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Composition Evaluation Form #6

10=perfect; no improvement necessary

8=one mistake or flaw; please revise to make perfect

0=more than one mistake; significant revision required

Below you will find the criteria upon which I will grade your paragraphs this week.

_____1. Paragraph follows a 12323 pattern.

_____2. The topic sentence is narrow enough to cover in one paragraph and states an opinion.

(x's 2)_____3 & 4. Your supporting sentences contain facts, reasons, or examples and use precise, reasonable language. No opinions appear in the supporting sentences.

_____5. Appropriate persuasive transitions appear before each supporting sentence.

(x's 2)_____6&7. The sentences have variety; at least four sentences employ four different patterns that we have studied. At least two of these should be new patterns we learned this week. Use your sentence variety checklist from your notes.

_____8. You have written all sentences in active voice. No "be" verbs appear.

_____9. No fragments or run-on sentences appear.

_____10. The paragraph follows traditional conventions of good writing: the paragraph is neat, indented, and written in ink with one-inch margins all around. You have spelled all words correctly, used commas correctly, and followed all other grammar and usage rules.
