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A pleasant day to you, Fellow Igorots. I'm quite overtaken by time itself, in the sense that I can not allocate more of it for this page. Assisting time is the relative speed of news with time where news are changed on the fly, and speed where news are not considered news anymore.

News will not be posted here anymore. Rather, the best ways to get news on Igorots will be posted here, since there are now better alternatives to getting news on Igorots, rather than checking them out on any web page.

The best way right now for an Igorot to be kept abreast of the news on the Igorot front is to join a hyperactive mailing list, the

A lot of news fly around here, including relevant topics from newspapers (Credit is given to Cecille Salmin, Juan Bondad III, and others, who immediately notify the list of any newspaper report worth checking), facts on culture, etc. News are sent here and are considered old after five hours.

So how do you join? Simple. Send your e-mail address to the Listkeeper, Harry Basingat, at this e-mail address: . Tell him you wanna join the mailing list. Tell him your full name, the e-mail address you want to be used, your address, your location, and… oh, BTW, he would appreciate a picture from you. Now Harry will assess if you are really an Igorot, and perhaps do some background checking, perhaps to see if your DNA is really traceable to a Cordilleran, and perhaps check your assets and liabilities. :-) Jus' kidding... Harry will include you among the recipients... and your in. That simple.

Be hearing from you at the list.

Yours truly,

Donald Daryl Ayochok Daoey