Chat Links
Internet Cafés

Amateur Radio channel (Amature Radio Chat)
American Recordings channel (Music Related Chat)
Black Crowes Chat Station (For Blach Crowe Fans)
Cafe Kyoto (Japanese WebChat)
Cyber-Sight Real-Time Chat Session (American WebChat)
Earth 2 Chat (Chat with guests)
FASTnet WebChat (Italian Chat)
Gymnasia Virtuales (American WebChat)
La Plaza de Taos Telecommunity WebChat (Mexican WebChat)
Mojoski Chat Area (American Chat)
NandO Sports Chat (Sport Chat)
OSA Web Chat (Swedish Chat)
Our Town WebChat (American Chat)
Pre Teen Chat (American Chat for the younger once)
The Real World Stockholm - WebChat (TV1000 Chat)
Snack (Telia's Chat!)
Star Wars channel ( Star Wars-fans Chat)
Swede Chat (American Chat for Swedes)
The realworld Stockholm chat(Swedeish Chat)
Team Infinity Webchat (American WebChat)
Tulsa Chat (American Chat, 6 rooms)
TV Chat (TV Chat)
Useless WWW Pages channel (Just Chat)
WebStation Transport Service (Links to more Chat Sites)
X Files channel (Archive X-fan Chat)
ZTV-chat (Swedishc Webchat at Z-TV)
Öppna Kanalen (Swedish Chat!)

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Last Updated the 26 of July 1997