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Cannon VetWives Mascot


Hello, my name is Cannon. I am a Chocolate Labrador Retriever dog. I came from Minnesota and was born April 18, 1996 (died July 20, 2010). The first family who owned me lived there. I lived with them for awhile but came to Michigan when their baby was born. I was donated to an organization called Paws With A Cause in Wayland, Michigan. Once it was decided I had the makings of becoming a service dog, I was placed in a foster care home in Upper Michigan. In my new home I had a foster mom and dad. Their son was 14 years old. I had two playmates "Kitty" and "Bert" a Border Collie. While I lived there, I got to go everywhere everyone else in the family went. I wore a light blue Paws With A Cause sidepack. I was allowed to go into the stores, churches or anywhere else because I was becoming a service dog. I left my foster family on July 18, 1997. It was very hard for me to leave a family who loved me so much; but, for me to go to my next phase of becoming a service dog, I knew I had to leave.

I moved into Paws With A Cause in Wayland,MI that very day. It was strange because I no longer had a home. I was kept in the kennel and had several trainers. I was not there long when it was decided that I might be a good service dog for my mom. She came to see me several times. I was special trained to meet her needs. It is a lot of work to become a service dog. I was there until April 2, 1998.

My training was not done yet. Mom and I worked 2-3 days a week with my trainer Lori for 6 months. I had to prove that I could not only help while at home but also help in the community as well. Plus mom had to learn how to work with me. I think she makes working with me and maneuvering her electric wheel chair look easy but it is not. We were certified on October 16, 1998.

I am very proud to be the offical mascot for all of you. I know I have never been in the military nor was I a military dog like Sam. That makes the honor of being your loyal and faithful mascot that much more important to me.

Semper Fi (as Corporal William Wayne Valley, United States Marine Corps would say)

"born to take care of mom"

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