THE ANDREW DORFF SONGBOOK version 1.0 maintained by Evelien Eenhoorn 1. SUPERCOOL SUPERCOOL SCORCHES LIKE FREEZER BURN SUPERCOOLNESS YEAH I'M SICKLY SAD WITH A HINT OF MAD Who handcarved my live Was is Mrs. Claus of Christ With allegiance or a grim reaper's grief I didn't know how to sneeze when he or she "God blessed me" Or did my tongue just lick a crumb of luck SUPERCOOL SCORCHES LIKE FREEZER BURN SUPERCOOLNESS YEAH I'M PETRIFIED WITH A HINT OF SCARED The oddness of me Is one in a Godzillian My baptism cetificate said that Drenched by a water dapper, no intent to stab My sweat reconciled its quench SUPERCOOL SCORCHES LIKE FREEZER BURN SUPERCOOLNESS YEAH I'M DISHEVELED WITH A HINT OF MESS Sophistication knows no perfection You jinxed it, my ego SUPERCOOL SCORCHES LIKE FREEZER BURN SUPERCOOLNESS YEAH IT HURTS REAL NEAT SUPERNEAT 2. TOO FAR UNDERGROUND Hell feels higher Than where she feels right now Still her spaced out swollen mind Is functioning somehow All smoke no fire Enuff to keep her vision bluured Her soul's so tired She slurres ev'ry word No veins left behind a rubber skin She can't trip over her faith, it's worn way to thin HER SCARS AIN'T RISING SHE'S SO LOW THERE'S NO MORE DOWN THERE'S NO HEALING LIGHT SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND BURIED UNDER SHE SCREAMS BUT THERE'S NO SOUND NO ONE HEARS THE THUNDER SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND Some guy named Jesus Borrowed her last fifteen bucks Said he wanted a taxi The son of God shouldn't ride a bus And he swore when he found one He'd drive it back around But that was three days ago Maybe he just left town She said, "hey man, do you think that was Jesus, or just some nomad named Jesus" "If I had the strenght I'd find him, but fuck it man what's the use" HER SCARS AIN'T RISING SHE'S SO LOW THERE'S NO MORE DOWN THERE'S NO HEALING LIGHT SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND BURIED UNDER SHE SCREAMS BUT THERE'S NO SOUND NO ONE HEARS THE THUNDER SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND She laughs and says, "yeah I'm a junkie, but I used to be a beautiful queen I could scrub my crown till Thursday but it never quite comes clean" HER SCARS AIN'T RISING SHE'S SO LOW THERE'S NO MORE DOWN THERE'S NO HEALING LIGHT SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND BURIED UNDER SHE SCREAMS BUT THERE'S NO SOUND NO ONE HEARS THE THUNDER SHE'S TOO FAR UNDERGROUND 3. OVERNEATH You wanna come in You can't come in This is my skin Ain't no lecture hall I know you mean well But the well's run dry You're dehydrated Now you're lips cry for that other guy you want me to be THE PUNCHING BAG YOU NEVER HAD I REFUSE IT TO BE ME IT'S HONESTER TO REACH INSIDE EVEN IF YOU REACH FROM OVERNEATH You say there's two ways The wrong way And your way I'd rather be wrong You wanna live a while In my shoes But I like my shoes Your feet are too huge You'll stretch them out Now gimme a break THE PUNCHING BAG YOU NEVER HAD I REAFUSE IT TO BE ME IT'S HONESTER TO REACH INSIDE EVEN IF YOU REACH FROM OVERNEATH Know you care Know you worry Believe me that ain't your wasted breath But you forgot To wish me luck Or ain't you got some left THE PUNCHING BAG YOU NEVER HAD I REAFUSE IT TO BE ME IT'S HONESTER TO REACH INSIDE EVEN IF YOU REACH FROM OVERNEATH THE PUNCHING BAG YOU NEVER HAD I REAFUSE IT TO BE ME IT'S HONESTER TO REACH INSIDE EVEN IF EVEN THE PUNCHING BAG YOU WISH YOU HAD LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND WHACK YOURSELF IT'S HONESTER TO REACH INSIDE EVEN IF YOU REACH FROM OVERNEATH 4. I SPLASH Thinkin' 'bout the poor ones out there Sufferin' from live's rhythm and blues With visions of a perfect somewhere By walkin' in antoher's shoes I've walked the streets with two bare cold feet Down a darker than yellow brick road Fooled by loser Angel Pie Sweet Rust turns to silver, fools turn to gold I SPLASH AS I DANCE IN MY TEARS I SPLASH IN MY PUDDLE OF PEERS WATCHIN' THEM TRICKLE AWAY Luck comes with the head screwed on straight And the luxury of jumpin' for pride The Earth is Space to those who hate Their neighbor's heart and their own inside With no green light or