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Thunder Medicine

In Native American healing, like most Earth Mother healing practices, the direction of the healer is not actually to heal but rather to facilitate the balancing of one's mind, body, and spirit. This was known by all the sacred people long ago, but has been forgotten by most. As you may already know, there cannot be darkness without the light, good without evil, up without down, wet without dry, and so on. In nature the balance is achieved by the rule of survival of the fittest or strongest. In man's world this also holds true, however man, as I have already stated, has forgotten how to heal himself and therefore must continue to find new ways through science. This can be a good thing but only until man s search begins to create new illness's to heal. Eventually, the domino theory begins to play a major part in these scientific healing practices. Mother Earth knowledge cannot be beat. Its almost funny how man is supposed to be the smartest of of creatures, yet he has forgotten how to breath, how to forage for healing herbs, the importance of water in healing, the importance of even sunlight. Through his own greed man has nearly Mother Earth and the elements against us. Too much sun used to be ALOT of sun, now it doesn't take much at all to get skin cancer. More and more people everyday suffer rare diseases that keep them completely out of the sun. The sun now plays havoc on the earth itself. The plants that we KNOW cure things like cancere, aids, and many other diseases, are being destroyed in the name of progress (to line someone's pocket). The waters are polluted. Fish are contaminated. Land too is contaminated. If man continues on the path he has chosen, he will be extinct in just a matter of years. The grandkids of todays children will suffer diseases such as we today could never even dream. Mother Earth too must be healed by way of balance of her mind, body, and spirit. How? By stopping such acts as the digging of and into Sacred Burial Grounds of the Navajo by coal mines, the digging into Mother Earth's very heart in the Black Hills, war, the cutting of the many Rain Forests across the globe, the destruction of our sky's, the raping and killing of our children by druglords, the needless slaughter of our children by our children, the slow destruction of the different races by there own people. These are just a few things. Who's responsibility is it to stop these things? YOURS and MINE!! Parents must take responsibility for there kids. We must all take responsibility for what is going on in our world. If the politicians in your area refuse to do something, VOTE THEM OUT! When we all stand together things WILL change. The AMA from what I understand, is now trying to force a bill that will make it illegal to practice herbology, even by those people who do so as a part of there religion. If you would like to be a healer, you can start by making waves with your politicians. CALL them and politely let them know how you feel about things. Do so untill they KNOW who you are by name. Tell them how your voting in the next election if they let you down, if they let your kids down. Above all, never accept excuses! Who are your politicians? The mayor, the school board, senators, the governor, police chiefs, any one in control from the top down and back up again. Listen to the THUNDER. It is the voice of the Creator. When there is thunder there is usually rain. When there is rain there is change, blessed change. Make your voice like that of the thunder. Send a change for the better to the politicians, for our kids, our community, our schools, the nation, Mother Earth, the future, and the present. -Grey Bear

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