Chapter 4: Attack of the Stale Potatoe Chips

The Hanson house finally came into view. Christina had decided to skate over instead of ride her bike. She badly needed the practice. Stina was about as talented on rollerblades as she is walking on her hands. No, actually she's better at walking on her hands. Anyway, the usual 15 minute bike ride had turned into a 30 minute bruise-fest. Luckily she had allowed extra time or else she would have been really late. As she approached the house (very very slowly. stupid skates) she groaned when she saw the group of about 10 girls sitting in a circle on the sidewalk singing Mmmbop very loudly and VERY out of tune. She was gonna have a lot of fun trying to get past them without falling on her bum a few million times. She skated up to them, and then past them and on the driveway. It was actually easier than she thought it would be.

"There is such a thing as trespassing ya know. Hanson's not actually gonna open the door to you, they have a peephole. Trust me, I already tried," One of the girls called after her. It really wasn't a good time to say that to Stina, she was hot and in some pain cuz of her numerous falls and didn't feel like having to put up with anyone.

"They'll let you in if your best friends with Zac you stupid bitch," Christina said annoyed.

"Oh my god! Your friends with them?" One of the girls shreiked. The whole crowd started freaking out. Christina smirked. She could actually have some fun with this...

"Yeah. Life long friends. I used to take baths with Zac and everything," She said slowly turning around to face them. She tripped but caught herself before she fell.

"Oh my god, you saw Zac naked?"

"Oh yeah, many a time. And since our families are such great friends, I always end up sleeping over at their house when there home. IN THERE ROOM" Christina said, enjoying the reaction she was getting from them. They freaked out when she said 'in their room'.

"Wow, can I have your autograph?" A girl with short hair that was obviously dyed blond (the black roots were kind of a dead give away)asked, shoving a small book with blank pages and a pen in her face. Christina just looked at her blankly.

"MY autograph?"

"Yeah, if you ever end up going out with any of them you signature could be worth something. Even though you better stay away from my Taylor," The girl said. A chorus of 'and my Zac' and 'my Ike' rung out from the crowd. Christina just rolled her eyes.

"I guess that leaves me with Mackenzie now doesn't it," She said sarcastically, taking the paper and signing it. She found the whole thing quite rediculous, but decided just to pity the poor obsessed fools.

"Can I have my picture taken with you?" A chubby brunette girl asked.

"Yeah, but make it quick," Christina said glancing at her Roxy watch. The girl stood next to Christina and a girl in a green Hanson shirt took the picture.

"Bye," Christina said, turning and skating up the driveway. The girls were shouting 'say hi to Tay for me!' and 'remember, Zac's mine!'.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself you have a chance with Zac. Stupid bitch," Christina muttered to herself. She rang the bell and Taylor pulled open the door. Screams and camera flashes erupted from the group. Taylor waved with one hand and quickly pulled Christina in the door with the other.

"i can't believe they're still out there," He said rolling his eyes. Christina laughed.

"one of them asked for my other autograph and another took my picture. They can all kiss my ass" She said. Taylor smiled at her. Then his jaw dropped. He really hadn't taken a good look at her when she came in the door. The last time he had seen her was Christmas. She had changed a lot since then. She looked at him blankly and started picking at her teeth.

"Is there something stuck in my teeth?" She asked. Taylor laughed and shook his head.

"No, it's's You changed a LOT!".

Christina blushed.

"For the better or for the worser?"

"BETTER!!" Taylor said, now his turn to turn a bright shade of pink. The two stood there awkardly looking at each other. Zac came running into the room.

"Did I hear Christina's voice?" he asked. He looked up and stopped in his tracks.

"Christina?" He asked.

"Geez people, I didn't change THAT much," She said, blushing an even deeper shade of red. Zac came over and hugged her.

"I missed you so much. And you did too change...i mean have you looked in the mirror lately?" Zac said. He carefully studied her. She had grown at least 4 inches. She had a new haircut too, her dark blond hair was angled, framing her pretty face. She was wearing lip gloss and just a little light blue eyeshadow. As he looked down he noticed an obvious waistline that looked really good in the tight black tank top she was wearing. Not to mention how her chest had grown...a lot. Zac looked over to see if Taylor was as shocked as he was. But Taylor was too busy staring at how extremely low cut the tank top was to notice Zac. Zac rolled his eyes, but then realized he had been doing the exact same thing two seconds earlier.

