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Today's Assignment

Click on each link below. Read the directions. As you complete each quiz, click the file button and then the print button to print out your quiz results. Then hit your back button to return to this page and click on the next link. Recognizing Sentence Fragments

More Sentence Fragments

Commas with BOYSFAN words

Commas with Introductory Elements

Proofreading Practice

Comma Practice--Keep trying until you have at least 80% correct

English II students stop here. Grammar I students--complete the following:

Go to The Oath bulletin board by clicking here. Post ONE opinion question and answer three opinion questions posted by the other students. Then visit the link below.

English Games

Once there, you may click on any of the blue links to word games. Some of these games are a bit babyish--you may skip any that seem too simple. Many are your level though--they will be good practice. Play these games unitl class is over. Do not surf to any other web site. If you do, I will be forced to revoke your Internet permission.