Chapter 2

             The person in the shadows stood there looking at her.  Madra thought that it was a little odd that they wouldn’t come into the open where she could see them.  Quite frankly, it was making her nervous because the only thing that she could see was their eyes.  She thought fleetingly that she didn’t even know if the person was a man or a woman, though from the shape of the shadow, it appeared to be a man.  But it was dark outside and the appearance could have been distorted.

             “Could you come into the light so that I can see you?”  Madra asked the stranger, nervousness adding an edge to her voice.

             “Of course.  Anything to oblige a beautiful lady such as yourself.”  The deep whisper sent shivers down Madra’s spine and made her more certain that the person was a man.  When the shadow stepped out from under the tree and became bathed in moonlight, her assumption was confirmed.  A young man stood before her.  He was dressed in fine clothes and looked to be a few years older than her.

             “Thank you sir.”  Madra said politely, offering a hint of a curtsey.  “Can I also ask what your name is… since you already know mine by some chance?”

             “Well, you certainly are full of questions aren’t you?”  He answered her question with one of his own.

             “Yes I am.”  The willfulness apparent in her voice.  “And I believe that I have a right to be.  You are hiding out here in the shadows and call my name, drawing me from the safety of the house and the other attendants to this party.  I could very well be in danger and you are proving not to be the gentleman that you are dressed as if you do not give some explanation for yourself.”  After her long winded speech, Madra took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders so as not to show the fear that she was really feeling inside to this strange and captivating man.

             “Well, Miss, I did not mean to offend you and I apologize for doing so.”  The stranger replied, his green eyes still fixed on Madra’s face.  “Since you asked so convincingly, my name is Lance Bass and I’m visiting from Charleston.  As to how I knew your name, I heard you talking to some fellows inside and picked your name up from the conversation.  When I saw you come out on the balcony, I wished to talk to you and felt that was a good way to get your attention.”

             Madra didn’t know what to say after he’d made his explanation.  It all seemed logical enough, but she didn’t want to concede that easily.  “Well, if you wished to speak with me, why didn’t you do so inside like a proper gentleman.  You do realize that if I’m caught out here talking to you without a chaperone that it will ruin my reputation?”  Her tone was biting.  Madra wanted to catch this man off guard and break through his calm exterior.  He was taking this all to well and she wanted to at least know that she was having some sort of effect on him.

             “Yes ma’am.  I do realize that now, though I must be honest and say that I did not think of that at the beginning of my plans.  Once again, I apologize.  And I wanted to talk to you alone so that we would have no interruptions, not to be bothered by the many other men following after you, hoping that you might bestow your beautiful smile on them.  I wanted to have that privilege all to myself for a few minutes.”  Lance told her, then ducked his chin as if he were ashamed.

             Madra could not tell if he was being genuine or coy.  But his words had made her blush and she was sure that her heart was going to punch right through her chest it was pounding so ferociously.  There was something about this mysterious man.  She wanted to learn more, but she feared that staying longer would lead him to believe she was less than a lady.  “Your apologies are accepted sir.  However, I must preserve my virtuous reputation and return to the party.  Please do not follow me immediately and raise undue suspicion.  If you so desire, I shall save a dance for you inside.”  She waited for him to answer before she started off.

             “I would certainly be grateful for the pleasure of a dance with you, ma’am.  And do not worry, for I don’t wish to soil your reputation.  I will wait five or ten minutes before returning to the house myself.”  Lance bowed deep at the waist and watched her walk off.  After she was gone, he gritted his teeth in frustration.  He had sworn not to let himself get involved with another woman.  Remembering what had happened to the last girl he fancied, he shuddered though the night air was far from cool.  But he did more than fancy this girl.  She did something to the chemicals inside him.  His blood boiled to know her better.  Shaking off the thoughts he was having, Lance turned on his well polished heel and headed for the blinding lights of the house.

Chapter 3