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Low Carb Basics


Are you new to low carbing? Don't worry. I'll give some basics to get you started. There are many good reasons to live this way of life. Low carbohydrates diets are good to aid in leveling out blood sugar levels, weight loss, and reducing high cholresterol just to name a few.

To get started:

1. Drink water until you float! -seriously. Drinking water helps to flush the fat cells out of your body.

2. Set reasonable goals. I recommend reading a book on the low carb program of your choice(Mine is Protein Power). I set my goals according to my bodyfat ratios.

3. Don't plan to lose all the weight right away. It took you a while to gain it and it will take a while to lose it. Don't get discouraged it will happen!

4. Stay away from foods that contain sugar. As you continue in this lifestyle, your cravings for sugar will diminish.

5. Use a carbohydrate gram counter to tabulate your daily intake.

6. Keep a weight loss diary. This will help you find your weak areas and deal with them.

7. Cheating is natural in dieting. Pick your self up, dust your self off and start again your very next meal.

I hope these tips help you the way they have helped me. I also recommend measuring yourself once a week. Sometimes you will not lose weight but, will lose inches as you body "shifts" your fat deposits.