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Welcome to my poetry page. I love poetry.
Either reading it or writing it. Here I have
tried to put together some of my favorites.
I hope that you like them...:)

The Gift Of Friendship...
Friendship is a Priceless Gift.
that  cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
than a mountain made of gold--
For gold is cold and lifeless,
it can neither see nor hear,
And in the time of trouble
it is powerless to cheer--
It has no ears to listen,
 no heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand--
So when you ask God for a Gift,
be thankful if He sends
not diamonds, pearls or riches,
but the love of TRUE friends.
Helen Steiner Rice

 Give Lavishly..
Live Abundantly..
The more you give, the more you get--
The more you laugh, the more you fret--
The more you do unselfishly..
The more you live abundantly...
The more of everything you share,
The more you'll always have more to spare--
The more you love, the more you'll find
That life is good and friends are kind...
For only What We Give Away,
Enriches us from Day to Day.
Helen Steiner Rice

Online Friends
Whenever life gets tough and hard to bare..
I get online where I know people care.
I visit my friends and say hello
Uplifting my spirits with each "UH OH".
Life doesn't seem so lonely and blue..
Just knowing my friends are here and are true.
We sometimes laugh and sometimes cry..
But we always end with a cheerful good-bye.
My online friends are like family--
And here with them is where I'll be!
Donna Battles

Special people I have met.
Special indeed is this internet!
Special kinds of bonds to share.
Special people that are always there.
Special memories I will always treasure
Special friendships made have been a pleasure
Special in every way..
Special in life... everyday!
Donna Battles

"My Life Closed Twice.."
My Life closed twice before its closed;
It remains to see....
If Immorality unveil
A third event to me..
So hopeless to concieve,
As these that twice befell.
Parting is all we know of Heaven,
And all we know of hell.
Emily Dickenson

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A Wonderfully written poem.. must read...

In Memory Of My Little Girl..... Viki

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