Chapter 7: The Sleepover

Walker picked Zac and Stina up from Eric's house about 11:30, even though the party had been over at 11. Zac hoped he wasn't going to become a walking box of forgetfullness when he was in his forties. He shuddered at the thought.

When they got back to the Hanson house, The only ones still awake were Isaac, Taylor, and Mara. Mr. Hanson proclaimed he was going to go join Diana in bed, she was having bad stomach pains, and he turned and left the group sitting in the living room.

"Your sleeping over too Mara?" Stina asked. Mara nodded. Zac frowned.

"How are we all gonna fit in our room?" He asked.

"We'll fit. We've done it before, haven't we?" Taylor asked. Zac shrugged. Stina yawned.

"I don't wanna sound like a loser, i know itz really early and all, but i am really really really tired. I've had quite an interesting day," She said, halfway grinning at Zac. He blushed a little.

"Yeah, me too. I had to babysit this morning and i was chasing the little brat around the house for like 2 hours straight. That's enough to drain the energy outta me," Mara said.

"Hey, quit complaining. If you live in the Hanson house, life is a constant babysitting job," Isaac snapped. Mara laughed.

"Well, i guess we can all get ready for bed and just kind of lie around and talk," Taylor said. Everyone agreed.

15 minutes later, they were all lieing on the floor of the bedroom, piled on top of 3 sleeping bags. This really wasn't an easy task, considering there were 5 of them and the room wasn't very big to begin with. Stina's legs were over top of Zac's, and Taylor had his head on her stomach. Mara and Isaac lay snuggled underneath one sleeping bag. Stina had changed out of her clothes and into a long tshirt, and Zac had stripped down to just his boxers. Taylor, Ike, and Mara were apparently just gonna sleep in their clothes, since they hadn't changed.

"Ike and Tay, can you guys PLEASE go up to your beds? Itz a little crowded down here," Christina complained.

"No, we'll miss out on all the conversation," Isaac complained "And may I ask why you didn't ask Zac to move onto his bed. Wait, don't answer. Your enjoying laying squished up against him too much for him to move"

"Shut up Isaac, that is so not true. If Zac went on his bed, it means he would have to set up the trundel bed in the middle of the floor, and that would take up more room. Itz logic Ike dear, use your brain" Stina snapped.

"Besides Ike, she has more body contact with Tay than she has with me," Zac commented. He glared at Tay, even though Taylor wasn't even looking at him. He could solve this 'body contact' problem. He sat up and *gently* pushed taylor's head off her stomach. He picked up Stinas feet and dragged her so she was were he had just been laying, and lay down between her and Tay. Problem solved, he thought happily.

"You took my pillow away," Taylor whined "This is gonna look really gay but oh well". He placed his head on Zac's stomach.

"Get off me!"

"I want a pillow"

"Then a get one stupid. I am Zac, not a pillow"

"You are for tonight," Taylor said. Zac shoved Tay's head off.

"Fine then. Christina was a good pillow" taylor said getting up. He crawled over to Christina and lay on top of her.

"Taylor!" Zac, Christina, and Isaac all scolded in the same time. Mara was silently dozing off to sleep, so she was basically clueless to what was going on.

"Calm down, calm down. Just seeing what your reaction would be," Taylor said getting up, grabbing his pillow off his bed and resuming his spot on the other side of Zac.

"I'm cold. I'm the only one without a sleeping bag," Stina complained. Ike and Mara were sharing one, and Zac and Tay each had their own. Her bare legs had tiny goosebumps on them. Zac grinned.

"You can share with me," He said, opening his sleeping bag. she smiled back and climbed in. Zac zipped it up.

"You don't have to zip it Zac, it'd be more comfortable for both of you if you didn't" Taylor pointed out. He thought he would have been jealous but he was having fun watching Zac's cute attempts to 'seduce' Christina.

"Yeah, well, um, this way we can preserve body heat," Zac said.

"Itz summer Genius. There's plenty of heat to go around," isaac said.

"Would you all just shut up," Zac complained. Taylor shrugged.

"whatever, it's your comfort"

They all lay in silence for a few minutes. Taylor stood up and turned off the light.

"So, any ideas on what to do?" Isaac asked. Mara was quietly snoring next to him.

"Yeah, how about SLEEP," Christina said, her face buried in her pillow. she was so pressed up against Zac that if she turned her head the slightest bit towards him, her face would be against his. Zac was having his share of 'problems' too...he couldn't quite find a spot to place his arms where he wouldn't be touching her in an incriminating spot. So he lay with his arms wrapped around himself.

Stina was about 2 feet from the entrance to sleepland, everyones voice were getting farther and farther away...

About 15 minutes later Zac was still wide awake and was quite bored.

"Anyone still awake?" he whispered.

"Me" Tay replied.

"Me too," isaac said.

"These stupid time zone changes really have screwed up my mental clock," Zac complained.

"Same here. So, how's your 'body heat preservation' expierament coming along?" Taylor asked, snickering. Zac was drenched in sweat.

"Great thank you. Toasty as a, um, toasty as a piece of toast" Zac said. Similes really weren't his cup of tea at almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Christina groaned.