"Would you guys quit giving me the once over? Your making me feel like I'm on display," Stina complained. Zac smiled.


"So, what were you guys doing before I arrived for you to marvel over?" Stina said grinning.

"Just talking with Mara and her cousin Bess. Bess seems to have the hots for Taylor. Did you notice that Tay?" Zac asked, nudging Taylor with his elbow jokingly. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"How could i NOT notice? She was hanging all over me"

"Is this the same Bess that rejected you a few years ago so you totally hated her?" Christina asked.

"Yup, that's the one. And she only likes me now because I'm famous. I'm not stupid enough to fall for her little act. She's never gonna win Taylor Hanson's heart!" Tay said laughing.

"You do that Taylor. Where's Isaac? i wanna say hi"

"In the kitchen with Mara and Bess," Zac said. Christina headed for the kitchen and Zac and Taylor followed. Mara, Isaac, and a girl with long blond hair were sitting around the table. Stina guessed that must be Bess. She looked like the typical snob.

"Oh, THERE you are taylor, what took you so long? I missed you," Bess said. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"Shallow bitch," He muttered quietly.

"Hey Ike"

"Hey Stina, long time no see. Wow, you've grown up. Put some clothes on, your hanging out of that shirt" Isaac said laughing.

"I sware, if ONE more person tells me how much I've grown up...".

Mrs. Hanson entered the room.

"Wow. Christina? Is that you? You look so different!" She exclaimed. Christina groaned as Zac laughed his ass off. Mrs Hanson looked confused, but decided it would probably be smartest if she didn't ask.

"Well, anyway, there are chips in the pantry. i'm not sure how good they are, they've been in there for a while. But I'm going out to pick up some groceries, anyone wanna come with me? Never mind, I won't even wait for an answer," Diana said, turning and leaving. Taylor wandered over to the pantry and pulled the door open. He pulled out a bag of Lays potatoe chips clipped shut with a few paper clips. Taylor looked at the paper clips, fairly confused.

"i think she was talking about these," Taylor said, joining everyone sitting around the table. He tossed the bag in the middle.

"Aren't these left over from last time we were home? In like February?" Isaac asked.

"Ewww, i know they were here when were home, but was it in February?" Zac replied.

"Yeah, because thats when I was in Florida and I didn't get to see you guys," Christina said.

"Wow, away from home since February. What a big strong man you must be Taylor," Bess said, rubbing tays leg with her foot under the table. Tay pulled his leg back and ignored her.

"Well, any volunteers to try to man eating chips?" Mara asked. She glanced around the table. Everyone sat quietly. Finally Zac spoke up.

"Oh, what the hell, I'll try one," Zac said, grabbing the bag and pulling it open. He pulled out a chip as everyone looked at him disgustedly. He slowly put it to his lips and bit down. He chewed....and chewed...and chewed...the chip was more like a small strip of wood. It wouldnt break. He spit it out on the table.

"Yuck. It was like chewing a branch," Zac said.

"Oh nasty. Why would you even try one of them?" Stina asked. Zac shrugged.

"Well, they aren't edible, but i do know a great use for them..." Zac said smirking. Christina started slowly backing her chair away from the table. she knew from expierience that when Zac has a good idea, she always ends up getting in trouble. Zac took a handful of chip from the bag and chucked them at her.

"ATTACK OF THE STALE POTATOE CHIPS!!!" he screamed. before any of them could think, Mara, Isaac, taylor and Christina were taking handfuls of chips and throwing them back at Zac and at each other. Bess just sat looking disgusted. When a stray chip flew at her and hit her right between the eyes she stood up and screamed.

"THATS IT!! Your all immature little pigs!". They all stopped in mid throw and looked around the table. They were all covered in chips and crumbs.

"Oh well, at least we know how to have fun," Tay said glaring at Bess. After a lot of sweeping,the mess of chips was cleaned up. Taylor sighed.

"I'm bored. Anyone up for a game of truth or dare in the treehouse?"

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