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Composition Evaluation Form #7

Evaluation Scale

10=completed the assigned element
0=Did not complete the assigned element

_____1. Paragraph follows a 1232323 pattern.
_____2. Paragraph contains no more than one "be" verb.
_____3. All sentences are complete; no fragment or run-ons exist.
_____4. One sentence opens with an adverbial clause to add sentence variety.
_____5. One sentence opens with either an adjective or an adjective phrase.
_____6. One sentence employs parallel structure with a series of words.
_____7. One sentence employs parallel structure with a series of phrases or a series of clauses.
_____8. One sentence employs one of the first six sentence variations we have studied: apposition, question, exclamation, prepositional phrase opener, adverb opener or reversed subject-verb pattern.
_____9. Transitions appear before second and third powers.
_____10. General Conventions: use ink, leave one-inch margins, write neatly, indent, use correct grammar and spelling, and punctuate properly.