a red stop sign Towards souls rich with love they turn While raw jealousy invades the mind Purity's stung as evilness burns I SPLASH AS I DANCE IN MY TEARS I SPLASH IN MY PUDDLE OF PEERS WATCHIN' THEM TRICKLE AWAY I SPLASH AS REVENGE FALLS LIKE RAIN I SPLASH WARM RAINDROPS OF PAIN ALL OVER YESTERDAY I kmow that you know that I know what you know So clean we both clearly can see Be it a him or be it a she A H.A.N.D."s all they need I SPLASH AS I DANCE IN MY TEARS I SPLASH IN MY PUDDLE OF PEERS WATCHIN' THEM TRICKLE AWAY I SPLASH AS REVENGE FALLS LIKE RAIN I SPLASH WARM RAINDROPS OF PAIN ALL OVER YESTERDAY 5. STARSTRUCK Got a hunch my female friend is starstruck Ain't afraid to guess that she's been starfucked Starlights shoot to be starbrights Seen her chapped still salivating starlust Like a champion sandcastle maker's stardust A fossil in some stranger's shrine The sky will ruin clouds to shine STRICKEN STARSTRUCK SEWN TO TEAR ELECTROCUTION CAN'T COMPARE DON'T INSULT A LIGHTNING BOLT FOR IT'S CONSCIENCE TO ONLY WISH UPON STARSTRUCK They don't make it , she'll create it, "starmust" She said, "I can race a blast off I've got startrust" Her antiques snail like unveiled Fresh is stale, teach me some braille STRICKEN STARSTRUCK SEWN TO TEAR ELECTROCUTION CAN'T COMPARE DON'T INSULT A LIGHTNING BOLT FOR IT'S CONSCIENCE TO ONLY WISH UPON STARSTRUCK Lollipops are suckers, so is she Pythagorean theorem states, wanna-be STRICKEN STARSTRUCK SEWN TO TEAR ELECTROCUTION CAN'T COMPARE DON'T INSULT A LIGHTNING BOLT IF HELL FELL DOWN WE'D BE LOWER STRICKEN STARSTRUCK SEWN TO TEAR ELECTROCUTION CAN'T COMPARE DON'T INSULT A LIGHTNING BOLT FOR IT'S CONSCIENCE TO ONLY WISH UPON STARSTRUCK 6. ROSEY RED ROSEY RED, BLUSHED CHEEK NO IDEA WHAT WORDS TO SPEAK I FEEL SOFT, GENTLE KIND WANNA TOUCH, FEELING SHY Maybe you will pull out of me What I cna't see that's hiding Maybe you will, maybe you ROSEY RED, BLUSHED CHEEK NO IDEA WHAT WORDS TO SPEAK I FEEL SOFT, GENTLE KIND WANNA TOUCH, FEELING SHY Maybe you can do for me What I have tried to do for you But I don't know if I did ROSEY RED, BLUSHED CHEEK NO IDEA WHAT WORDS TO SPEAK I FEEL SOFT, GENTLE KIND WANNA TOUCH, FEELING SHY I'll overcome, maybe I will If I am the warmth to cover your chill I won't be cold no more ROSEY RED, BLUSHED CHEEK NO IDEA WHAT WORDS TO SPEAK I FEEL SOFT, GENTLE KIND WANNA TOUCH, FEELING SHY 7. INSECURIOSITY Like anorexia, all mirrors and imagination Fles and bones and Satan, confusin' collaboration Organically ingrown, to each his own philosophy Though not a fatal car crash, still tragic and deadly Obsession's part of nature, as well as a big head If companionship's like water,then jealousy's like bread Naturalistic rumors bounce around like sticky germs No Sunday driving up a wall, it's murder to the nerves HER TEENAGE LIFE HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED ABSORBED INTO THIS HYPNOITC FETISH MERRY GO WAS KIDDIN' AROUND INSECURIOSITY, INSECURIOSITY Yeah lipstick looked real pretty, but plain was prettier Superficiality's a facade and immature Self-grown dungeon dragons torched out her self-esteem But she's joined Saint Virginity and's playin' on her team HER TEENAGE LIFE HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED SUCKED INTO THIS HYPNOITC FETISH BEATEN UP AROUND THE BUSH INSECURIOSITY KILLED THE GIRL Killed her Shot in the temple Inside the Neighborhood Cathedral Where the stained glass Triggered from it's thirteen colors Into bright red when the priest prenounced her dead Simon always says do exactly what I say A kind of cultish figure in an undercover way Ev'ryone was Simon, only backwards by herself "I dislike me a human, make me something else HER TEENAGE LIFE HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED ABSORBED INTO THIS HYPNOITC FETISH BEATEN UP AROUND THE BUSH INSECURIOSITY, INSECURIOSITY HER TEENAGE LIFE HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED SUCKED INTO THIS HYPNOITC FETISH MERRY GO WAS KIDDIN' AROUND INSECURIOSITY, INSECURIOSITY INSECURIOSITY KILLED MY GIRL 8. DEAF TO SORRY Two rongs don't make a right But three left turns do The wind won't fly your kite Just 