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Holly's Friends

Holly's Friends

Friendship Never Ends ~It Goes Into Eternity~
~Holly~ and friends - Christina and Erin


Yesterday, I thought of you.
And my heart, shed a tear.
For all the memories.
All but forgotten.
That were always so dear.
I wish we could've stopped in time.
No room for things to change.
I liked them just the way they were.
Now, your absence seems so strange.
But, really things have not been lost.
You're always in my mind.
Someday, we'll be best friends again.
"In a dream." ~ Of Another Time ~

Submitted By: ~ Kellie Zimmer ~

Holly And Friends ~Homecoming 1998~


I never got to tell you
The words I hoped you knew
About how incredible a friend you were
And how I'd always love you

You touched my life
In unspeakable ways
Helped me out on those tough nights
And gave me inspiration for my days

You'll never know what you did for me
But every night I pray
That you're looking down on me from heaven
And hearing all I wanted to say

"I miss you, Holly
You were such a great friend,
I wish our time together
Never had to come to an end."

So now I try to go on
And live my life each day
Remembering to always tell the ones I love
What I know I want to say

Submitted By: ~ Jessica Looper ~

Holly, Shannon, Jill And Jessica

A person who fines a true friend, has one of the greastest treasures of all.
For a true friend is like a rare gem ~ so hard to fine, yet so rare. A true
friend will always be their no matter what.

Holly And Friends ~Praying Before A Cross Country Meet ~

Bud, you left us so early
For, we never saw you drive
We didn't get to go with you
On a night of marriage pride.

We all know your happy
'Cause, God has told us so
Some nights we look above
And see a smile sent down below

All these little cars
Are places around for you
This is a sense of freedom
As, we know heaven ~ is for you ~

We all smile
As another day goes by
Why ~ Is it so Hard to Say GOOD - BYE? ~


Love, Your Sister ~ Heather ~
Love, Your Sister ~ Haley ~

Love Ya ~ Kallie Seier ~ :}
Kellie Simmer :}
Love Ya ~ Forever ~ Wendy Korth
Love Ya Heidi Bruening
Love, Katie Prahl
Love, Bobbie Krueger
Christian Prince
Love you, Jamie May
Jill Theisen
Love You, Erin Planer
Stacie Koehler :}
Love you Always @ ~ Jessica Fehringer ~
@ Alissa Seier
Always Shannon Stusse ~ Sis ~
Amanda Reed
Jamie Watson :}

Submitted by: Kallie Seier ~ On Holly's Sixteen Birthday ~

Holly, Sister And Friends ~ Cross Country ~

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;
Someone who make you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convices you that there really is an unlocked door just
waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When your're down, and the world seems dark and empty,
your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and
empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,
the sad times, and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is
going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.

"A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be,
never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart."

~ Holly And Friends ~

Well gals here we are
after having come this far
glancing back into the past
how this year has gone so fast

At Beemer, Catholic, and O'Neil too
We all knew what we should do
Several girls we all would pass
It's not our fault that we haul ass

David City was the same
and Pierce CC now has a name

At both Wayne meets there was a fuss
'cause other teams were scared of us
At Bloomfield we were given the chance
to prove that we were Conference Champs!

Now it is our District race
staring heartless at our face
So good luck to all of you
and run like only you can do

Run through out all the pain
Run for we have all to gain
Run 'cause State is now in store
and run for her who runs no more

With her running by our side
our hearts will be filled with joy and pride
so don't let this one pass us by

Submitted By: ~ Stacie Koehler ~

Jessica ~ Hollys Friend On The Net ~ Flew Out To Meet, Friends And Family

Jessica back row ~ center short blonde hair ~

This is it, we're on our way,
We've all been waiting for today.
We're going to State to run with the best,
You know our skills will be put to the test.
School history we've already made,
But we won't quit until respect is paid.
We've trained all year for this big meet,
Everyone will see how well we compete.

For our former member we'll run this race,
Knowing a smile is on her face.
Remember to fly God gave us wings,
This is important above all things.
Keep yourpace and lengthen your stride,
We'll show everyone that we have pride.
From up above we have a fan,
Who knows we'll do the best we can.
The stage and State trophy are meant for us,
And we're going to get them without a fuss.

We're there to show that we can run,
But most of all to have some fun.
Just remember when the day is through,
Everyone is proud of you.
Keep in mind a positive thought,
And give this last race all that you've got.
Now let's go there and kick some ass,
And show them all that we've got class.
Let's make this trip a memorable one,
And not leave Kearney till business is done.

Submitted By: ~ Alissa Seier ~
