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Book Reports and Book Talk Evaluation Forms

Contributed by Art on NCTE-Talk

Time Line Book Report

 Draw a time line showing the incidents in the book in chronological order. Label the days, months, and/or years, if known. Otherwise number the events 1,2,3, and so on.   Star the three events that are, in your opinion, the most important. On the back, write down why you felt these were the most important and why. Also tell which you think is the most important, and why.   Remember to write down your name, the title and author of your book, and the date you completed it.

Poetry Book Report  

FIND A POEM that expresses one of the main ideas in the book.  

1. Write it out on a sheet of paper.  

2. Do not use the book title with the poem.  

3. Write your name, the character's name, and the title and author of     your book on the back.  

4. At the top of a 4x6 card, write the title and author. On the next     line, write your name. Then explain why the poem suits your                            book. Classmates will try to match your poem with your book, so                           try not to give too much away too easily!   DO NOT share your poem with any member of the class (or anyone you suspect to be a class member's spy!) . Let them try to figure it out for themselves!

Job Application Book Report  

1. Get a job application.  

2. Fill it out --completely-- as if you were the main             character of your book.  

3. On a separate sheet of paper, write your name, the title             and author of the book you read, and the date you             completed it. Also on this page, explain why your             character would want a job with that company.

Character Interview Book Report

Interview of (character's name): ___________________________________

Book Title: ________________________________ ___

Interviewer: How do you feel about the way you were portrayed in the       book?

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: What was your most difficult moment in the book?

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: What was going through your mind at this difficult                       moment?

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: If you could change any of your actions in the book, what                       would you do differently?

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: How did you really feel about the other main characters in                       the book?

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: Describe your strengths and weaknesses to the reader.

Character:__________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: Would you like the reader to know other things about you                       that were not covered in the book? If so, please describe                       these characteristics.

Character:_____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Interviewer: What are your feelings about the way the author ended the                       book? Character:_____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

Character Diary Book Report  

1. Pick one of the characters from your book.

 2. Write a diary as if you were this character.  

3. Tell not only what is happening to you and others, but             also how you feel about what is taking place.  

4. Make a minimum of eight entries, each at least five             sentences long.  

5. After the last entry write your name, the title and             author, and the date you completed the book.

Bumper Sticker Book Report  

CREATE A BUMPER STICKER that one of the major characters in your book might buy to put on his/her car or in his/her room and that expresses one of the main ideas in the book.  

1. Letter and decorate it appropriately.

 2. Do not use the book title on the sticker.  

3. Write your name, the character's name, and the title and author of     your book on the back.

 4. At the top of a 4x6 card, write the title and author. On the next     line, write your name. Then, in the first person, writing as the          character who would buy the bumper sticker, explain why you         were attracted to it. (Can you write in his/her distinctive "voice"?           Try it!) Finally, sign the character's name. Classmates will try to     match your bumper sticker with your card, so try not to give too              much away too easily!   DO NOT share your bumper sticker with any member of the class (or anyone you suspect to be a class member's spy!) . Let them try to figure it out for themselves!

Fiction Book Talk

Your Name: _________________________________ ___

Team: _____________             Date Completed: _______________

The title of my book is ___________________________________. It was written by ______________________________ and had ____________ pages. I chose this book because _______________________________________ Here is what the book was about:

____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________

If I were going to rate this book between one and ten, I would give it a(n) ___________.

When I talk with you about my book, I wouldn't mind talking with you about any of the three following questions:

_____ (a) What character was your favorite? Why?

_____ (b) What character did you dislike? Why? _____ (c) Does anyone in this book remind you of yourself? Explain.

_____ (d) Who was the main character? How did that person change?

_____ (e) Would you change the end of the story in any way? Tell your                              ending. Why would you change it?

_____ (f) Which character has one or more qualities you want to develop       within yourself? What are the qualities? How does the                              character demonstrate these qualities? Why would you like to               develop these qualities?

_____ (g) Do any of the ideas, incidents, or actions in this book remind you               of your own life, or something that has happened to you?               Explain.

_____ (h) Do you feel that there is an opinion expressed by the author in               this book? What is it? Why do you think this is the opinion?  Do                               you agree with the opinion? Why or why why not?

_____ (i) What point of view was the book written in? How would it have                               been different if it been written with a different point of view?

_____ (j) When you picked this book, what kind of book did you think it               would be? Why? Was it the type of book you thought it would               be? If not, did you like it anyway? Poetry Book Talk

Your Name: _________________________________ ___

Team: _____________             Date Completed: _______________

The title of my book is ___________________________________. It was written by ______________________________ and had ____________ pages. I chose this book because _______________________________________ Here is what the book was about:

____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________

If I were going to rate this book between one and ten, I would give it a(n) ___________.

When I talk with you about my book, I wouldn't mind talking with you about any of the three following questions:

____ (a) What poem was your favorite? Why?

____ (b) What poem was your least favorite? Why?

____ (c) Do any of these poems remind you of yourself or your life?                           Explain.

____ (d) What was the main theme of the poems in this book? How can             you tell this is the theme?

____ (e) Would you change any of the poems in any way? Why would you             change it?

____ (f) Do most of these poems rhyme or not? Why do you think the poet             decided to rhyme (or not rhyme)?

____ (g) Do any of the ideas, incidents, or actions in these poems remind             you of your own life, or something that has happened to you?             Explain.