"Zac, quit raping her" Isaac joked. Zac would have thrown a pillow at him, but he couldnt move. He just growled in reply. Stina rolled over, and pulled the sleeping back with her, and the sleeping bag took Zac with it. Zac tried to roll back over but he was STUCK...her lieing on her back and him on top of her.

"Uh, guys..." Zac said.

"What?" Isaac asked.

"Turn on the light for a second"


"Just turn it on. I'm going to try and get back into my previous position and i need to see what I'm doing"

"What are you talking about?"

"ISAAC! Just shut the hell up and turn the light on!" Zac hissed. He was trying not to wake up Christina.

"If I get up I'll wake Mara you dumbass" Ike said. Taylor got up and switched the light on.

"Happy?" He asked. He turned around and looked at Zac, and began cracking up. It was quite a sight. Zac was totally on top of Christina, except her head was over his shoulder. And since Zac was wearing just boxers, it looked like he was totally naked.

"Ike, look at this," Tay said.

"I can't see without moving Mara"

"Well find a way" Tay said, still laughing. All three hanson's had found that they had a tendency to laugh at the slightest thing if it was past as early as 11:30 at night. Isaac strained his neck. He started laughing.

"Looks like you got her right where you want her Zac" Ike cracked.

"Shut up," Zac said. He had been trying to roll over without waking her up the whole time Tay & Ike had been talking. Zac tried again. Christina groaned and wrapped her arms around him.

"Fred, quit moving" She said. This sent Tay and Ike into another laughing fit.

"Who the hell is Fred? Look like she's been going behind your back Zacy boy" Tay said.

"First of all, Fred is her stuffed dog that she keeps in her bed. He's her most prized possession. And secondly, even if 'Fred' was a person, she wouldn't be going behind my back. Stina and I are just friends," Zac said. He had totally given up on rolling over considering her was now wrapped in her arms.

"Yeah right Zac. Have you totally forgotten our conversation from the other day?" Tay asked.

"Oh yeah. Shut up Tayles" Zac complained.

"But seriously Zac, if I were you, I'd take advantage of the situation. I mean think about it. You're wearing only boxers, and she's only wearing a tshirt. Well, she has undies on, but still, she's pant-less" Ike said.

"shut up shut up shut up! fermez la bouche!" Zac said, using the little bit of french he had learned. He wasn't finding his brothers little laughing spasms very amusing.

"Zac..." Christina moaned.

"Shit, did we wake her up? Christina? You awake?" Zac asked. No answer.

"Oh this is just great. Now you have her talking in her sleep," Ike said. Zac shushed him. If she was dreaming about him, he wanted to hear all about it. They waited silently for a few minutes before she spoke again.

"Just take it off. Hurry up" She whined. Ike and Tay began laughing like hyenas once again. Zac began wondering what exactly she was dreaming. A couple minutes later she talked again

"Zac...Zac..." She moaned

"My god boy!! What are you doing to her under that sleeping bag?" Taylor asked, practically rolling on the floor. They all shut up again waiting for her next statement. The dead silence was broken by Isaac sneezing about 5 times in a row. Christina moved a little. She opened her eyes.

"Zac!! get off me!" When she realized where she was and who was on top of her.

"I've been trying to for the past million years!! I couldn't move without waking you up!!"

"Don't listen to him Stina. He was enjoying it so much, you should have seen him. Oh, and i wouldnt be surprised if you feel something hard poking you from the front area of his boxers" Taylor teased.

"ZAC!! OFF NOW!!" Stina said.

"I'm trying!! We seem to be a little stuck"

"Stina, don't be so hard on him. You were enjoying it some yourself" Ike said, trying hard not to laugh.

"what the hell are you talking about? I was asleep" Christina said, still partially not awake.

"Do you remember anything from your dream? Anything at all?"

"No, why?"

"Christina darling, u talk in your sleep. And whatever you were dreaming about, you and Zac were having some fun" taylor said. Stina had a feeling she DIDN'T wanna know what she was saying, because she'd been known to scream out interesting things about zac while sleeping over at friends houses.

"Ummm, shut up. Will someone please unzip us?" She asked. Taylor got up and tugged on the zipper. It wouldn't budge.

"Bad news. You're stuck"

"What do you mean we're stuck?" Zac asked.

"It's quite simple Zac. The zipper won't move, so the sleeping bag won't open, so therefore your stuck in that bag until tomorrow morning when we can cut u out. understand?" Tay asked.

"shit!! Damnit Tay, cut us out now!!" Stina said. She enjoyed being in the sleeping bag with Zac, but it was a little too warm.

"The scissors are in the kitchen. Mom and Dad will hear me if i get up and go in there, and then they'll check on whats wrong. Do you really want them to see you like that? Because trust me, they will DEFINITLY get the wrong idea" tay explained. After a lot of whining, Stina and Zac finally agreed they didn't have any other option but to sleep stuck.

"Goodnight. Oh, and try not to drool on me this time, ok?" Stina said, remembering that Halloween a few years ago. Zac laughed.

"I won't. I promise. Good night"

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