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*~Special Thanks~*

There are some very special people, I would like to thank for helping and encouraging me since Hollys' tragedy. If it weren't for there continuous love, support and up lifting prayers. I wouldn't have been able to see past Hollys' tragedy and believe there is Hope and Life, after my precious daughter went to Heaven. These people and some, I'll never know. Have help my Faith grow, and gently stood me up, upon my feet. To realize you can Live and have Joy, through a Tragedy.

God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

Holly. You've shown me, what Faith, Hope, and Love, is all about. To Trust in God for all things, for all things work together, for the good. To those who love the Lord and I thank you. I know, your with me, now and forever. You'll be the angel by my side, when it's my time to go home. And I am enternally, thankful.

Jeff. Through all of the good times, and bad. God has seen us through and I wouldn't want anyone else, beside my side, other than you. We have grown so much spiritually and emotionally as one. I understand, the verse in a deeper sense now. Until till death, do us part.

Heather. Your strength and courage, has left me in awe. You have been a pillar of strength, not only to me, but to many others. I am so proud of you. Thank you, for lending me your time and patience. You have seeked refuge in the Lord and he has sheltered you.

Haley. At such a young age, you have learned so much. During this time, you have shown a peace, which surpasses all understanding. You have never once wavered in your Faith for God. Your like the tree, which is planted by the waters and will not be moved.


Pastor. Your words of wisdom, were their and the peace of God was surrounding you. As we slowly and oh, so painfully watch, my precious Holly go to Heaven. Thank God, for Pastors. You fed my soul, when I was weak and contuine to uplift my spirit.

Parents. Through tragedy I have realized, sacrifices you have made, for me in my life. Thank you, for your contuined Love and Support. I am, so thankful for my parents, mother and father-in-law. You have taken over for me, when I simply could not. There's nothing more precious, than family.

Brother And Sisters.



Ron Brown

Lisksas, Koehlers And Korths.

Coach Shada

Jessica, from S.C.

Mike E.




Ann Weber

Josh Sirek

Holly's Friends

Heather's Friends

Haley's Friends

Pierce And Surrounding Communities

Dale Electronics-employees


Heritage House And Atlantic Community

Methodist Church

Pierce High School And Grade School

Secret Sister In Christ

Amber Putcher

Jessica P.


"My Prayer For You"

This is my prayer for you, my friends: That the Lord will protect you from all evil; and he'll keep your soul. May the Lord guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever. Also may, His glorious riches strength you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.....

Psalm 121:7-8 ~ Ephesians 3:16

Hollys ~ Mom ~