____ (h) Do you feel that there is an opinion expressed by the author in             this book? What is it? Why do you think this is the opinion?  Do                            you agree with the opinion? Why or why why not?

____ (i) What point of view were the poems written in? How would it                          have been different if it been written from a different point of                          view?

____ (j) When you picked this book, what kind of book did you think it             would be? Why? Was it the type of book you thought it would             be? If not, did you like it anyway? Anthology Book Talk

Your Name: _________________________________ ___

Team: _____________             Date Completed: _______________

The title of my book is ___________________________________. It was written by ______________________________ and had ____________ pages. I chose this book because _______________________________________ Here is what the book was about:

____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________

If I were going to rate this book between one and ten, I would give it a(n) ___________.

When I talk with you about my book, I wouldn't mind talking with you about any of the three following questions:

____ (a) What story/essay was your favorite? Why?

____ (b) What story/essay was your least favorite? Why?

____ (c) Do any of these stories/essays remind you of yourself or your life?                          Explain.

____ (d) What was the main theme of the stories/essays in this book? How             can you tell this is the theme?

____ (e) Would you change any of the stories/essays in any way? Why             would you change it?

____ (f) Which character/person from which story/essay stands out the             most in your mind? Why?

____ (g) Do any of the ideas, incidents, or actions in these stories/essays             remind you of your own life, or something that has happened to             you? Explain.

____ (h) Do you feel that there is an opinion expressed by the author in             this book? What is it? Why do you think this is the opinion?  Do                           you agree with the opinion? Why or why not?

____ (i) What point of view were the stories/essays written in? How                          would ihey have been different if they been written from a             different point of view?

____ (j) When you picked this book, what kind of book did you think it             would be? Why? Was it the type of book you thought it would             be? If not, did you like it anyway?

Autobiography/Biography/Memoir Book Talk

Your Name: _________________________________ ___

Team: _____________             Date Completed: _______________

The title of my book is ___________________________________. It was written by ______________________________ and had ____________ pages. I chose this book because _______________________________________ Here is what the book was about:

___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________

If I were going to rate this book between one and ten, I would give it a(n) ___________.

When I talk with you about my book, I wouldn't mind talking with you about any of the three following questions:

_____ (a) What did you like best about the person you read about? Why?

_____ (b) What did you like least about the person you read about? Why?

_____ (c) Does this person remind you of yourself? Explain.

_____ (d) What was the most difficult moment for this person? What did                               he/she learn from it?

_____ (e) What was the best moment for this person? What did he/she               learn from it?

_____ (f) Which qualities does this person have that you want to develop               within yourself? How does this person demonstrate these               qualities? Why would you like to develop these qualities?

_____ (g) Do any of the ideas, incidents, or actions in this book remind you               of your own life, or something that has happened to you?               Explain.

_____ (h) Do you feel that there is an opinion expressed by the author in               this book? What is it? Why do you think this is the opinion?  Do                               you agree with the opinion? Why or why not?

_____ (i) What point of view was the book written in? How would it have                               been different if it been written with a different point of view?

_____ (j) When you picked this book, what kind of book did you think it               would be? Why? Was it the type of book you thought it would               be? If not, did you like it anyway?

Nonfiction Book Talk

Your Name: ____________________________________ Team: _____________             Date Completed: _______________

The title of my book is ___________________________________. It was written by ______________________________ and had ____________ pages. I chose this book because _______________________________________ Here is what the book was about:

____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________

If I were going to rate this book between one and ten, I would give it a(n) ___________.

When I talk with you about my book, I wouldn't mind talking with you about any of the three following questions:

_____ (a) What did youwant to find out when you chose this book? Did you               find out what you wanted? Why or why not?

_____ (b) Why were you interested in this topic in the first place? _____ (c) Are you interested in reading more about this topic? Why or                              why not?

_____ (d) What is the author's main point in this book? Why do you think               that is the main point?

_____ (e) Is the author of this book an expert? What makes the author an               expert on the subject? Is it important for the author to be an               expert? Why or why not?

_____ (f) When was this book written? Does that make a difference? Why               or why not?

_____ (g) What do you think is the most important passage in this book?               Why is it important?

_____ (h) Did this book change how you thought about this subject? If so,         how? Why?

_____ (j) When you picked this book, what kind of book did you think it               would be? Why? Was it the type of book you thought it would               be? If not, did you like it anyway?

Writing Response Book Reports

  Write at least one page on any of the following topics. Make absolutely sure you use examples from the book in your response. Remember, this is to show that you have read the book. If you don't convince me of that, you won't get credit.

How did the book change your way of thinking? Use this as a topic sentence: The book made me (any verb).

Defend this statement: This book should be read by anyone who hates reading. Defend this statement: This book should never be spoiled by a teacher requiring a book report.

Describe an experience you've had that was like the experience of one of your characters.

Explain why your book should be included in a capsule to be dug up in one hundred years.

Tell what you think happened to the main character after the book ended. And why.

Tell what you think happened before the book began. And why.

Pretend you are the author and explain why you chose the title of your book. Write a different ending for your book and explain why you changed it.

What problems did the main characters have and how did they solve them? Would you like to have the main character of this book as a friend? Why or why not?

Pretend you are the author and explain what part was the most fun to write and why.
