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Protein Shake

1 cup coffee-decaf.

1/4 cup coconut milk

1/4 cup whipping cream

1 scoop Whey protein powder

Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend until thickened. Drink immediately.



Egg Nog

1/2 cup plus 2 teaspoons spoonable Splenda

2 eggs separated

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 cups heavy whipping cream

2 cups water

1 teaspoon Vanilla

Brandy or Rum flavoring to taste

1/2 cup whipping cream-whipped

cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

Blend 1/2 cup splenda with egg yolks and beat well. Add salt. Stir in heavy cream and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture coats spoon. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Beat egg whites until foamy and combine with remaining splenda and continue to beat until soft peaks form. Add to cooked mixture and blend well. Add flavorings. Chill for at least four hours. Serve topped with whip topping and sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg.



Hot Lemonade

1 tub Crystal Light drink mix

4 cups water

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon cloves

Mix all ingredients and heat. Serve warm.