Welcome to IB HELL!!!!!!!!!
"We don't do the work because it's easy, we do it because it's hard. And what is our reward for all of out hard work? YEA!!!! More hard work!!!" - The world's most astute IB teacher
IB (pronounced eye-bee) stands for the International Baccalaureate (it took me four years just to learn how to spell it correctly). It is a method of systematic torture designed to breakdown the mental processes of once gifted high school students. IB was designed by some big wigs in Europe to make an educational system that is the same worldwide. So an IB diploma is equivalent to the Abitur (a German high school test) or the A-levels (in Great Britain), etc. It basically means that I am qualified to go to any university in the world (theoretically). However, in order to get the said IB diploma, one must endure rigorous coursework (for 2 years in the U.S. and 3 years in Europe) then sit for 6 tests at the end of the school year, plus do an internal assessment for each class, plus 2 Theory of Knowlegde (TOK...it's like mini-philosophy) essays, and a 4,000 word extended essay (affectionately known in IB circles as Satan)
Hahaha...I am actually a survivor of the torturous International Baccalaureate Program. It's craziness...I didn't see any of it coming. I sat for the tests in May...and 2 months later, I'm promoted from IB diploma candidate, to IB diploma recipient
*IB Math Studies | *Math Studies Paper | 5 |
*IB Biology (SL) | *Group 4 Project | 5 |
IB English (HL) | 2 World Lit Essays | 4 |
IB Biology (HL) | Group 4 Project | 4 |
IB Hist. of the Americas (HL) | History Project | 6 |
IB Philosophy (SL) | 2,000 word Essay | 5 |
IB German (SL) | 10 min. Oral | 5 |
*= Tests taken in 11th grade
(SL)=standard level tests
(HL)=higher level tests
My TOK Essays recieved a B score, the scale goes from A-E (A= best, E=worst). However, my Extended Essay didn't fare so well. I got a D. Boo hoo me.
In IB you must take 6 tests, like I said before. You can take up to two tests your junior year. You have to take at least 3 tests higher level (which means that you studied the course more intensively, both years of the program) and the rest you can take at standard level (meaning you can theoretically take the test after one year of study). In my case, I screwed up my junior year, because I thought that I was good at Chemistry and I planned to take it at the higher level. However, I suck royally at Chemistry and so I decided to retake my Biology test this year, and take another subject as my sixth are....and stupidly...I chose Philosophy (which is just as hard as Chemistry...but much less math). See now talking about IB has made me sleepy...so next time...I'll talk about the pros and cons of IB.
If you're a current IB lab rat click here for the best damn IB links around
If you're a former IB student, and there are any links that you know of but don't see here...then email them to me.
The Horror!The Horror!
Email: nevermore16@hotmail.com