Cool Quotes
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Cool Quotes

I would like to dedicate this page to:

"heart, i told you once, i told you twice, and three times,
don't knock at that door. No one will answer"
-Mark Medoff

"I have woven a parachute out of everything broken"
-William Stafford

"Only birds are able to throw off their shadow. The shadow always stays behind on earth. Our soul flies. We are it's shadow on the earth"
-Vladimir Nabokov

"Nevermind. the self is the least of it. Let our scars fall in love"
-Galway Kinnel

"Things that i have longed for in vain, and things that i have- let them pass. Let me but truly posess the things which i have spurned or overlooked"
-Author unknown

"When it comes to matters of the heart, it's the heart that matters more"
-Adam Duritz (Counting Crows)

"I imitate everyone except myself"
-Pablo Picasso

"Be happy, it's one way of being wise."

"i'm not like them, but i can pretend.
the sun is gone but i have a light"
-Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

"i am a lie that always tell the truth"
-Jean Cocteau

"teach me how i should forget to think"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"They always told me when i was young,"just wait, and you'll
see" now I'm old and I see nothing, it's wonderful"
-Eric Satie

"We learn nothing from things we know"
-John Cage

"the way to learn any game is to play for more than you can afford to lose"
-Author Unknown

"this from thine lips, by thine, my sin is purged"
"sin from my lips, oh sweet trespass, give me my sin again"
-excerpts from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"I am trying to unfamiliar with what i am doing"
-John Cage

"i'm so happy, cause today i found my friends....
their in my head"
-Kurt Cobain

"Who has not set before his own hearts curtain?
it lifts: and the scenery is falling apart."
-Alan Watts

"We only stay in orbit, for a moment of time,
your everybody's satellite, i wish that you were mine"
-Adam Duritz (Counting Crows)

"both my hands are stained with blood,
cause my lips are stained with tears,
from when i kissed the widow of the man i killed"
-Don Chaffer (Waterdeep)

"Daddy, are we live or on videotape?"
-Wallace Stevens

"Close one sad eye. Yes. Close the other sad eye.
Yes. I can see now"
-Yahuda Amichai

"what light beyond her window breaks,
it is the east and Juliet is the sun
arise fair sun,
and kill the envious moon,
for who is already sick and pail with grief
that thou are made are for more fair than she"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"i ask about the sky, but the answer is about a rope"
-Author Unknown

"have all the keys removed from your type-writer
except the ones needed to spell her name"
-Author Unknown

"surrender don't come natural to me,
i'd rather fight You for something i don't really want,
than take what You give that i need"
-Rich Mullins

"parting is such sweet sorrow
that i shall say goodbye till it be morrow"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"You kiss by the book"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"i'm worse at what i do best, and for this skill i feel blessed"
-Kurt Cobain

"On the road to salvation, i stick out my thumb and He gives me a ride"
-Rich Mullins

"Romeo, oh Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name
or if thou will not then be but sworn my love
and i will no longer be a Capulet.
it is but thy name that is my enemy
thou art thyself and not a Montague.
What is Montague?
It is not a hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face,
nor any other part belonging to a man.
What's in a name?
that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"
-uh, hmmm Hamlet i think!!

"Inside my empty bottle i am making a light house
while others are making ships"
-Charles Simic

"there is nothing that i could say that i haven't thought before"
-Kurt Cobain

"You fall in love by realizing that past love hadn't"
-John Fowles

"there once was a man who came from Venus
he had a rocket for his, uh huh uh weiner."
-The Great Butthead

"is love a tender thing? it is too rough, to rude, to boistrous
and it pricks like thorns"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"Why then, oh brawling love, oh loving hate,
oh anything of nothing first create,
oh heavy lightness, serious vanity,
misshapen chaos of well seeming forms"
-Pee Wee's Big Adventure (what else?)

"an ideal map would contain a map of the map,
the map of the map of the map, endlessly."
-Mark Twain

"I look to like, if looking liking moves,
but no more deep will i indart my nigh,
than your consent to give strength to make it fly"
-excerpt from W.S. Romeo + Juliet

"why romeo, art thou mad?
not mad, but bound more than a mad man is"
-HELLLOOOO!!!!! PAY ATTENTION!!!! Romeo + Juliet

" i love you as you are, but do not tell me how that is"
-Antonio Porchia

"what is wrong with me?
oh yeah, i'm trying to hear myself hear"
-me (lyrics from apathy)

"later never exists"
-Author Unknown

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