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Poetry Inspired by Art

Below is a list of poems inspried by art and a great link to more art poems. I am using these by collecting posters of the art works and displaying them along with the accompanying poem in my classroom. I plan to have my students write their own poems inspired by artwork of their choosing.

Brueghel, Pieter: The Fall of Icarus/Williams, Wm. Carlos: Landscape with the Fall of Icarus and             Auden, W.H.:Musee des Beaux Arts Bosch

Hieronymus: The Temptation of St. Anthony/Collins, Billy: Musée des Beaux Arts Revisited

Van Gogh, Vincent: The Starry Night/Sexton, Anne: The Starry Night, Flages, Robert: The Starry Night and McLean, Don: Vincent El Greco: Espolio/Birney, Earle: Espolio - El Greco

Waterhouse, John: The Lady of Shallot/Tennyson, Alfred: The Lady of Shallot

Utamaro, Kitagawa: Girl Powdering Her Neck/Song, Cathy: Girl Powdering Her Neck

Graves, Morris: Bird in the Spirit/Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: The Wounded Wilderness of Morris Graves

da Vinci, Leonardo: Mona Lisa/Stone, John: three for the Mona Lisa Brueghel

Pieter: Kermesse/Williams, William Carlos: The Dance Picasso, Pablo: Guernica/Neruda, Pablo: Guernica

Monet, Claude: Lilies/Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Monet's Lilies Shuddering

Brueghel, Pieter: Children's Games, Self Portrait,The Hunters in the Snow, The Adoration of the Kings, Peasant Wedding, Haymaking, The Corn Harvest, The Wedding Dance in the Open Air, The Parable of the Blind/Williams, William Carlos's poems of the same names

Goya: The Duchess of Alba/Meredith, William: Bachelor

The web site is Paintings and Poems .