Donna's Gripes

Donna Steele

*Social Greeks. Some people may call it jealousy... and of course, they are probably all Social Greeks, better referred to as Sorostitutes and Frat Jerks. Don't get me wrong, there are some decent people in the Greek system, but they're definitely the minority. So-Hos piss me off more than anything though. They automatically assume that I have no life just because I don't come into class dressed to go out for the night with all sorts of stories about the Kappa Gamma who screwed me up the butt and then went down on another Tri-Delt. Oh well, these people give drug stores a lot of money from their purchases of pregnancy tests. Plus, I always get a good laugh when I hear So-Hos from a certain house (that will remain nameless so as not to lose my job) talk about how they went down on some guy and now they might be pregnant with the baby of some guy whose name they don't even know. I kid you not. This really *has* happened. Don't even get me started on the pictures I have seen in the one-hour photo lab.

Of course, there are always the guys who hit on their photo clerks. To be perfectly honest, only one of my customers has been of interest to me. So, if you're going to waste your time flirting with me, please at least avoid giving me a roll of film that shows you getting kinky with last week's flavor.

*I can't stand surveys. Especially the ones that ask stuff like "Have you ever like-liked me?" and "Am I a good kisser?" They are so stupid. As if someone is going to answer honestly. If they do, you probably won't like the answer, so why bother? Besides, you should know things like if you're friends or not. Let's do the world a favor and abolish them. Or not. Just don't send them to me. In all honesty, I don't give a damn what color your underwear is and I'm not telling you who I like. Besides, if you don't know that... you just don't know me.

*For all of the people that smoke and get mad at cashiers for not knowing the difference between Marlboro 100's and Marlboro Medium 100's: Either you're really stupid or smoking has messed you up big time. Hey, I'm a cashier and I don't smoke. Just because you have to destroy your lungs doesn't mean that I should have to help you do so. If I could get away with it, I would never sell tobacco products to anyone. I don't care if you don't like it. I don't like going into restaurants and having to walk through clouds of smoke to get to the non-smoking section.

*Teen pregnancy: here's a subject that really strikes a nerve with me. All of the teens that are going out and getting pregnant think that they are so smart and nothing can happen to them. Sure, they are really smart. They don't even know how to use a condom and they're too stupid to realize the dangers of having sex with multiple partners. Practice abstinence people or at least learn about contraceptives! Or even better, let's improve the gene pool. How about if we mix all of the morons of the earth and they have one large bacchanal, thus passing on all sorts of diseases? Darwin would approve and frankly so would I. Sure, some children may come of this, but the type of people who would engage in such activity would probably also be so selfish as to get an abortion.

*People that think my web page is disgusting: I don't know what is wrong with some of these people. I think they're the ones with the sick minds. My page is not sexual... at all. It's about two things I happen to like and my personal opinions. If you don't like my opinions, make a page of your own with your opinions and feel free to send me the URL.

*Homophobics, racists, etc... these kind of people talk about how homosexuals or people of different racists or religions make them sick. Well, these kind of people make me sick. Why do so many people have to be full of so much hate? God didn't create this earth for us to fear or hate people who are different. I'm sick of hearing about hate crimes. There's no reason for tragedies of this sort.

*Hypocrites annoy me more than anyone. Especially the "Christian" ones that don't accept people for who they are. God loves everyone. God embraces the fact that we are all different. God doesn't care what color you, if you're gay, straight, or what you do for a living. God is about love. Not in-the-bedroom "love", but love that comes from your heart, from your soul.

Thanks for reading this, if you did. Feel free to e-mail me with your comments or opinions.