'cause you want it to You've still got bruises and I've got playground withdrawal I want a chance to read between your lines Though I'm afraid of the anger I'll find TELL ME GO AWAY OR OFFER FORGIVENESS YELL AT ME FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LUNGS I SAY PUT ME THROUGH YOU DON'T SAY YOU'RE DEAF TO SORRY You look for treasure In the sewer drian You only wanted to be different Never wanted the pain But I made sure you got some just the same Shoud've crossed my i's and dotted my own t's Instead of making fun of your q's and p's TELL ME GO AWAY OR OFFER FORGIVENESS YELL AT ME FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LUNGS I SAY PUT ME THROUGH YOU DON'T SAY YOU'RE DEAF TO SORRY I want a chance to read between your lines Though I'm afraid of the anger I'll find, don't be so kind TELL ME GO AWAY OR OFFER FORGIVENESS YELL AT ME FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LUNGS I SAY PUT ME THROUGH YOU DON'T SAY YOU'RE DEAF TO SORRY PUT ME THROUGH YOU DON'T SAY YOU'RE DEAF TO SORRY TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT BUT THREE LEFT TURNS THEY DO 9. NO BUTTER, NO OIL Tag you're it, now you're this, something with a title out there A game of catch when it never comes back An ex-con teddy bear The ice cream man is blowin' his horn Showing you his family jewel Ask for water and what do you get A pitcher full of ice cold drool NO BUTTER, NO OIL NO BUTTER, NO OIL THE FANCIER THE WORSE AND THE SHIT STARTS TO BOIL I DON'T CARE IF I HAPPEN TO SPOIL IF IT'S ALL THE SAME TO YOU NO BUTTER, NO OIL It's Haloween twenty for seven Though you might think it's Valentine's Day A charity for the children of the poor Where they're the ones who pay NO BUTTER, NO OIL NO BUTTER, NO OIL THE FANCIER THE WORSE AND THE SHIT STARTS TO BOIL I DON'T CARE IF I HAPPEN TO SPOIL IF IT'S ALL THE SAME TO YOU NO BUTTER, NO OIL A jumping jack on a trampoline Could make you feel higher, higher A frozen piece of gasoline Could start a fire NO BUTTER, NO My therapist had to cancel my appointment 'Cause she had to run to her own I'm in a crowd, a selfish kind of crowd Feeling so alone, alone, alone NO BUTTER, NO OIL NO BUTTER, NO OIL THE FANCIER THE WORSE AND THE SHIT STARTS TO BOIL I DON'T CARE IF I HAPPEN TO SPOIL IF IT'S ALL THE SAME TO YOU NO BUTTER IF IT'S ALL THE SAME TO YOU NO OIL IF IT'S ALL ALRIGHT WITH YOU NO BUTTER, NO OIL 10. COME TO ME COME TO ME RUN TO ME ESCAPE IN MY ARMS, MY HEART IS OPEN WIDE COME TO ME RUN TO ME MY SOUL IS THE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOU TO HIDE You live a life so crazy Your little world's been turned upside down Since no one else is around COME TO ME RUN TO ME ESCAPE IN MY ARMS, MY HEART IS OPEN WIDE COME TO ME RUN TO ME MY SOUL IS THE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOU TO HIDE I wanna be the hero in your nightmare The light that shines in your tunnel of fear The ground to catch all your tear COME TO ME RUN TO ME ESCAPE IN MY ARMS, MY HEART IS OPEN WIDE COME TO ME RUN TO ME MY SOUL IS THE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOU TO HIDE Say you love me Say you adore 'Cause don't you need COME TO ME RUN TO ME ESCAPE IN MY ARMS, MY HEART IS OPEN WIDE COME TO ME RUN TO ME MY SOUL IS THE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOU TO HIDE 11. ANGEL PUPPETS It's quiet here, kind of calm Something is different here An open fist, an honest palm They chant and we cheer WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS SWINGING ON THE STRINGS FO MERCY WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS HERE IT IS, CAN YOU HEAR ME Where is the ground, who needs a ground When we are where we are A climbing tear, a backwards frown Plant our seeds in your backyard WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS SWINGING ON THE STRINGS FO MERCY WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS HERE IT IS, CAN YOU HEAR ME A giant me, the biggest you I like us being here It's hard to lie, I really do We chant and they cheer WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS SWINGING ON THE STRINGS FO MERCY WE'RE PUPPETS OF ANGELS HERE IT IS, CAN YOU HEAR ME