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About me & Stuff I like

Links to other pages I've created (prefixed with Palace). Friends sites or other areas of the internet that I find interesting. Before you forget to remember, please sign my guestbook before following a link. If your anything like me, you'll get lost & won't be able to get back here ;-)

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Forget factory standards, these are Real Bikes.
The Palace Cinema & TV Lounge.
Live pictures from Glesga (Glasgow) Scotland.
Simply the Best!!!!!
The Palace Cellars
Whear I wuz edjurcated (waste of tax payers money :-)
The Palace Music Room.
The Druid Princess (giver of awards & stuff)
rableathers site, Scottish information & humour & more educational stuff than you can shake a stick at.
Bored? Interactive stuff & loads of it.

At this moment, the time & climate in Glasgow, Scotland is

A good friend of mine, made this graphic for me, I especially like the Saltire Sky background.

She's helped me with html graphics & loaaads of other stuff. Cheers rableather, yer a wee gem so ye are ;-) Her site is listed above & I would advise you to take a wee swatch (look) at it.

See what I got! My very first (& possibly only) award, from a very nice Wummin called the Druid Princess, If you've not already been, may I suggest you take a wee wander ower ti her hoose, it's puredeadbrilliant so it is. (You can follow the link above...... After you've signed my guestbook ;-)

Slainte (that's Gaelic for Cheers).

Please Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

As I'm sure you're aware this was my first go at a page. This page is currently & always under construction, If you've got any hints, tips or general comments please feel free to email me at the address below, or leave a message on my guest book.

A few people have asked what the X files have got to do with this page..... Actually nothing! But I can't handle "plink plonk" midi files. If the x files music is really "doing your head in" you can stop it by pressing the stop button on the banner below.

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