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Michael Moore
Our Host in Philadelphia
Thank you for an excellent reunion and all your hard work.

JOHN BARRY (1745-1803)
Father Of The United States Navy

Chowing down aboard the New Jersey

A Wreath Honoring Fallen Beale shipmates

Bill Jones volunteered to make sure everyone got aboard a bus.
Then he ran out of seats and had to sit in the "Jump Seat" on the small bus.

Dave Achs & Jerry Stucky standing next to a gun mount that weighes more than the entire Beale did.

Jim Paul doing his always great job of Auctioneering.
He is assisted by Jerry Stucky and Dave Leslie.
Once again I failed to get a picture of young Jake, another helper.
My apologies to him.

Ship winner "John Rishel"

Philadelphia as seen from theCamden New Jersey side of the river

Dinner Photos
