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Writing about Characters Using Comparison and Contrast: Composition Evaluation Form

I will evaluate your essay using the following criteria. Please have someone--me or a classmate--evaluate your first draft.

Grading Scale

10 points=all requirements met

) points=requirements not completely met

First/ Final Draft

_____ _____1. The essay follows one of two possible organizational methods--A or C on page 773 of your literature book. Make sure you have clearly stated your thesis and have written topic sentences which directly relate to the thesis.

_____ _____2. The essay adequately answers all questions posed in the assignment.

_____ _____3. The essay contains transitions appropriate for a comparison/contrast essay.

_____ _____4. The essay contains literary terminology concerning character. Use at least three of the following terms: direct characterization, indirect characterization, flat character, round character, static, dynamic.

_____ _____5. The essay contains sentences which follow patterns #31 and #32. Please place the pattern numbers next to the corresponding sentence.

_____ _____6. The essay contains three previously -learned sentence patterns. Please place the pattern number next to the corresponding sentence.

_____ _____7. The essay contains no more than two "be" verbs.

_____ _____8. The essay contains specific examples from the literature.

_____ _____9 & 10. The essay has been edited to correct grammar, spelling, fragments, run-ons, and punctuation errors. The essay is written in ink, indented, includes margins all around. No sentence begins with the word there.
