After the photo shoot for the music video “Cried”, we packed our bags and prepared for the long journey back to Tulsa. I hadn’t seen Dominique, or Morgan for a long time, and poor Zac hadn’t seen Starla. We were all tired of Europe, and ready for a long break.
We drove up the Hansons’ driveway at about 4:00 AM. The neighbors were all up to greet our car. It was decided, that it would be best for me to stay at the Hanson’s house until a decent hour. Diana unlocked the door and we all walked in. I sat down on the couch and fell asleep immediately. Zac, Tay, and Ike sleepily found their way to their room and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I could hear Mr. Hanson making breakfast in the kitchen. I glanced at my Gucci wrist watch......9:00 AM. Slowly, I dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen to find Diana, Avery, and Jessica eating pancakes.
“Good Morning,” I said yawning. I staggered towards the living room and picked up my luggage. I opened the zipper on my Tommy Girl make up case and rummaged around inside it for my pink, sparkly toothbrush. After I found it, I made my way upstairs to Zac, Tay, and Ike’s bathroom. Happily, I discovered some toothpaste, and began to brush my teeth. I wiped my face off with a towel and went to find Tay. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Quietly, I peeked through the door to find, 17 year-old Tay, 20 year-old Ike, and 15 year-old Zac all piled on top of one bed sleeping peacefully. I covered my mouth to keep my laughter from escaping and shut the door. Again, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to eat my pancakes.
My parents had come to get me from the Hanson household at 2:00 PM. Ike, Tay, and Zac were still asleep, so I figured that I would call them later. Now, it was 4:00, and I made my way to my clear pink phone and dialed their phone number.
“hi, who is this?” a quiet, sleepy voice much like Ike’s spoke.
“Gwen, is Tay up?” I asked him.
“yeah, I’ll get him....hold on,” Ike said.
“hello?” I said when I heard someone pick up the receiver.
“hi,” Tay said, “how are you?”
“I’m fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to do something later with Ike and Dominique?” I replied.
“Okay, let me ask Ike,” Tay said.........”he said sure. Hey, how about we go down to the Riverside Mall?”
“OK, what time?” I inquired of Tay.
“ about 5:45, OK?” said Tay.
“Sure, see ya later,” I said and hung up the phone. Then I dialed Dominique’s number and asked her about the mall. She said sure, she’d love to see Ike, and she needed some clothes. About 15 minutes later, Dominique rang my doorbell. I went downstairs to open it.
“Hi!!!!!!!!” Dominique screamed. She was the first girl my age that I had seen in over a month.
“Hi!!!!!!!!” I yelled back. We hugged and went upstairs to get ready for the mall. I opened my closet and looked inside. I rummaged around for a while until I found my silver, Roxy jacket. I found a pink tube top to go under it. Then, I pulled out my dark, Blue Asphalt jeans, and my white Adidas shoes with the pink jewels on the stripes. (author’s note: I really do have white Adidas shoes with pink jewels on the stripes and if anyone I know in CA with these shoes puts pink jewels on them, then I will HURT THEM BADLY.) Then, I looked around in my bathroom drawer and triumphantly found my pink sunglasses with the pink lenses from the Limbo Lounge. I walked to my closet again, and found my pink velvet purse hanging on a hook. After I was done with my outfit, I found my make-up stash in my luggage and dragged it all to the bathroom. I fiddled around in it, until I finally pulled out my Hard Candy lipstick. I spread a thick layer on my lips, and then proceeded to put my red sparkly mascara on my eyelashes. Dominique was also doing her make-up. She was wearing the cutest little knee skirt with a Chinese pattern on it. On top, she wore a cool, black shirt with elbow sleeves. She searched around in her overnight bag until she found her black and maroon docs. I finished my make--up and glanced at my clock on the wall. It was 5:35. Our guys would be here soon. Dominique was extremely excited because she hadn’t seen Ike in a very long long time. Just as I shut my room door and locked it, the doorbell rang. Dominique opened it, and jumped on top of Ike, knocking him backwards and almost onto the floor. Likewise, I did the same to Tay.
We sat down at the Coffee Bean. I had a sun-dried tomato bagel, and Dominique had a blue-raspberry slushy. Ike and Tay both had muffins. When we were done, we walked to the third floor of the mall to the movie theater to see what was playing. Me & Dominique both totally wanted to see Titanic.....even though we had already seen it 5 times. We waited in line to buy tickets. As we paid I noticed 2 familiar people coming out of the theater.
“MORGAN!!!!!!!!!” I screamed frantically. Morgan and Mark were coming out of the Titanic, looking more in love than ever before. We all chatted for a bit, until Tay and Ike summoned us into the movie.
I tried to watch the movie, but I felt kind of awkward because Ike and Dominique were going at it like there was no tomorrow in the seat next to me. Tay put his arm around me. I didn’t exactly know what to think.
“You know, I don’t get a chance to see this too often....”Tay trailed off. He pulled me even closer to him, and whispered in my ear,” just relax.”