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Tenkashi Budaki

Available Characters

Ability List

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Name: Oolong

Ability: Shape-shifting

Time to learn: 5 days

Location: Earth

Name:Fat Buu

Ability: Chocolate Beam

Time to learn: 3 days

Location: Planet Earth

Name: Tien(Tenshinhan)

Ability: 12 Eyes (x4 of You) (can not be a sayjin or namek to learn), Solar Flare, Tri Beam

Time to learn: Each 2 days, 3 days

Location: Earth

Name: Krillin

Ability: Destructo Disc, Rain Blast

Time to learn: 2 days, 3 days

Location: Earth

Name: Chao-Zu

Ability: Lighting ESP, Self-Destruct

Time to learn: Each 2 days

Location: Earth

Name: Master Roshi

Ability: Kamehameha, Zanzoken(blur)

Time to learn: Each 2 days

Location: earth

Name: Piccolo

Ability: Special Beam Canon, Split Form, Grow-(nameks Only), Mystic Attack-(nameks Only)

Time to learn: 3 days, 3 days, 2 days, 4 Days

Location: Planet Namek

Name: Guru

Ability: Regeneration (Nameks only), Increase max P.L.

Time to learn: Each 2 days

Location: Planet Namek

Name: Nail

Ability: Supernamek ability(fuse with another namek) (Nameks Only), Healing wind (ability to heal yourself during battle)

Time to Learn: 2 days, 3 days

Location: Planet Namek

Name: Shawn

Ability: Laser Eyes, Energy shield

Time to Learn: Both 2 days.

Location: Planet Namek

Name: Ogres

Ability: Superspeed, Increases max P.L.

Time to Learn: Each 2 days

Location: The Next Dimension

Name: King Ki

Ability: Spirit Bomb (If your character is good), Kaioken

Time to learn: Each 3 days

Location: the Next Dimension

Name: Janemba

Ability: Teleport

Time to learn: 5 days

Location: HOIL (home for infinant Losers)

Name: Grunt

Ability: Hellfire (If your character is Evil)

Time to Learn: 4 days

Location: The Next Dimension

Name: Freeza

Ability: Red Destructo Disk, Freeza beam

Time to learn: 3 days, 2 days

Location: Planet Freeza

Name: Jeice

Ability: Crusher Ball

Time to learn: 3 days

Location: Planet Freeza

Name: Rekoom

Ability: Flames of Fury

Time to learn: 2 days

Location: Planet Freeza

Name: Guldo

Ability: Time Freeze

Time to learn: 4 days

Location: Planet Freeza

Name: King Vegeta

Ability: Control Monkey form (Say-jins & part Sayjins only), Fake Moon

Time to learn: 4 days, 3 days

Location: Planet Vegeta

Name: Prince Vegeta

Ability: Galic Gun, Finger Blast, Big Bang Attack , Final Flash

Time to learn: 4 days, 2 days, 3 days, 6 days

Location: Planet Vegeta

Name: Gohan

Ability: Masenko, guided scatter shot

Time to learn: 2 days, 3 days

Location: Planet Vegeta

Name: Kaioshin

Ability: The ability to use Z Sword, increase max P.L.

Time to learn: 4 days, 2 days

Location: Kaioshin planet

Name: Pykkon

Ability: Thunder Flash

Time to learn: 4 days

Location: Kaioshin Planet

Name: Gotenks

Ability: Super Ghost Kamakazee Attack, Galactic Doughnuts.

Time to learn: 5 days, 4 days

Location: Kaioshin planet


Ability: Fusion Dance

Time to learn: 4 days

Location: Planet Yardrat

Name:Android #20

Ability: Absorb (androids only), rocket punch (androids only).

Time to Learn: 3 days, 2 days

Location: Planet Yardrat

Name:Android #16

Ability: Hell's Flash (everybody can learn this attack)

Time to Learn: 3 days

Location: Planet Yardrat

Name:Future Trunks

Ability: Burning Attack

Time to Learn: 4 Days

Location: Planet Yardrat


Ability: machine gun blast, time training

Time to learn: 4 day, max of 3 days

Location: Kamesama's Sanctuary

(in time training you can spar enemies until you get defeated, ounce a day for a maximum of 3 days, you do not die in time
training you just return to Kamesama's Sanctuary)


Monkey: need full moon- Base P.L. must be 40,000 (sayain power-up)

Super Sayjin 1: Base P.L. must be 130,000 :pl + 60,000:

Super Sayjin 2: Base P.L. must be 240,000 :pl + 100,000:

Super Sayjin 3: Base P.L. must be 400,000 :pl + 200,000:

Super Namek 1: Base P.L. must be 150,000 :pl + 70,000:

Super Namek 2: Base P.L. must be 250,000 :pl + 100,000:

Android Upgrade: Base P.L. must be 180,000 :pl + 75,000:

Super Android Upgrade: Base P.L. must be 290,000 :pl + 120,000:

Super Human 1: Base P.L. must be 140,000 :pl + 40,000:

Super Human 2: Base P.L. must be 240,000 :pl + 90,000:

Super Alien powerup: Base P.L. must be 150,000 :pl + 45,000:

Ultra Alien powerup: Base P.L. must be 250,000 :pl + 100,000:


You gain 500 to your P.L. every 2 days you train with a teacher.

You gain 6,000 by winning a spar.

You gain 2,000 by losing a spar.

You gain 4,000 by fighting to a draw in a spar.

You gain 10,000 by winning a battle.

You gain 4,000 by losing a battle

You gain 4,000 by defeating an opponents henchmen.

You gain gain 1,000 for training 3 days in a gravity enhanced space pod.