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This Page Is Dedicated
To Our Little Girl.....
Who Is No Longer With Us.

Victoria "Viki" LaShay
September 24,1993
November 18. 1993
We will always love you!!

Our Friends....

We have two very special friends...that will
share this dedication.Through thick and
 thin....they have been there for us...anytime..
   day or night! When our little girl was born..they were the ones that were there as soon
   as they could get there....They would drive
        for hours to come and see me...and then drove more hours to go back home to their little boy.
      When Viki died....they were there.. again.. as
       soon as they could get there. The baby had to
    stay in OK City until the autopsy was done.
   When they released her body.. again... they drove for hours to get there to be with us.
    To make things easier for us.... they brought
         her body home....never once putting her down.. They opted to hold her.... for hours....on the
drive home.
WE wanted to say "Thank You" guys......These
     two very special friends are...Dennis and Dawn.
We love you, both very much!

"Upon Us A Child Is Born"

God sent this little Christ Child
So man might understand
"That a little child shall lead them
To that unknown "PROMISED LAND"....
For God in his great Wisdom
Knew that men would rise to power
And forget his "HOLY PERCEPTS"
In their great triumphal hour....
He knew that they would question
And doubt the Holy Birth
And turn their time and talents
To the pleasures of this Earth....
But every new discovery
Is an open avenue
To more and greater mysteries,
And man's search is never through....
For man can never fathom
The mysteries of the Lord
Or understand his promise
Of a heavenly reward....
For no one but a Little CHILD
With simple Faith and Love
Can lead man's straying footstep's
Helen Steiner Rice

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