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Book Shows

Our book shows are fun. We do Accelerated Reader in our classroom sometimes, but other times we do book shows. Students find a partner and they each read the same book. Then they select a presentation idea from a list I gave them. ( None of the 47 ideas I copied for students are mine; I think I got them from this list---I'm not even sure.) Students present their book in some imaginative form in front of the classroom. I've been teaching since l967 and I've seen kids put together some terrific efforts, but yesterday I saw the most incredible show: Abbi and Karla made a 20 minute black and white 'silent' movie--a western---depicting the Louis Lamour book they'd read for the show.Costumes, multiple sets, camera effects... they passed out popcorn, shoved the video in the VCR and then the did the narration of all the scenes. Lord love a lizard! You had to be there! Where were you???? : )     So....when the 6:30 alarm rings and I remember , "Ah yes! Book shows today!" I'm off to school with a light heart!
