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Jaycee Records of JCI Senator Francis Yeow

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Positions Held:

1971     :   Joined Seremban Jaycees
1971     :   Chairman, Accent-On-Youth Program
1972     :   Hon. Secretary,  Seremban Jaycees
1972     :   Secretariat Chairman,  17th National Convention in Seremban
1973     :   Public Relations Director, Seremban Jaycees
1974     :   Vice-President Development, Seremban Jaycees
1974     :   Leadership-In-Action Course Chairman, Seremban Jaycees
1974     :   Effective Speaking Course Secretary, Seremban Jaycees
1974     :   Acting President,  Seremban Jaycees
1975     :   Vice-President Programme,  Seremban Jaycees
1975-76  :   Vice-Chairman, Seremban Jaycees Clock Tower Project
1976     :   PRESIDENT,   Seremban Jaycees
1977     :   Immediate Past President,  Seremban Jaycees
1977     :   Records & Recognition Chairman,  Seremban Jaycees
1977     :   Vice-President,  Jaycees Peninsular Malaysia
1978     :   Hon. Auditor,  Seremban Jaycees
1979-97  :   Trustee, Seremban Jaycees  Clock Tower Trust Fund
1980     :   General Legal Counsel, Jaycees Peninsular Malaysia
1981-86  :   Secretary of Seremban Jaycees Senate Committee
1997     :   Adviser to Board of Directors, Junior Chamber Seremban    

Conferences/Conventions/Courses  Attended
1971     :    Attended JCI Regional Conference in Singapore
1971     :    Attended 16th National Convention in Penang
1973     :    Attended Leadership-In-Course,  Seremban
1973     :    Attended 18th National Convention,  Kuala Lumpur.
1974     :    Attended Singapore Jaycees National Convention.
1974     :    Attended 19th National Convention, Kuala Lumpur.
1975     :    Attended 20th National Convention in Port Dickson.
1976     :    Attended JCI NOM Officers Training School, Singapore.
1976     :    Attended 21st Regional Convention 
              &   1st Jaycees Malaysia Convention. 
1977     :    Attended NOM Officers Training School at Kuantan.
1978     :    Attended 23rd Regional Convention, JCPM by JCKL (West).
1979     :    Attended 4th Jaycees Malaysia Convention
1980     :    Attended JCPM  MYGA hosted by Jaycees Kota Melaka
1981     :    Attended 6th National Convention by JC KL West
1984     :    Attended JCI Asia Pacific Conference,  Kuala Lumpur
1996     :    Attended Area IIIC LOM President's Meeting at Kukup
              Fishing Resort, organised by Jaycees Johor Bahru.
1997     :    Attended Area III LOMs Meeting at Mar Vista Resort, Penang
1997     :    Attended Leadership Training Camp at Port Dickson.
1997     :    Attended JCM 22nd Annual National Convention, Putrajaya.

1979       :    Awarded 'Presidential Service Award' by JCPM President.
1979       :    Attended 4th Jaycees Malaysia Convention.
1979-97    :    Trustee,  Seremban Jaycees Clock Tower Trust Fund
1980       :    General Legal Counsel, Jaycees Peninsular Malaysia.
1980       :    Attended JCPM MYGA hosted by Jaycees Kota Melaka.
1980       :    Awarded "Most Outstanding JCI Senator" by S'ban Jaycees.
1981       :    Attended 6th National Convention by JCKL (West)
1981-86    :    Secretary of Seremban Jaycees Senate Committee.
1983       :    Speaker in Leadership-In-Action Course.
1984       :    Attended JCI Asia Pacific Conference, Kuala Lumpur.
1995       :    Attended "Leadership Development Seminar" by J.C. Seremban.
1996       :    Attended Area IIIC LOM Presidents Meeting at Kukup Fishing
                Village Resort, organised by Jaycees Johor Bahru.
1996       :    Attended 'Break The Barrier Programme 2' by J.C. Seremban
1996       :    Joined in jungle trekking and clean-up of Ulu Bendol
1996       :    Attended 'Effective Time Management Seminar' by J.C.S'ban.
1996       :    Attended SPI Junior Jaycees Installation on 21.12. 96
1996       :    Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by J.C. Seremban.
1997       :    Adviser to Board of Directors, Junior Chamber Seremban.
1997       :    Joined in Visits to MB for Hari Raya & MCA Open House
1997       :    Attended Chinese New Year Fellowship Gatherings
1997       :    Hosted Chap Goh Mei Pot-Luck Dinner
1997       :    Attended National President's dialogue and dinner with
                Seremban Chapter on 24. 2. 97
1997       :    Attended Installation Meetings as Advisory Observer
1997       :    Attended Junior Chamber Installation on as Adviser to the
                Board on 26.4.97  (Sold one dinner table, obtained two
                hampers and some donations from Past Presidents.).  
1997       :    Attended Chairman & Parliamentary Procedure Course
1997       :    Attended Leadership Training Camp at Port Dickson
1997       :    Organising Chairman and Speaker for 'Introduction to      
                Internet Workshop' on 28. 6. 97 
1997       :    Webmaster (Creator) of Junior Chamber Seremban Website.
1997       :    Attended Launching of JC Seremban Home Page by NEVP
                JCI Sen. Lew Wen Teik on 10. 7. 97
1997       :    Reserve for Jaycee Week Bowling Competition on 10.7.97
                and bowled with the VIPs.
1997       :    Attended lunch for Visit of National NEVP Ernest Goh on
                31. 7. 1997 at Seremban.
1997       :    Attended dialogue function during Visit of NEVP Lew Wen Teik
                on 4. 9. 1997 to Seremban.
1997       :    Adviser for PIT and 'Evening with Past Presidents/Senators'
                (Booked Sungei Ujong Club for the 2 functions)
1997       :    Attended 'Evening with Past Presidents/Senators' on 2.8.97
1997       :    Adviser for Blood Donation Campaign
1997       :    Attended Blood Donation Day on 24. 8. 97
1997       :    Joined the Chapter for the Area III Badminton Competion at
                Teluk Intan from 31. 8. 97 to 1. 9. 97
1997       :    Attended Junior Chamber Seremban A.G.M. on 21. 9. 97
                and was appointed as Adviser to the Board of 1998.
1997       :    Judge,  Effective Speaking Speech Contest  on 26.9.97
1997       :    Attended Prime Course Steamboat Dinner on 5. 10. 1997
                Donated RM 100 for Prime Course
1997       :    Attended Annual National Convention at Putrajaya.
1997       :    Attended Pot-luck Dinner Fellowship at Mantin on 16.11.97
1997       :    Attended Teluk Intan Junior Chamber Installation on 29.11.97
1997       :    Attended PD Holiday Retreat and OTS from 13.12.97-14.12.97
1997       :    Attended SPI Junior Jaycees Installation on 15.12.97


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