2/14/01 - So, it's been a while, but Big Fat Huge is back on the attack. After a an unannounce, six month hiatus, we're back together, writing new tunes, making new merch, booking new shows and cooking up crazy new mama jokes. All of you who get the newsletter, look forward to a new letter this upcoming week, with all the news form everybody. thats it for now. happy valentines day, y'all!

8/24/00 -Once again, we apologize for the lack of updates on the site this summer, but we've all been extremely busy. Not to fear though, the band is still in full gear. A new ep/full length is in the works, our dotcom is being completed as we speak, new shirt and sticker designs anre being sent to press and we are setting up a slew of shows in the fall for eveyone to enjoy. Also, we are going to be all over the national media on August 31st! There is a huse press meeting for our friend Brett Banfe, the not speaking idiot, and we were asked to perform. There will be hundreds and national and international media people there and we ant to make a good impression, so as many of you as can come, we would greatly appreciate it. It is at a hotel in cherry hill. call us @ (609) 238-7589 or e-mail us. Make sure to keep checking the site for new updates, or join the mailing list so you dont have to ceom to our crappy site. Thats it for now, Thanks for reading. Pete.

6/1/00 -The show at Haddon Heights was fun for ben but it sucked otherwise. We apologize to all of our fans for the shitty show. Our first big mistake was to not tune. Yeah, that's a problem. Then, our power went out twice. But we still had awesome costumes. Come and see us tommorrow at the same place!

5/9/00 -We just played the battle of the bands at Haddonfield High. It rocked, and we actually won! Well...we tied with another band, but still- we made fifty bucks and the rest went to charity! Actually, we decided we needed only a dollar to cover our funds, so we donated even more money to the anti-racist action of Ohio. Awesome, check u guys later.

4/9/00 - Ok, the new comp from Carryout records, "Retarded Music for Retarded People" is out, we are number 14 on it, so pick it up at the site ( on the links page ).

3/22/00 - We are set to be featured on a new comp from carryout records featuring a ton of great bands like Jeffries Fanclub and Pain, so check that out. Thanks to everyone that hung around to watch us make asses of ourselves at the shows this weekend. And finally a big thanks to Ian Miller, who has dedicated the last 5 years of his life to this band and has given me reasons to stick with it more times than he can imagine. Love you dude. - Pete

1/29/00 - New pictures and Fat Pack bios are now up! Thanks to Ben for the mind boggling work involved! Other news: The sky is blue, and it will never fall on our heads. Also, we remind you to be yourself, and to have fun no matter what anyone else thinks. If you do this, you will be sexy...maybe as sexy as Brian! Later -BFH

1/15/00 - The Border's show was a blast! Crazy thanks to all the fans who came out in the freezing cold to witness our sexiness. Mega huge thanks to Kim, Friedlander and Mr. Boogaard for putting up with our stupidity. Also, Zel, if you see this, we love you dude. Call us. We are working on a huge show right now with RX Bandits and New Found Glory in March. This will rock! Allright guys, later.
1/9/00 - Ok, I hope everybody is getting excited for the Borders show this Friday. It starts at 7:30 and is two hours long! That is one big set, but we filled it up just for you. Everybody remember, the show is totally free, so bring all your friends. For info or directions call the Big Fat Huge Nationwide Phone @ 1-609-238-7589. See you on Friday!
12/14/99 - Ben here. I just wanted to remind you that Luke is Big, Ian is faaaat, and Pete is huge. Or is pete big? I don't even know. Oh yeah, I'm forming my own new band: lanky, skinny, tall. For those dense internet users, that was a joke. ha. ha. Yeah, make fun of me now, but you'll kiss my smelly feet when my solo guitar album goes platinum. I love you all. Especially YOU. Yeah YOU. Jiggah who? BFH is down. tadow!
12/12/99 - Ok, obviousy, some people are a little antsy for an update, or is it just that they want to plug their band??? Hmmm... Anywhoo, the show at Border's is going to be a blast, complete with poetry, coffee and nudity. Look forward to it. We are also working on some super crazy shows with the likes of Drive-Thru Pharmacy, SGR and A New Found Glory ( the best band on earth). We are in the process of writing new material, possibly for a springtime ep.... Thats it for now. Peace out, yo.

11/10/99 - The cd is selling better than we could have anticipated and we are so excited! We are working hard to get some supercrazy shows together for all you folks out there. If you have any ideas for good shows, e-mail us! Also, after a short lived hiatus, Buddy Deal is back in the band! In case you aren't down with the BFH past, Buddy was one of our original trombone players and now he's back better than ever. Check the bio page for updates!

10/17/99 - "More of the Same", our new album, is finally available. You can pick it up at Full Circle Records in Haddonfield, Tunes in Voorhees, directly from us, or mail order it. So many choices. Also, the Around Halloween Show/ Record Release is definite. And Boogaard and Klaus are both going to be there. Incredible! Many thanks to everyone who waited so long to get your cd's. Your support is what keeps us going. Awesome!

9/31/99 - Wow, it's certainly been a while, huh? Well, with school starting, work and the new cd, we've all been pretty busy. Anyhoo, the cd's should be coming in the mail anyday now and then we will begin selling them. A record release party is planned in late October with Spinshift (or whatever they're calling themselves these days) To order the cd, send $10 to: BIg Fat Huge, PO Box 421, Haddonfield NJ 08033. Make checks payable to Peter Bruton. Thanks.

8/15/99 - Okay, you are all probably wondering where the new cd is by now ("You said it'd be out before school starts!") Well, we are running just a bit behind schedule, due to some personal problems that are now over with. Thanks to everyone for waiting patiently. It should be out soon.

8/5/99 - All of you can finally stop your crying because the first two MP3's off of the new Big Fat Huge album "More of the Same" are in the sounds section. So go already!

7/31/99 - Unfortunately, Ian is back. We have finished our new album, "More of the Same" and even though Ian is not on it we have to say it is, for lack of a better word, INCREDIBLE! Look forward to the release party in about a month. For all you want-to-be members of Big Fat Huge don't despair, we are still looking for a good trombone player, so if you're interested e-mail us! . We are going to put up two MP3's before we release the album, and after that, we will put up one every other week or so. Look forward to it.
7/14/99 - Ian has decided to take a sabatical from Big Fat Huge, so we obviously need a replacement tenor sax while he is gone. If you want to try to fill his (quite giant) shoes, e-mail us! Also, we're in the studio now, recording "More of the Same", our new album, so look for that by the middle of August!
6/31/99 - Like we've been saying for seemingly endless months, we finnaly re-did the webpage and it rocks! Don't you agree? In other news, we are going to head into the studio yet again in the next month to cut our sophmore release (as yet untitled) which will be a full lenght cd. We are totally psyched to be doing this and we hope you guys are too! If you want to be on the album or have any funny ideas for it, e-mail us and we'll probably use them. See you guys soon!
6/12/99 - We added personal bios of each member of BFH so be sure to check them out . To view them simply go to the bio page and click on our names. Also the Big Fat Huge homepage will be completely revamped sometime this month so keep on the lookout.
6/5/99 - Contrary to popular belief, everything that is claimed to be copyrighted within this webpage, is indeed copyrighted, as well as the "Watch Your Step" ep. I strongly doubt that the people anonomously signing our guestbook are lawyers or have any idea what they are talking about, so we would appreciate you keeping your seemingly endless wisdom to yourself.

......check back for more news about Big Fat Huge!

(last updated:June 1st, 2000!)


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