The next day Devon called me to tell me he was sorry for running off the way he had. I told him maybe we should stop seeing each other for a while, until I cleared up things with Taylor. It was the nicest way I could say,” Sorry Dev, but I don’t want you, I want Taylor.”
At about 5:00 I was scheduled to meet Taylor at the Starbucks on Hollywood Boulevard. I was having such a hard time deciding what to wear. I had to look absolutely perfect. At about 4:15 I was having second thoughts about meeting him at the coffee shop. What if he had a girlfriend? The thought had never crossed my mind. I called Morgan to ask her if I could borrow her purple, sparkly tube top, but she wasn’t home. Settling on my black knee-length skirt from BeBe and my 3/4 inch navy blue cardigan from Guess, I made my way out to my pink car. As I pulled up near the Starbucks I had already spotted Taylor. He was wearing a tight black Armani shirt, and baggy denim, raver jeans. We kissed and sat down. For about a half hour we chatted about various things. And then we were interrupted:
“Oh my GOSH!” said a reddish-looking girl with zits all over her face. She had a girl with her that looked familiar. The girls sat down at the table next to us and just stared. I could hear them whispering loudly.
“Who is that girl with our Tay?” asked the red-haired girl.
“I don’t know, who does she think she is?” the other girl yelled in a whisper, “but I’m sure glad Tay doesn’t hang out with that slut Gwen anymore.” The two girls stood up and began walking over to our table.
“Hi, my name is Karrie,” said the red-faced girl.
“Oh, and I’m Barbara,” the other girl said loudly. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. I couldn’t believe that she had had the audacity to call me a slut. But I guessed it was because she had no clue who I was.
“Who are you?” asked Karrie.
“Uh...,” I tried desperately to think of a name because I didn’t want Barbara to make a scene in front of the whole coffee shop.
“Gwyneth, that’s her name. Karrie, Barbara meet my girlfriend Gwyneth,” Taylor said, once again saving my ass from total embarrassment.
“Oh, nice to meet you Gwyneth,” I held out my hand unwillingly and let the two nastified girls shake it. They obviously looked as though they were about to explode because Taylor had a girlfriend.
“What ever happened to that slut Gwen?” demanded Barbara inquisitively.
“Uh, she stayed in Tulsa,” said Taylor nervously.
“And that whore Erin, whatever happened to her?” Karrie asked.
“She went to jail for prostitution,” replied Taylor. I figured it wasn’t the best time to ask who the hell Erin was, so I shut my big mouth.
“Well I think we’d better be going, “ I said to Taylor before Karrie or Barbara could say another word. I stood up quickly, putting on my silver, Roxy jacket. I grabbed my BisouBisou purse and Taylor’s hand, and jumped into his black viper.
Later on that evening, my phone had been ringing off the hook. My three friends Morgan(who had moved out to California for college too), Allison, and JoAsh were trying to figure out what to do. It was a Friday night and we were thinking of going to a club, or out to dinner.
Morgan and Mark weren’t together anymore. They had broken up over a year ago. But after we moved to California it only took Morgan a week to find another guy. His name was Ben. He had the cutest personality. The ringing of the phone, yet again interrupted my thoughts.
“Hello?” I asked into the receiver.
“Hey Gwen, it’s JoAsh,” replied a voice.
“Oh hey! Do we know what we’re doing tonight yet?” I asked.
“Yeah, we were thinking of going down to the nightclub Fluid,” JoAsh replied.
“Okay, what time? Are Josh, and Ben coming?” I asked her.
“I think, is Taylor coming?” she asked hopefully.
“No, he can’t. He has to tape another Jay Leno show and he won’t be back until late,” I said sadly.
“Oh well, ok we’re gonna go at about 9:00, so be ready...Ben is taking us all,” JoAsh said. I hung up the phone. Quickly I spread on my burgundy eyeshadow cream, and applied silver sparkly powder to my face. Then, I pulled on my short black skirt, and my black tube top from Barney’s. I laced my purple-striped, Puma sneakers and drove to JoAsh’s house.
“Hey!” I said as I was greeted by Allison at the door. Just then Ben pulled into the driveway.
“Guys! WE have to go!” Allison and I yelled at JoAsh and Morgan.
“Ah! I have to curl my hair!” screamed JoAsh.
“You’re hair looks fine,” Allison said impatiently.
“No, No I have to curl it up more! Ah! I haven’t even done my make-up!” JoAsh yelled.
“Who are you trying to impress? You already have a boyfriend,” Allison shot back. Josh and JoAsh had been going out for the longest time. Ever since I had met her they had been all over each other. As Morgan was piling on the last of her make-up, Allison and I grabbed her, and dragged her out the door.
After about 2 hours of dancing at Fluid, we were starting to get tired.
“Jess!” I yelled, as I saw one of my old friends across the room.
“hi Gwen! how are you?” she asked excitedly. She introduced me to her friends and I introduced her to mine. Jess had been in FlyGirls and had also moved to California. Some of her old Tulsa City friends had moved there too. We had been chatting for a while, when some girl with ugly clothes ran up to Jess.
“Hey Jess, who are your friends?” asked the girl.
“Oh, this is Gwen, Morgan, JoAsh, Allison, Ben, and Josh....some of them used to live in Tulsa too,” Jess replied, and then continued,” guys this is Jackie.”
“Were you the one that was with Mark?” Jackie asked pointing a bitchy finger at Morgan.
“Yeah,” Morgan replied.
“Oh, you need to teach him how to kiss, babe,” Jackie said, proudly implying that she too had once been with Mark. Then she continued,” Who are you with?” she said pointing to JoAsh.
“I’m with Josh,” JoAsh said.
“Oh really,” Jackie replied eyeing Josh,” And who are you guys with?” she said to Allison and I. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask us because I sure as hell did not want to tell her I was with Taylor Hanson. But on the other hand, I didn’t want to tell her that I wasn’t with anyone at all.
“We’re not with anyone,” said Allison, deciding to make the choice for me.
“Oh, to be you,” said Jackie in an evil tone, “but don’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll find someone someday.” With that, Jackie turned around, half-stumbling over her gay, unlaced Vans and walked off.