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Peter Walker Photograph Collection

If you have any nauseating pictorial delights lets see them remember.......
these may be highly succesful and responsible adults now so they had better watch out on May 1st!
Peter has supplied the following names for the above!!!
names marked = supplied by Keith Stafford

1) On the left Brynn Clemment? on the right ? Tech science teacher = Mick Forshaw
2) Class 4 S I think
3) Clive Blackburn in Tech Science.
4) Tech drawing during a quiet period!!!
5) Peters Gang in the 5th year, from left:- Peter Halligan, = Paul Sivess?, Brynn Clemment?, Chris Naylor.

Thanks Peter, Jaqueline, Paul and Greg for pictures so far. Now who is next????

Reunion & personal photo links

Reunion Homepage
Photograph Gallery No. 1
Photograph Gallery No. 2
Paul Carroll photograph(added 14.3.99)
Jacquie Mulletts photographs(added 20.2.99)
Gregory Fairclough photograph(added 8.3.99)

Email: Susan's e-mail