NaMe:Theresa Beth Schreck
BiRtHdAy:May 9, 1983
NiCkNaMeS:Teri, Ter-Bear, Lucy, Buggsy, Frack (like Nick!)
SiBlInGs: two brothers-Joe (13) and Jake (7)
PeTs:a bird, named Albertane
HeIgHt:5'7'' or something
FrEiNdS:Dawn, Sarah F., Nicole, Amanada, Katie H., Rebekah, Erin, Gina, Lisa, Libby, Sarah B., Laura, Katie H.(the other one)Tara, Brooke
MuSiC:HANSON, Backstreet Boys, 'nsync, Aaron Carter, Aerosmith, Goo Goo Dolls, Everclear, Third Eye Blind
DrInK: Mt.Dew, Kick, Jolt, Surge, Storm...anything that has lots of caffine hehe! Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, and Kool-Aid-especially the rare kinds that Dawn has at her house-(they are so nummy!)
FoOd:SUGAR!!!!!! Ice cream, chocolate eclair cake, PUDDING (hehe, Dawn)I tend to get a little bit carried away with pudding sometimes!
SpOrTs:cheerleading and rollerblading
CoLoRs:red, blue, green, black and silver
FaV hAnSoN:I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! But I'm most often compared with Zac.
FaV bAcKsTrEeT bOy: I don't know...probably Brian...Nick's a pretty boy!!!
FaV 'nSyNc GuY: Lance!!!! then Joey, JC, Justin, then Chis
MoViEs:TTMON, twister(hehe, Miranda, tornadic activity!!!!)
Tv ShOw:Party of Five, Dawson's Creek, Friends,Daria, pepper ann (hehe, It's all Craig!) and MTV
AcToRs:Scott Wolf, Jonathan Jackson
AcTrEsS:Love Hewitt
FaVoRiTe SoNgS:All Hanson, all Aaron Carter-especially "I'm gonna miss you forever" and "AIN'T THAT CUTE", "Tearin' up my heart" and "God must Have Spent a little more time on you" by 'nsync "I don't wanna miss a thing," and "Pink" by Aerosmith, "I will buy you a new life" and "Father of Mine" by everclear, "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls,
ToP tEn FaVoRiTe HaNsOn SoNgS:
10: a minute without you
9: At Christmas
8: Christmas (baby please come home)
7: Boomerang
6: More Than Anything
5: Christmas Time
4: man from milwaukee
3: With you in your dreams
2: Lucy
1: I Will Come To YOu
ObSeSsIoNs: HANSON, Aaron Carter, Craig from Pepper Ann, cheese, pudding, Tornadoes, hot guys.....
OvEr-UsEd QuOtEs:"Rubbish" "Jibberish" "Slicky G" "Hanson Rules" "Yeah, that's what I thought, actually I didn't give it much thought, how about you? Yeah, that's what I thought, actually I didn't give it much thought, how about you? Yeah, that's what I thought, actually I didn't give it much thought, how about you? Yeah, that's what I thought, actually I didn't give it much thought, how about you? etc..." "I am not a fishface, Caz!!!!" "I didn't do it!" "It wasn't me!!!" "Si, es muy" "Do you like cheese? I like cheese too!" "This is going to be great guys." These are all inside jokes.
Hi there, slicky G!!!! I'm in 10th grade, I only have four friends who like Hanson, so I guess you could say I'm alone in my principles! (hehe, Caz!!) Anyway, in my freetime, I hang out with my friends (mostly Dawn), rollerblade, go on the internet, watch TV, call radio stations that don't play Hanson, and bug the crap out of them until they do! Itz fun! And I LOVE beating up hanson-haters which are measly, low little freshmen!!!! And I hate it when people are too immature to admit that Hanson is talented and they sit there and make fun of you or won't even talk to you because you like them. I'm usually super hyper, like Zac, but I do have my quiet times. I'm known to be extremely sensitive, and I cry at EVERYTHING!!!! I'm also deathly afriad of EVERYTHING!! Dogs, cats, rollercoasters, heights, chickens(hehe,Ritz and Caz!)you name it I'm scared of it!