirt revealing a sky blue bra. One of the straps was beginning to slide down her shoulder. She reached over and adjusted it. She noticed Tay watching her.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you like it better like this?" She asked, moving the strap back off her shoulder, but this time letting it completely fall, so it was down around her elbow. Tay swallowed hard.

"Or what about like this?" She said, doing the same to the other side of her bra. If she leaned over too far, Tay was sure she would completely fall out. The crisp air filled his lungs as he tried to control his breathing. It had been so long since he had done this-well, anything at that-with a girl. So busy with the band, so busy fighting off fans, so busy worrying about millions of details, too busy for any fun. He had never been so aroused in his life. So long without any girl crying out his name...he was still a virgin but he found great delight in sliding his fingers inside a hot girl.

"How old are you again?"

"12...(*Authors Note*: Don't forget, this is back in December of 1997. Making Tay 14), why?" Stina asked, fairly confused.

"Do i wanna know how much experience you've had, or would it make me afraid of catching diseases? Or are you just naturally good at teasing a guy and turning him on?" Tay replied, only halfway joking.

"I've always been naturally good, but I've improved from experience. And no, last time I checked I don't believe I'm carrying any diseases so..." She said casually licking her lips.

"But if you're really that worried, we could stop," Stina said, pretending to be hurt.

"Stop? But we haven't even started yet"

"Yes I know Tay, but don't you wanna save something for next time? I mean everything that's here now will still be here in a week...or month...or 6 months...however long it takes for us to be able to be in this situation again. We should pace ourselves" Stina said, beginning to think of Zac. Dammit Zac, ruining this moment without even being here.

"But I don't wanna wait"

"Then maybe it's best that you do. After all, things always seem more special when you have to wait"

"I HAVE waited! I've waited 12 freaking years here Stina!!"

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna make you wait another 12," Stina said, smiling slightly and getting off Tay's lap. Taylor knew this was just the way she was, it was her style. Well, at least from what he'd heard from guys that had experience with her. She'd lead him on until he was so horny he could screw a horse, and then stop. It was totally cruel to the guy, but Taylor had to admit, it worked. He wanted her so bad, even more than he had before. Making the guy wait made him want a taste even more.

Stina pulled her shirt back over her head and picked her coat up.

"C'mon Tay, Ike and Mara are probably done by now" Stina said, glancing at her watch. They had been gone an hour.

"Ok, you go ahead, I'll catch up in a sec" Tay said. he picked up his shirt and coat and dissapeared behind a bush to take care of his not-so-little 'problem' before he went absolutely insane.

"Bye Tay, I had a great time. Next time will be even better," Stina said laughing. Tay smiled and leaned in for a kiss when the front door of Stina's house opened, causing the 2 of them to topple in the doorway, taylor landing on top of Christina. They looked up to see Zac standing above them, arms crossed and eyes full of fire.

"Uh oh" Stina and Taylor said quietly in unison.

"Taylor, whats taking you so long?" Ike said, appearing on the porch. He had been sitting in the driveway for 10 minutes, waiting for Tay to say his goodbyes. Ike saw Zac in the doorway.

"Oh hey Zac, what are you doing here?" He said nervously. Zac was gonna kill him for driving Taylor.

"Funny, I was just about to ask you and Tay the same thing. I'm here waiting for MY best friend Stina. Noticed the emphasis on the 'MY'. What's YOUR excuse?" Zac said raising an eyebrow. Taylor and Stina still hadn't moved from their fallen position on the carpet. Zac glared at tay, and he immidiatly sat up off of Stina.

"Well, um, you caught us Zac! Me, Ike, and Stina were trying to plan a surprise belated birthday party for you. Guess you caught us, hee hee, SURPRISE!" Tay said smiling weakly. Zac's expression didn't change from the blank look he was giving Tay.

"I didn't realize planning a party included trips to movie theaters and goodnight kisses" Zac said coldly.

"Zac-" Stina started.

"Shut up. All of you shut up. You hurt me, all 3 of you. Ike for driving, Taylor for betraying me, and Stina...Stina for purposely breaking my heart" Zac said bluntly, tears welling in his eyes. He looked down so no one could see, though Taylor noticed.

"Oh Zac, I'm so sorry," Stina said softly.

"Fuck you. Fuck you all. Ike take us home., me, and Stina will talk about this tomorrow. Goodbye Stina, I hope you're happy you stupid bitch" Zac said. With that, he stormed out the door.

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